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Here’s the story.

I was baptized Catholic. Raised Episcopalian by devout parents (not devout Episcopalians but devout believers in Christ)I researched pretty much every religious organization. Some of the more colorful ones being Mormonism, Pentocostalism, and Eastern Asian Mysticism. Considered myself Agnoistic for spirts of time here and there. I finally accecpted Christ fully and reaserched Christanity in depth (coming to realize that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus). I started looking into first Communion and Confirmation. I have been going to Mass for about six months

Then the crux of my story, I went to Mass last Sunday. This realtivly new Eastern European (Latin Rite) priest ad-libbed most of the prayers and delievered a poor broken homily. The cantor was utterly terriable and off-tune whilst trying to lead the unintrested congregation in 1970’s spirituals, the altar GIRLS couldn’t even stand still at the altar, the people pushed and shoved each other to take communion, and the ushers were rude as anything.

Leaving the church (a bit annoyed but still faithful) I went to the theater with a friend’s Methodist youth group. They were going to see Ben Stein’s new documentary “Expelled”. I went into the theater a faithful Catholic perhaps considering a monastic life, I left the theater troubled.

I started reading more in depth on Darwin and Natural Selection. We had been learning Evolution in biology class and I had been questioning Creation. For the past week I have been a wreck. I seem agnoistic now, but still clinging to religion. Perhaps I was just a week fool to but into the scam of religion. Is there a God? DAWKINS SEEMS RIGHT, SCIENCE SEEMS RIGHT, THE FOSSIL RECORD SEEMS RIGHT, DARWIN SEEMS RIGHT.



Science has never resurrected anyone who was dead for three days as Jesus did with Lazarus and he resurrected himself after three days. Also Peter brought a little girl back to life (see Acts).

Faith is now science. Science is now studying faith as a fact and meaningful concept in healing. Faith does not wait on science. Science is mystifyed and confused by faith.
“Your faith has healed you.” is a statement made by Jesus many times in the gospels. How many people have been healed by their faith alone after all medicene and psychiatry has failed.

Miracles are things that happen in conflict with earthly science. Miracles happen everyday and all around us. Just open your eyes and you will see them happening all around you everyday, all day, and throughout the years.
Pray that God will reveal miracles to you. If you have doubt, email me personally and I will give you my personal testimony. Also testimony of many others.
St. Francis saw miracles everywhere he looked.
Pray that God will open you eyes. Faith is a gift, not something discovered or found after much study. You have to pray and ask for it and it is freely given.
I started reading more in depth on Darwin and Natural Selection. We had been learning Evolution in biology class and I had been questioning Creation. For the past week I have been a wreck. I seem agnoistic now, but still clinging to religion. Perhaps I was just a week fool to but into the scam of religion. Is there a God? DAWKINS SEEMS RIGHT, SCIENCE SEEMS RIGHT, THE FOSSIL RECORD SEEMS RIGHT, DARWIN SEEMS RIGHT.



After reading many posts on Catholic Answers, in particular, those written by atheists promoting a God is dead ideology and scientific method as the “way” to truth, it seems to me that something critical is missing in science that rules it out as the supreme arbiter of truth.

Think of the indomitable element in the human spirit, the part of humanity that doesn’t give up in the face of impossible odds: the spirit of courage and compassion, the spirit of loyalty and trust, hope and love, the spirit of faith in the ultimate meaning of life, of existence and the deepest, most noble core in the heart of man.

The part of the human spirit that refuses to give up running a marathon, or refuses to betray a friend, or continues to love a child or spouse despite betrayal – a spirit that faces life’s most challenging moments or ethical dilemmas with grace and perseverance – has immeasurably more to add to humanity than scientific pursuit, no matter how successful, can ever contribute.

The scientific method has little contribution to make to courage, grace or compassion. Neither can it inspire humanity to spiritual or moral growth. Science is like the bystander that looks on, takes notes and uses what it discovers to predict or manipulate, but all the while cannot make qualitative judgements or inspire to action. Human will needs more than mere observational data to aspire to greatness of spirit.

If human meaning is founded upon mere scientific observation and nothing more, then humanity has lost its purpose and potential for transcendence. Merely becoming more technologically proficient, competent at calculation, adept at manipulation or successful in surviving does not fulfill the deepest longings, hopes and aspirations in the human spirit. A mystical, inspirational and impassioned core in the heart of mankind will always be there.

