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If a textbook was indispensable for other purposes, Feistein directed that those pages containing references to evolution be torn out and discarded.
So, the Rabbi is saying that those pages should be “Expelled”. Hmmm. Now what was that film complaining about?

So, the Rabbi is saying that those pages should be “Expelled”. Hmmm. Now what was that film complaining about?

I know that mainstream Jews don’t believe in Genesis as a literal history of the world. Glad to know that all reactionary subsets of the three main religions ALL do agree that science is a joke and that the bible is a history book. Islam,Christianity and Judaism all agree in their fundamentalist sections that creationism is the key. Hey perhaps we can work out a peace plan based on that agreement. Or perchance does it make some just a tiny bit unconfortable to know that they have so much in common with Islam?
I know that mainstream Jews don’t believe in Genesis as a literal history of the world. Glad to know that all reactionary subsets of the three main religions ALL do agree that science is a joke and that the bible is a history book. Islam,Christianity and Judaism all agree in their fundamentalist sections that creationism is the key. Hey perhaps we can work out a peace plan based on that agreement. Or perchance does it make some just a tiny bit unconfortable to know that they have so much in common with Islam?
I usually use “Abrahamic Religions” the describe Judaism, Christianity and Islam collectivly. “Dharmic Religions” covers Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.

Your faith should not be based upon cinema. It should not be swayed because someone was rude to you in church, or that the others in the congregation are not into mass, just getting it over with. It is an individual thing, it’s entirely between you and God and if watching a movie is enough to get you to question his very existance, there clearly wasn’t much there in the first place. You are in a sense going through the motions, saying what you want to feel, but feeling something entirely different, you are not being true to yourself.

I found it’s easier to think as a child in these matters, to rely upon the church and his word over myself or other individuals. We have alot of really screwed up people in this world, many of them claim to be part of a religion and even worse, fool themselves into thinking they have the spiritual keys. When we rely upon our own understandings and feelings and do so exclusively, we have turned away from God, opting to go the direction “we” feel is best, when it’s clear, what “we” decided in the past didn’t work out so well, did it? Why repeat the mistake? How many times must we learn this same lesson.

I haven’t seen the movie, just the trailor online, it seemed to me that it was discussing the closed mindedness of the modern day scientific community. I’m still a die hard creationist, I look to the theories as being just that, theories and the holes are filled with speculation more then anything based upon fact. Science is only a tool, and often it gets misused and is given an exaulted status. It is created by man, so is always going to be limited, the created cannot go beyond the creator, both in it’s understanding of creation and the application behind it all. A farmer will use his tools to till the soil and plant the seed, he cannot ever create the seed itself from base elements, he can only use the tools he has on hand to help it grow. All of the instructions have been layed out from the beginning, we are only observing what God has put in place and we can only form opinions at best as to why and what is going on because our thinking is mortal, thus quite limited, his is infinate.
Sorry, I can’t understand what you’re saying except perhaps you think that “reality” is another word for “science”
Science is a way of learning about the reality of the physical universe.

Barbarian observes:
I can’t think of any claims of orthodox Judaisim that are inconsistent with anything in science. But then I’m not all that familiar with it. Which ones do you think are inconsistent with science?
That, apparently, hasn’t prevented you from making sweeping conclusions about “religion” and how it reflects “reality”.
Conservative Judaism is not the sum of religion. However, there is this fact for you:

By the early to mid 1900s, the majority of Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism came to accept the existence of evolution as a scientific fact. They interpreted Genesis and related Jewish teachings in light of this fact.

So, it turns out you were um, wrong. That, apparently, hasn’t prevented you from making sweeping conclusions about “religion” and how it reflects “reality.”
The teaching on how God created the world and human life as found in Genesis, as one of many. Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, for example, ruled that the reading of an evolutionary textbook is unequivocally forbidden, because belief in evolutionary history is tantamount to heresy. If a textbook was indispensable for other purposes, Feistein directed that those pages containing references to evolution be torn out and discarded.
If so, Moshe is trying to lead his people out of conservative judaism, not Egypt. 😉

Oh, and Orthodox Judaism?

