Science has never resurrected anyone who was dead for three days as Jesus did with Lazarus and he resurrected himself after three days. Also Peter brought a little girl back to life (see Acts).Here’s the story.
I was baptized Catholic. Raised Episcopalian by devout parents (not devout Episcopalians but devout believers in Christ)I researched pretty much every religious organization. Some of the more colorful ones being Mormonism, Pentocostalism, and Eastern Asian Mysticism. Considered myself Agnoistic for spirts of time here and there. I finally accecpted Christ fully and reaserched Christanity in depth (coming to realize that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus). I started looking into first Communion and Confirmation. I have been going to Mass for about six months
Then the crux of my story, I went to Mass last Sunday. This realtivly new Eastern European (Latin Rite) priest ad-libbed most of the prayers and delievered a poor broken homily. The cantor was utterly terriable and off-tune whilst trying to lead the unintrested congregation in 1970’s spirituals, the altar GIRLS couldn’t even stand still at the altar, the people pushed and shoved each other to take communion, and the ushers were rude as anything.
Leaving the church (a bit annoyed but still faithful) I went to the theater with a friend’s Methodist youth group. They were going to see Ben Stein’s new documentary “Expelled”. I went into the theater a faithful Catholic perhaps considering a monastic life, I left the theater troubled.
I started reading more in depth on Darwin and Natural Selection. We had been learning Evolution in biology class and I had been questioning Creation. For the past week I have been a wreck. I seem agnoistic now, but still clinging to religion. Perhaps I was just a week fool to but into the scam of religion. Is there a God? DAWKINS SEEMS RIGHT, SCIENCE SEEMS RIGHT, THE FOSSIL RECORD SEEMS RIGHT, DARWIN SEEMS RIGHT.
Faith is now science. Science is now studying faith as a fact and meaningful concept in healing. Faith does not wait on science. Science is mystifyed and confused by faith.
“Your faith has healed you.” is a statement made by Jesus many times in the gospels. How many people have been healed by their faith alone after all medicene and psychiatry has failed.
Miracles are things that happen in conflict with earthly science. Miracles happen everyday and all around us. Just open your eyes and you will see them happening all around you everyday, all day, and throughout the years.
Pray that God will reveal miracles to you. If you have doubt, email me personally and I will give you my personal testimony. Also testimony of many others.
St. Francis saw miracles everywhere he looked.
Pray that God will open you eyes. Faith is a gift, not something discovered or found after much study. You have to pray and ask for it and it is freely given.