Atheist scientists like Dawkins realize full well this mystical, eternal and unassailable element of humanity is beyond the scope of science to quantify and manipulate. That is why they have resorted to dismissing God’s existence. To deny what cannot be manipulated or controlled is the only option left to these priests of science who want to promote their own power through the power and authority of science.

God continues to be found in the deepest heart of the human spirit, where blissful hope, undaunted faith in love and goodness, and an enduring vision of truth survive.
Miracles are things that happen in conflict with earthly science.
Not necessarily; I’ve witnessed at least one miracle which – though it has a perfectly naturalistic explanation – changed a friend’s life forever.

After reading many posts on Catholic Answers, in particular, those written by atheists promoting a God is dead ideology and scientific method as the “way” to truth, it seems to me that something critical is missing in science that rules it out as the supreme arbiter of truth.
If you think this is what science in general or Darwinism in particular says, you are hopelessly lost.

Come and see. It’s not the way they told you it is.
And I believe it was St. Augustine who remarked that we are astounded by a miraculous healing, but not impressed at all by the miracle of a birth. Nature is itself a miracle, which science can study to learn how it works, but cannot ultimately explain.

Science can’t explain miracles. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
If you think this is what science in general or Darwinism in particular says, you are hopelessly lost.
I have no doubt this is not what science, in itself has any right to claim, but many atheist materialists do claim that science is sufficient to explaining all there is to know – at least that it has the capacity and methodology to do so given enough time.
Come and see. It’s not the way they told you it is.

Nature is itself a miracle, which science can study to learn how it works, but cannot ultimately explain.
I am not certain what you mean here. My point was that atheist promoters of science make the erroneous claim that science can entirely explain everything. I have no such naive view. I do indeed believe science can contribute to human understanding, but it is definitely not sufficient to provide full meaning.
Also noteworthy is the fact that key public defenders of Darwin involved in the Dover trial who were featured in PBS’s “Judgment Day: Intelligent Design on Trial” documentary have strong ties to secular humanist groups. For example, Eugenie Scott is Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education. She is also a public signer of the Third Humanist Manifesto, an aggressive statement of the humanist agenda to create a world with “without supernaturalism” based upon the view that “[h]umans are… the result of unguided evolutionary change” and the universe is “self-existing.”5 Similarly, Dover plaintiffs’ expert Barbara Forrest, also featured in the PBS show, is a long time board member of the New Orleans Secular Humanist Association.

Indeed, PBS-NOVA’s star theistic evolutionary biologist Ken Miller has claimed in five editions of his textbooks that evolution works “without either plan or purpose” and is “random and undirected.”7 Two additional editions of Miller’s textbooks state: “Darwin knew that accepting his theory required believing in philosophical materialism, the conviction that matter is the stuff of all existence and that all mental and spiritual phenomena are its by-products.”8 Harvard paleontologist and author Richard Lewontin explains how this materialism is an overriding assumption propping Darwinian thought:

"[W]e have a prior commitment … to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to … produce material explanations… [T]hat materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door."9

Finally, leading Darwinian philosopher of science Michael Ruse admits that “for many evolutionists, evolution has functioned … akin to being a secular religion” whose main doctrine is “a commitment to a kind of naturalism.” Is it possible that there is more propping up the support of Darwinism than the mere empirical evidence?
Indeed, PBS-NOVA’s star theistic evolutionary biologist Ken Miller has claimed in five editions of his textbooks that evolution works “without either plan or purpose” and is “random and undirected.
That’s not quite the truth, is it, Reggie?

Shame on you.
There is no empirical evidence for macroevolution. The age of bones makes the age of the Earth more difficult but audiosancto.org has a sermon on the Big Bang. Since he disagrees with the status quo understanding of our origins from scientists testing and retesting beating a dead horse, like macroevolution, with tools probably too primitive to truly study the “evidence” (noone really seems to say anything about the reliability of the instrumentation), he must be wrong, even though he was trained as a scientist. He also has sermons about macroevolution (these “science” channels seem to always make creationists out to be against evolution and preachers, I admit, talk about evolution as evilution, when creationists are really just against macroevolution).

Back to evolution: we do have empirical evidence that statues can weep water or blood (that is, if there are more than the dubious Naju statue weeping blood) and science has played its God-intended role in proving it not a trick. Science helps us understand how God made things and so does Genesis. There can be no conflict, but no false compromises either. In any case, Genesis is a dogmatic book so I take its word over man coming from any other set of circumstances not empirically seen to have come out of the dead horse they keep kicking.