**Prominent Orthodox rabbis who affirm that the world is older, and that life has evolved over time, include Aryeh Kaplan, Israel Lipschitz, Sholom Mordechai Schwadron (the MaHaRSHaM), Zvi Hirsch Chajes. To be sure, these rabbis do not accept the views of atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, who hold that evolution has no room at all for God. Rather, each rabbi taking this position proposes their own understanding of theistic evolution, in which the world is older, and that life does evolve over time in accord with natural law, yet also holding that God has a role in this process.

One of the most prominent writers on this subject in the Orthodox Jewish community is Gerald Schroeder, an Israeli physicist. He has written a number of articles and popular books attempting to reconcile Jewish theology with modern scientific findings that the world is billions of years old and that life has evolved over time. (Genesis and the Big Bang: The Discovery of Harmony Between Modern Science and the Bible) His work has received approbations from a number of Orthodox rabbinic authorities.**
(same source; Jewish Virtual Library)

We are all ignorant of some things; the key is to find out, if you want to talk about them. And now you know. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a Jewish Pope, and if there is, it isn’t Moshe.
Conservative Judaism is not the sum of religion.
Interesting to read opinions about Judiasm from a guy who admitted that he doesn’t know much about it.

Actually, it’s not that interesting.

If anyone else on this thread can explain what Barbarian is talking about I’d enjoy seeing that. Otherwise, I’ll accept that it’s not worth spending any time on it.
There is a conflict between Darwinism and Hindu belief also:

**Evolution in classical Indian thought (and this includes Buddhism) is diametrically opposed to Darwin’s theory of evolution (TOE). **While Darwin spoke of the ascent of man from lesser life forms, our rishis spoke of the descent of God. I call this the theory of descent and decline (TODD). Our scriptures declare that the Divine descends into the world, and first becomes man, purusha. Humankind is the highest biological form not because he slowly crept up the ladder to that jealous place, but because God willed to become him first. The urge to manifest gradually moves down and down through the tattvas and the lower forms of life. Then, that same One moves up and up through the process of transmigration, finally transcending the need for a physical birth on this plane.
For anyone who wants to follow Barbarian’s method of response I’ll mention that there is no point in saying that “some Hindus, some Jews, some Christians … accept evolution”.

The point here is that science is in conflict with religion – depending on one’s theological standpoint.

Certainly, science is in conflict with Catholicism in the matter of embroyonic stem-cell research, artificial insemination, human cloning, artificial birth control, transexual surgery, scientific development of abortion procedures … and many other “mainstream” scientific practices and research programs.
Glad to know that all reactionary subsets of the three main religions ALL do agree that science is a joke and that the bible is a history book. Islam,Christianity and Judaism all agree in their fundamentalist sections that creationism is the key. Hey perhaps we can work out a peace plan based on that agreement. Or perchance does it make some just a tiny bit unconfortable to know that they have so much in common with Islam?
I’ll take careful notes here. One of the voices of liberal Catholicism here on CAF spreading Islamophobia and a classic us-vs-them theology – with no room for ecumenical understanding (and she employs outright ridicule of religious viewpoints that she doesn’t agree with).

Actually, I didn’t learn much from that because it only affirmed what I already knew about such types. Their talk of tolerance, understanding and peace is even more of a joke than Darwinism itself.

It’s been that way for a long time. “We embrace a diversity of religious views – as long as you agree with us.”
For anyone who wants to follow Barbarian’s method of response I’ll mention that there is no point in saying that “some Hindus, some Jews, some Christians … accept evolution”.
Actually, that is “most Jews, most Christians.” And it’s worth saying.
The point here is that science is in conflict with religion –
Not for a Catholic who accepts the teaching of his Church. “Truth cannot contradict truth.” Not everyone here accepts the Church’s teachings, of course.
Certainly, science is in conflict with Catholicism in the matter of embroyonic stem-cell research, artificial insemination, human cloning, artificial birth control, transexual surgery, scientific development of abortion procedures … and many other “mainstream” scientific practices and research programs.
No. What is true, is not a matter of values. Transsexual surgery, for example, merely uses what science has discovered, in a way that conflicts with Catholic teaching. The conflict is not with the science, but rather with what doctors do with the things science has discovered.
Actually, that is “most Jews, most Christians.” And it’s worth saying.

