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Sorry Theresa. Maybe I spoke rashly too.
I know where your coming from Teresa, if someone doesn’t believe in demonic posession, or takes the attitude " lets try it and see what happens" then they are playing with fire ( spiritual fire)
Some have tried ouji and other forms of contacts, for fun with horrible results.
This is definitely not me. Ouji words scare me beyong belife. I have a healthy respect for spirits. I doubt I could muster the courage to be an exoricist, even if I were a male capable of becoming a priest. I’d be afraid that they would be followong me for the rest of my life, and I have a sufficient amount of “earthly torments”
This was exactly my point.
Aye… I should have added:

Fr. Corapi speaks about exorcism playing a very important role in the daily liturgical life of the Church, and it also plays a central role in the baptismal ritual. That’s how I understood Teresa’s statement.
One time I was witness to a Baptism and the Paschal candle begn moving all around, like from side to side. I nudged my mother and see said I see. Ive seen great things from God and the Devil but the greater things always come from God.
Ah yes, the intriguing topic of exorcisim(s). What do you think of them? Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of one being preformed? Have you read the book by Fr. Gabriele Amorth titled An Exorcist Tells His Story? I’d just like some stories, this is something that has always intrested me.
Joseph…thanks for posting this informative poll.

In your research on this subject, have your read anything concerning the possible increased need for exorcism that relates to what the Pope sees as one of the current major concerns in the Church, that of the loss of the sense of personal sin in the world, especially sins of omission against God and neighbor?

Also, have you seen anything online from the Pope, concerning the most prominent signs of true possession?

Ah yes, the intriguing topic of exorcisim(s). What do you think of them? Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of one being preformed? Have you read the book by Fr. Gabriele Amorth titled An Exorcist Tells His Story? I’d just like some stories, this is something that has always intrested me.
I have not read that book. But 25 years ago, I read “Hostage to the Devil” by Malachi Martin about 5 documented cases of possession…a scary and powerful book. But I don’t regret reading it. It reinforced my belief in Catholic teaching on this subject.
I just thought some might like to know that the end of the Lords prayer , " deliver us from evil", when translated exactly reads, " deliver us from the evil one." Food for thought. Evil can be any bad thing. But our Lord teaches us to ask the Father to deliver us from Satan- the evil one.
Have a healthy respect for the devils, but don’t dwell on them,dwell on God etc. They can’t harm us if with we don’t invite them into our life. God has them on a tight leash. If they weren’t we’d all be mince meat.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
John Russell Jr:
I just thought some might like to know that the end of the Lords prayer , " deliver us from evil", when translated exactly reads, " deliver us from the evil one." Food for thought. Evil can be any bad thing. But our Lord teaches us to ask the Father to deliver us from Satan- the evil one.
Have a healthy respect for the devils, but don’t dwell on them,dwell on God etc. They can’t harm us if with we don’t invite them into our life. God has them on a tight leash. If they weren’t we’d all be mince meat.http://forums.catholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon14.gif
John…I heard that on EWTN a day or so ago. I don’t remember which priest said it, though.

The ‘Our Father’ truly is the perfect prayer.

Try to find the book Angels & Devils, sold by Tan Books. Much info about Satan there, recognition of, some of his documented ploys, etc. Most interesting and goes to confirm the reality of spiritual warfare going on all about us. Absolutely, exoicism is a needed tool. Like many very spiritual things though, it is misunderstood
… Absolutely, exoicism is a needed tool. Like many very spiritual things though, it is misunderstood
very true, kappydell.

If the devil can possess someone by manifesting the outward appearance of a mental illness, then how can a psychiatrist make the judgement of mental illness versus possession?
[1673](javascript:openWindow(‘cr/1673.htm’)😉 When the Church asks publicly and authoritatively in the name of Jesus Christ that a person or object be protected against the power of the Evil One and withdrawn from his dominion, it is called exorcism. Jesus performed exorcisms and from him the Church has received the power and office of exorcizing.178 In a simple form, exorcism is performed at the celebration of Baptism. The solemn exorcism, called “a major exorcism,” can be performed only by a priest and with the permission of the bishop. The priest must proceed with prudence, strictly observing the rules established by the Church. Exorcism is directed at the expulsion of demons or to the liberation from demonic possession through the spiritual authority which Jesus entrusted to his Church. Illness, especially psychological illness, is a very different matter; treating this is the concern of medical science. Therefore, before an exorcism is performed, it is important to ascertain that one is dealing with the presence of the Evil One, and not an illness.179
The first post by a nonCatholic. “Ah yes, the intriguing topic of exorcisim(s). What do you think of them? Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of one being preformed? Have you read the book by Fr. Gabriele Amorth titled An Exorcist Tells His Story? I’d just like some stories, this is something that has always intrested me.”

Stories of excorcisms are not by even spoken of by The Bishop. They are not in the news papers. One could occur in your town and you would not know it. Not even if the Excorsist was from out of state. It is not recreation.
Ah yes, the intriguing topic of exorcisim(s). What do you think of them? Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of one being preformed? Have you read the book by Fr. Gabriele Amorth titled An Exorcist Tells His Story? I’d just like some stories, this is something that has always intrested me.
Read Spritual Warfare by Fr. John H. Hampsch, CMF or
Evidence of Satan in the Modern World by Fr. Leon Christiani.
Read about Pope Leo the VIII and how Satan would enter the church in the 19 century. He wrote the short and long prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel. God told Satan he would allow him to enter the church. Tell me if the Gay ministry and the sex abuse scandel dont reflect that? Although the final message is even though Satan has entered the church, people still love God and people still goto church,
1 Maria:
Joseph…thanks for posting this informative poll.

In your research on this subject, have your read anything concerning the possible increased need for exorcism that relates to what the Pope sees as one of the current major concerns in the Church, that of the loss of the sense of personal sin in the world, especially sins of omission against God and neighbor?

Also, have you seen anything online from the Pope, concerning the most prominent signs of true possession?

Recently I was on a retreat here and our Bishop came and the subject of exorcisim came up. He had some very intresting things to say. From the stories others were telling it seems that the devil is quite busy. You don’t hear about a lot of the stuff that goes on because of the social/emotional ramifications on the one who was possesed.
We had a special pro-life Novena planned and when we all arrived, we discoverd that there was a mix-up in the Church’s schedule and a wedding was to be held at the same time. This has never, ever happened. Our parish priest got in touch with a priest that fills in for other priests and we all relocated to another church for the Novena. When we got there, the substitute priest told us that they found a Host (Holy Eucharist) on the floor of the Church.

That Novena was exceptionally beautiful that day.

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