The religious iconography seems to hint at either they are insecure in “big science” about their macroevolution or they think we are gullible, whether we believe in their theories or not. The people coming from alien seed, which would get a more favorable reception on PBS, should be especially insulting.

Creation may never be proven and, like our souls and the transubstantiation (for which we have “evidence” which cannot be understood by science any more than weeping statues), may ever only require Faith. Since those things are untestable and unreliable, then its “Sorry Jesus, you are the weakest link. Goodbye”. That is the dilemma theistic evolutionists cannot or will not address. We do have undeniable physical (I believe, conclusive) evidence for transubstantiation, whereas I am still waiting to see one species turn into another. If I believed in abortions being ok as not being the murder of a human being, maybe the fetus becoming human in one second as it comes out of the mother could be instant macroevolution. Science says the fetus is a human being. I’m still waiting. Catholicism has empirical evidence of the consecrated host by a valid priest being Jesus (it has happened before hundreds at a documented Mass of a priest who stopped believing. When will the Church of Science have their dogmatic miracle even show itself? All it has is evidence for–something. The Church has not changed its understanding of Genesis based on this “theory”. Being that Genesis is protected truth and the Church has not said that hasn’t happened and we have not seen a species change, the way I see it, it’s the Bible 1: big science 0.

Creation may never be proven, though. Maybe creation happened in 6 seconds. Noone ever thought of that. Still, macro-evolution has had the rug pulled out from under it and a conflict of interest is evident.

I do make one confession, though. I saw a site that Einstein saw believers as superstitious or something. I think his “religion” was more like ordered organization, which must be interdependent with science, which is not an organized body, but a tool. I stand corrected on using his words as his supporting organized religion.
“Creationism may never be proven”. I mean. A type-o as I was trying to remember all I wanted to say.
It could be bias, but it could be they just have unreliable instruments for what could be possibly understood with better instruments. There probably are scientists actually open-minded and curious and doing the best they can but we should all realize that scientific understanding can get major overhauls that call much commonly understood info. into question and they can happen with new instruments. New instruments can potentially reveal age-old truths that the ancients understood, but was laughed off as outdated. Some convicts have been proven innocent by new science. Who’s to say we can know everything scientifically now and make it dogma? Thus, noone should be laughed off because they have a different understanding as science can never be totally sure of anything itself.

Not everything laughed off has a dogmatic work like Genesis, though. That makes the 6 day creation more reliable than macroevolution, which has yet to show us one of one species becoming another. To question the Bible’s literal truth, you need more than just “it could happen”, though that is even questionable. Thus, the burden of proving one creature became another–esp. a human–is on science and they have not proven anything except that possibly something happened because of “evidence”. Both lawyers and their experts can look at evidence and say what probably happen and a judge, who may not be a scientist, has to make a judgment partly based on a scientific finding (any complaints from “big science” on that one?). “we have evidence” is not good enough to declare macroevolution as truth for schoolchildren and novice scientists. The Church doesn’t make its people believe in Marian apparitions, as they are outside dogma and cannot be proven, and neither should those in charge of museums and schools require us to believe in evolution (though reliability can lead to a dogma, but that has to be true or it cannot be declared as Pope Sixtus V, a good pope, died before signing a document that was intended as dogma, but had a mistake). It probably has not everything to fully understand the mysteries that are the substance of the dogmas but, as gravity is observed, so too are dogmas totally obvious as they are declared infallibly.

Our Church misses a great chance at ecumenical relations with fundamentalist protestants unnecessarily by being so interested in this pseudo-science of those who want to undo Catholic influence in society as well as the influence of other Protestants who stand in their way. It’s really more theoretical science than real science as real science is just a tool and not a governing body. Like lawyers, anyone can come up with stories based on the evidence. Since it deals with what God made and it has a connection with organized religion in its trying to understand how Earth, the creatures upon it, and the universe work, the Pope is the rightful judge of “the evidence”. I think it only reasonable to side with the Bible’s literal account unless its literal understanding can be proven only symbolic.