I can’t speak for the Jews, but keeping into the context of both the Catholics and the protestant denominations, my observations have shown that not most believe in evolution at all. This is why there always conflict between both sides when ever this discussion arrises.

Along the transgender elements, what would be the purpose to develop a science that makes this process allowable. Not everything that can be done in science, should be. Once you cross that line, you are opening pandora’s box and are now responsible for what happens as a result of it. I guess since the majority of the scientific community are athiests, they do not dwell on these matters at all.
Here’s the story.

I was baptized Catholic. Raised Episcopalian by devout parents (not devout Episcopalians but devout believers in Christ)I researched pretty much every religious organization. Some of the more colorful ones being Mormonism, Pentocostalism, and Eastern Asian Mysticism. Considered myself Agnoistic for spirts of time here and there. I finally accecpted Christ fully and reaserched Christanity in depth (coming to realize that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus). I started looking into first Communion and Confirmation. I have been going to Mass for about six months

Then the crux of my story, I went to Mass last Sunday. This realtivly new Eastern European (Latin Rite) priest ad-libbed most of the prayers and delievered a poor broken homily. The cantor was utterly terriable and off-tune whilst trying to lead the unintrested congregation in 1970’s spirituals, the altar GIRLS couldn’t even stand still at the altar, the people pushed and shoved each other to take communion, and the ushers were rude as anything.

Leaving the church (a bit annoyed but still faithful) I went to the theater with a friend’s Methodist youth group. They were going to see Ben Stein’s new documentary “Expelled”. I went into the theater a faithful Catholic perhaps considering a monastic life, I left the theater troubled.

I started reading more in depth on Darwin and Natural Selection. We had been learning Evolution in biology class and I had been questioning Creation. For the past week I have been a wreck. I seem agnoistic now, but still clinging to religion. Perhaps I was just a week fool to but into the scam of religion. Is there a God? DAWKINS SEEMS RIGHT, SCIENCE SEEMS RIGHT, THE FOSSIL RECORD SEEMS RIGHT, DARWIN SEEMS RIGHT.



Ask the Scientists to answer two simple questions:

How did matter spring from nothing?
How did life spring from non-life?

They can’t answer these questions although the answers have been evident to most of us from an early age.
No. What is true, is not a matter of values. Transsexual surgery, for example …
It’s an interesting example to choose among those I offered. Perhaps you just picked one at random since your point is that none of the science I presented conflicts with the Catholic faith.

But for the sake of helping me understand more about this topic, could you take the other examples I offered and explain how the science does not conflict with Catholicism?
embyronic stem-cell research, artificial insemination, human cloning, artificial birth control … scientific development of abortion procedures
For example, with stem cell research, scientists use cells from aborted children. The “truths” of science are obtained through immoral means. In other words, the Holy See has condemned this scientific research as incompatible with the Catholic religion. That is the science itself, not even the application of it, but just the research.
The Vatican again urged a ban on all forms of human cloning and warned that some embryonic cell research could end up “instrumentalizing women.”
In a speech to a U.N. panel, the Vatican nevertheless appealing to the world community for research with adult stem cells that poses no ethical problems.
We could look at the scientific research done on artificial insemination – the science itself required the commission of a mortal sins (to obtain the sperm).

Scientific efforts that are designed to create abortion procedures and techniques conflict with the Catholic Faith – and no Catholic scientists can participate in such activities.

Certainly, the scientific experiments done on human beings without their consent (as in the Tuskegee Study) are immoral and in a conflict with Catholic teaching.

Experiments with human cloning are immoral.

The ends (in your words “truth”) do not justify the means. Science is often in conflict with the Catholic faith, as the Holy See has warned.