Besides, the truth about how we came to be, on a scientific level, is only really important to adults who asked those questions as kids and those who want to be able to call all things that we can’t wrap our minds around (somehow, some think we can figure everything out with our minds as they are and yet, they believe we can evolve further), fairy tales. “Expelled” is meant to make clear the conflict of interest not apparently shouted loudly enough for the average Joe. The average Joe sees the movers and shakers of “big science” as the high priests of reason and it tickles their ears that God and the Bible, as well as the Church, might be overturned and so they can now indulge. “God is dead”, they are told by those who “big science” needed to lose faith so that they could be less resistant. Even religion had people in high places in religious schools making “love and do what you will” meaning, do some nice stuff with NGOs and then do what you feel like. For these reasons, “Expelled” probably won’t change things as truth is not the point, even if there are neutral, consciously, scientists retesting “evidence”.

Some think the aliens will be shown as really existing (though likely demons in disguise as good angels appeared with wings to people in the Bible) and they will bring cures. This is what is given more favorable presentation on Discovery Channel kind of shows. Some of these movers and shakers probably worship pagan gods and maybe a “goddess (however Satan wants to reveal himself in minds)” may be the muse of environmentalists who believe in overpopulation and “useless eaters”. I’ve heard of this Bohemian Grove owl-worship. They may be symbols of ego-worship and not worshipped as the cult of Apollo, for example, was, but, as in the decline of the great civilization, even real worship can become using the deity as a tool for one’s ego.

Even ancient pagan philosophers in Europe and Asia (usually countries above the Equator) would not go for this lower-nature behavior made acceptable in these practically post-Christian modern, “open-minded (to what does not interfere with others or their pleasure-seeking or possibilities)” societies. “God is dead” or “charity as working with the poor and uninformed by any rules but that which the nation they are in makes” as well as macroevolution, are just preparations for making us into mere grazing sheeple who, informed by the Church (even scripture alone would get you closer to rational behavior than those sheeple who want to feel smart by listening to scientific “experts”), would be as wise as serpents, but as gentle as lambs. That is not what the movers and shakers (not ones in the proverbial dirt, though ones in the dirt learn what to look for as educated by the head people), the usurpers of judgment (though I’m sure there are some Nicodemuses and Josephuses amongst them who don’t want to make waves as easily as John the Babtist or Jesus) of what happened to make the universe, the Earth, the current animals and us people, want, though. Those who resist and know science are trouble for them. It’s like Gollum saying, “He knows! The fat one knows!” and so he must be tricky.

That is how I understand things. I could be wrong. I am melancholic, so I tend to think like this. I could be slanderous, but it’s not just religious people who this conspiracy concerns. There is a kind of well, reliability in the unreliability of big government, big medicine, big science, etc. They do get suspicious of big religion, but I think it’s cool that they do not seem to be inconsistent in their skepticism and so they are not “religious wackos” being bothered by all this. I wonder though, if it were the other way around, and the Northern Hemisphere were more conservative, would I be defending liberalism in defiance? I think it best not to have pretensions as they will be removed, like some say of the ozone one day, at our personal judgment. Maybe I am sheeple who finds better shepherds in the Church, despite the problems of many clerics, but I had fallen-away and it was the Church’s unman-made resistance to that which questions its dogmas, which convinced me God chose that one. These thoughts constantly get batted around in my head.
Ok, let’s try this glove on and see how it fits.

We’ll put away what has been drilled into our heads from early childhood and throughout our lives in regards to evolution and focus along the matter, that the creator has pre-programmed our DNA in accordance to his intellegent design and his plan.

We stop here, looking at genetic code not coming from a random sequence, to now an ordered one, one where there was an intellegence behind it from the beginning, an intellegence that trancends time itself, one that is brilliant enough to know what must be assembled from the beginning to accomodate the changing enviroment, both physically and spiritually.

We then can open our minds further on this matter, where we have reports of the vastly expanded life spans from the days of old, it’s all in our genetic make up to allow for those life spans to be reality today, we simply need to look into unlocking the code to accomodate that. We then look further into it to cure and prevent disease, again, it’s all in the genetic make up, all we have to do is become aware of it and learn how to unlock it’s secrets.

You see the direction I’m going here, it’s no longer about waiting for evolution to do it’s thing, it’s about knowing what was put in place from the beginning, this is a science that is ignored and we are missing out on so much good stuff here! The potential is so vast, so much good can come of this if we finally allow for more open thinking in the scientific community, it should also be weighed out with reason and concience, this means the athiests have no place here, for their judgements have no moral base at all since in their minds, there is nothing to hold them accountable.
Ok, let’s try this glove on and see how it fits.

We’ll put away what has been drilled into our heads from early childhood and throughout our lives in regards to evolution and focus along the matter, that the creator has pre-programmed our DNA in accordance to his intellegent design and his plan.