Of course science can be in conflict with the Catholic faith – Pope Paul VI made that clear.

It is certainly not necessary to remind you, Gentlemen, that the spectre of most terrible calamities, capable of overwhelming and razing the whole inhabited earth, rises in fact from the most advanced laboratories of modem physical science? Can We remain silent before such prospects? No matter how great is the responsibility of politicians in this regard, yet the full responsibility of men of science also remains. For this reason, We shall never cease to pray and implore, as you now provide Us with a most propitious occasion to do. May necessary renunciations be made with courage! Let every measure be taken and every obligation assumed, in order to prevent and avert the manufacture and use of nuclear arms, of bacteriological warfare, of every other means deriving from scientific progress the diabolic power of inflicting upon entire nations, even those uninvolved in possible conflicts, the scourge of horrible devastation! May mankind return to its senses! May men find in themselves, in their leaders, their teachers, the strength and the wisdom to forswear the evil use of destructive science! May they rather seek from science the secret of doing good to themselves!
I guess since the majority of the scientific community are athiests, they do not dwell on these matters at all.
Agreed. I would also say that the Catholics who uncritically defend Darwinism (as we see often here on CAF) don’t dwell on these matters either – given how easy it is to refute the ridiculous claim that “there is no conflict between science and religion”.

In fact, we saw a “Catholic theologian” here who claims to specialize in science ask how it was possible that there could be any conflict between religion and science. :confused: :rolleyes:
Here’s the story.

I was baptized Catholic. Raised Episcopalian by devout parents (not devout Episcopalians but devout believers in Christ)I researched pretty much every religious organization. Some of the more colorful ones being Mormonism, Pentocostalism, and Eastern Asian Mysticism. Considered myself Agnoistic for spirts of time here and there. I finally accecpted Christ fully and reaserched Christanity in depth (coming to realize that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus). I started looking into first Communion and Confirmation. I have been going to Mass for about six months

Then the crux of my story, I went to Mass last Sunday. This realtivly new Eastern European (Latin Rite) priest ad-libbed most of the prayers and delievered a poor broken homily. The cantor was utterly terriable and off-tune whilst trying to lead the unintrested congregation in 1970’s spirituals, the altar GIRLS couldn’t even stand still at the altar, the people pushed and shoved each other to take communion, and the ushers were rude as anything.

Leaving the church (a bit annoyed but still faithful) I went to the theater with a friend’s Methodist youth group. They were going to see Ben Stein’s new documentary “Expelled”. I went into the theater a faithful Catholic perhaps considering a monastic life, I left the theater troubled.

I started reading more in depth on Darwin and Natural Selection. We had been learning Evolution in biology class and I had been questioning Creation. For the past week I have been a wreck. I seem agnoistic now, but still clinging to religion. Perhaps I was just a week fool to but into the scam of religion. Is there a God? DAWKINS SEEMS RIGHT, SCIENCE SEEMS RIGHT, THE FOSSIL RECORD SEEMS RIGHT, DARWIN SEEMS RIGHT.



Clearly you have encountered Wormwood. Read C.S. Lewis Screwtape letters.
Originally Posted by The Barbarian
No. What is true, is not a matter of values. Transsexual surgery, for example merely uses what science has discovered, in a way that conflicts with Catholic teaching. The conflict is not with the science, but rather with what doctors do with the things science has discovered.
It’s an interesting example to choose among those I offered.
I was wondering why you picked that one. Interesting, indeed.
Perhaps you just picked one at random since your point is that none of the science I presented conflicts with the Catholic faith.
I would, of course, be willing to listen to your point about how it does. But you didn’t offer us any reasons to believe you.
But for the sake of helping me understand more about this topic, could you take the other examples I offered and explain how the science does not conflict with Catholicism?
Sure. Let’s take artificial insemination. Science learned that humans reproduce when two haploid sex cells combine to form a single, diploid cell, from which a new individual forms. However, people had figured out that the insertion of semen into the vagina caused pregnancy, well before science explained. As before, the science isn’t the problem, it’s the use it was put to. In fact, I suspect someone had done this long before any of the science was worked out.
embyronic stem-cell research,
In fact, the science was worked out a long time before, on animals. Again, the use to which it has been put is the problem, not science.