We stop here, looking at genetic code not coming from a random sequence, to now an ordered one, one where there was an intellegence behind it from the beginning, an intellegence that trancends time itself, one that is brilliant enough to know what must be assembled from the beginning to accomodate the changing enviroment, both physically and spiritually.

We then can open our minds further on this matter, where we have reports of the vastly expanded life spans from the days of old, it’s all in our genetic make up to allow for those life spans to be reality today, we simply need to look into unlocking the code to accomodate that. We then look further into it to cure and prevent disease, again, it’s all in the genetic make up, all we have to do is become aware of it and learn how to unlock it’s secrets.

You see the direction I’m going here, it’s no longer about waiting for evolution to do it’s thing, it’s about knowing what was put in place from the beginning, this is a science that is ignored and we are missing out on so much good stuff here! The potential is so vast, so much good can come of this if we finally allow for more open thinking in the scientific community, it should also be weighed out with reason and concience, this means the athiests have no place here, for their judgements have no moral base at all since in their minds, there is nothing to hold them accountable.
You know I wonder at the constant argument on this question. It almost suggests that the creationists are desperately afraid they are wrong and so continue to make these arguments hoping to gain adherents. If one needs to believe in creationism to protect their faith, then they should do so. They are in a tiny minority of course, and that is no proof either way. The rest of the world will continue to abide by its faith in God or not as the case may be and science will continue to investigate the known reality. Now if you want to talk about what is taught in school, I’ll argue with anyone all day. I draw the line there, science is science, faith is faith,. and they fit together nicely as long as we keep it straight which is which.
What is taught in school is in desperate need of a complete overhaul, I think you and I are in agreement on this matter, especially today with kids graduating without basic math and writing skills, much less logical reasoning, I’m not even going into abstract original thought. People are programmed most of their lives to follow the status quo, to not be original in their thinking and to become more like mindless atomotons rather then innovators, this is one of the reasons there is so much tragedy in this world, nobody is coming up with solutions because this is going against the grain and norm’s of society.

Look at technological advancement, things we can see in nature were the base in the day’s of old, for that is all they had to go off of. Things such as manned flight, the steam engine, harnessing electricity, things we take for granted today was very long in coming into mainstream reality. Why is that? They are not difficult to re-create, in fact, this stuff is childs play to engineer, yet it was science that held it back, they were dead set in their ways and opposed these new technologies. I can literally carve out a bird in foam and make it fly, I could do something very similar to it out of primative materials taken back in the day’s of old. The steam engine was actually invented by the Greek’s, yet nobody saw it for what it could do, again, science let us down, so it remained buried in obscurity until fairly recently. The same with electricity, they found a battery in what is called today as Iraq, yet, it too was not reinvented until years later, all it takes to create electricity is waving a magnet over a copper wire, that’s it, super easy to do and those materials were easily acquired in ancient times.

I try to think, we have not reached the point with our science of understanding it all, in fact, science tends ti reinvent itself through the ages, where the norm of 1000 years ago is entirely wrong, the same will be the norm 1000 years from now, I like to think we can take a second look at what we currently understand and explore more options, in this case, a double take along what we perceive as in existance, in your case your position is based upon evolution, while mine is along creation, we’ve given evolution plenty of word play and exposure, now let’s see what creationism has to offer along those same guide lines, you may find out, we are missing important technologies because we refuse to take them seriously enough to pursue them as diligently as we do with evolution.
You know I wonder at the constant argument on this question. It almost suggests that the creationists are desperately afraid they are wrong and so continue to make these arguments hoping to gain adherents. If one needs to believe in creationism to protect their faith, then they should do so. They are in a tiny minority of course, and that is no proof either way. The rest of the world will continue to abide by its faith in God or not as the case may be and science will continue to investigate the known reality. Now if you want to talk about what is taught in school, I’ll argue with anyone all day. I draw the line there, science is science, faith is faith,. and they fit together nicely as long as we keep it straight which is which.
My suspicion is that proof for something like intentional design can be compiled in much the same way as a very adept criminologist can compile a case to prove “someone” committed a crime based upon available evidence.

At some point it is possible for a criminal investigator to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that an act was premeditated, intentional and could not have been the result of “accidental” causes – it must have been planned to occur and the evidence supports that conclusion. By analyzing the connections between various facts of the case it is possible to ascertain with high probability, approaching certainty, that an act had to be intended, by an intelligent agent of some kind, to take place.