Humans have almost certainly not been cloned; the large number of attempts it takes to get one successful cloning of a mammal probably means it hasn’t yet been done. If it has, the knowledge isn’t the problem; it’s the misuse of the knowledge.
Artificial birth control …
Ironically, birth control pills were first used to regulate severe menstrual problems. Again… misuse. A form of IUD was used by Arabs in the middle ages for livestock.
scientific development of abortion procedures
They haven’t changed since long before modern science. Ovid wrote about them, and pretty much the same thing.

I agree with the Pope, who says it’s not the science of stem cell research, but rather the use of embyros.
The ends (in your words “truth”) do not justify the means.
True. So, you agree, it’s not the science, but the uses to which it is put.
Science is often in conflict with the Catholic faith, as the Holy See has warned.
Not science. As the Pope said, truth cannot contradict truth. But it can be abused, as can anything humans do, including religion.
Ask the Scientists to answer two simple questions:
How did matter spring from nothing?
It didn’t. It condensed out of the energy very early, after the decoupling of the four forces. If you want to go where science can’t, ask them how the universe originated. That one is the province of religion, not science. Don’t be surprised if they tell you that God did it. You see, science can’t go there, but scientists can.
How did life spring from non-life?
Turns out all the evidence indicates it happened as God said; the earth brought forth living things.
They can’t answer these questions
Surprise. 😃

Any other questions?
There is a conflict between Darwinism and Hindu belief also:
There may well be, but the Hindu author you quoted should not have included Buddhism. Buddhism has no concept of a creator God. The Buddha explicitly said that the question of the origin of the universe was not a religious question:[The Buddha said:] “The religious life, Malunkyaputta, does not depend on the dogma that the universe is eternal, nor does it depend on the dogma that the universe is not eternal etc. [many dogmas omitted here] Whatever dogma obtains there is still birth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, misery, grief and despair, of which I declare the extinction in the present life.”

Cula-Malunkyovada sutta, Majjhima Nikaya 63
There is no conflict between Buddhism and evolution.

Ask the Scientists to answer two simple questions:
How did matter spring from nothing?
It didn’t. Haven’t you heard of Einstein’s equation E = mc[sup]2[/sup]? Matter arises from energy, it condensed out of the energy of the Big Bang a few minutes after the start of the universe.
How did life spring from non-life?
The short answer is chemistry. We do not have full details because the problem is still being worked on. Google for “abiogenesis”, “RNA world” and “Miller-Urey experiment” to see something of what we do have.
They can’t answer these questions although the answers have been evident to most of us from an early age.
Creationists have no answer at all to the question of the origin of life. The “evident” answer you are probably thinking of is not correct; read Psalm 42:2 carefully and you will see why. Creationism has even less explanation for the origin of life than science does. Science has part of an answer; creationism has nothing at all.

It didn’t. Haven’t you heard of Einstein’s equation E = mc[sup]2[/sup]? Matter arises from energy, it condensed out of the energy of the Big Bang a few minutes after the start of the universe.
And the energy came from where? Are Scientists able to duplicate this in laboratories?
The short answer is chemistry. We do not have full details because the problem is still being worked on. Google for “abiogenesis”, “RNA world” and “Miller-Urey experiment” to see something of what we do have.
And we can find evidence that science has created life from non-life where? Is there evidence that this unknown, no verifiable process continues in nature today? If not why not? Or do we just have to take you word for it (faith?)
creationists have no answer at all to the question of the origin of life. The “evident” answer you are probably thinking of is not correct; read Psalm 42:2 carefully and you will see why. Creationism has even less explanation for the origin
of life than science does. Science has part of an answer; creationism has nothing at all.
The obvious answer to both questions is "God’ The only answer science has is “we’ll figure it someday, meanwhile the great unwashed just have to take our word for it.”
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