I suspect in similar fashion the connection between events in evolution can be analyzed as to the probability of their occurring with and without intent.

One important consideration is motive. Why has life on earth, for example, tended to increased complexity? To ensure survival?

We have two suspects: 1) an intelligent designer of some kind and 2) inchoate, lifeless matter

Matter, in and of itself, has no preferential inclination for survival or for form of any kind. To matter itself, survival means nothing – the form matter takes bears no qualitative consideration. Matter has no motive or reason for “wanting” life to happen or to be sustained.

Intelligence, however, does.

An anecdote: you walk up to a skyscraper with an orthodox material evolutionist. This scientist proceeds to explain that the transparent material in the structure is a crystallized form of the chemical compound silica, which is made from the elements oxygen and silicon. The metal infrastructure is made from high grade steel composed of iron and carbon formed by extrusion. The concrete floors are a mixture of gravel, sand, water and cement.

The scientist could go on and on explaining the composition and makeup of each constituent in the building and how these are held together and how the building remains standing due to its form and the structural properties of each of the constituent parts. The scientist can explain all the mechanisms by which the building can remain standing, the “how” of the building, how it must remain standing because of the structural members, but s/he does not give the reason why it is there and why it has the form it does. An important question since the building has the apparent purpose of housing human beings.

When you pursue the “why” question, the atheist scientist merely dismisses you by claiming that the answer to why is explained by the physics of how matter holds together. The existence of humans in the building is mere coincidence and irrelevant to the structure of the building.

I submit, this is precisely what an evolutionary biologist is doing but with a much more sophisticated structure - life on earth. S/he is providing information as to the derivative connections between different forms of life, similar to the way the scientist above provides information on the formation and structure of the materials in the building. The scientist may use chemical bonding and the laws of physics to explain how the substances in the building are able to achieve their form and stay upright. The biologist is using “evolution,” “survival of the fittest,” mutation and other models to explain the overall derivative structure of life.

However, just like the building has an undeniable “purpose” of housing human beings, a purpose which has determined the form of the building, indeed the actual existence of the building, life on earth has the unmistakable form that has lead to “housing” human intelligence. The form and, indeed, the existence of evolution itself has lead directly to the “housing” of intelligent human life. Is it not, therefore, reasonable to surmise that evolution has been designed, like the skyscraper was designed, to “house” human beings? Reasonable to ask the question of “why” either of these structures exist?

Why does evolution exist on Earth? A theist has a theory. An atheist claims no additional contention needs to be made. This would not be acceptable when analyzing the existence of a building, but why is it with a much more complicated structure leading to the existence of human beings?

No one would imagine that just because concrete can be formed from sand, gravel, cement, etc. and steel can be formed from iron and carbon, that these substances would just, without cause, form a “skyscraper.”

It seems to me that that is precisely what atheist biologists are asking us to do: to look backward through all the “biological” building blocks of life on earth and, just because all the genetic connections are in place, and lead to human life, we are to assume they merely shaped themselves, without cause, by randomly determined mechanisms, into the huge diversity and heirarchy of life on earth ending in human existence.

Odd piece of reasoning, that.
Why does gravity exist? For the same reason evolution exists: God wills it to exist. But “why?” is a theological, not a scientific question.
Actually the two phenomena, while both seemingly “built into” the universe, seem quite different. Gravity is directly connected to the nature of matter. All matter demonstrates gravitational pull to some extent, even an infinitesimally small amount. So larger bodies, like planets, exhibit a determinable amount. Admittedly, there is no logical necessity for gravity to be exhibited by matter, it just is – it is an observable fact about matter. Therefore, there seems to be no logical compulsion to ask “why” it is so. That is simply the way matter behaves.

However, evolution is not simply a fact about matter in the same way. It seems more “purposeful,” directed to an end and not inherent in the nature of matter. This is precisely the reason it makes sense to ask why evolution exists in nature. Why should matter, over time, begin to form itself into increasingly complex life forms? There is nothing in matter itself, no fundamental “fact” about matter that makes it logically tend towards the direction of “survival,” increased complexity or the development of higher life forms. So why does it?

It makes sense to ask why matter has “evolved” when nothing about matter indicates that it must, because of some essential property, do so; whereas the reason matter exhibits gravity can be resolved by appeal to the nature of matter itself.

That is the difference.

A theological hypothesis holds one possible answer, and I suspect, just like a detective solving a puzzling “who done it” in a way that proves intent rather than accident, analysis of all the “facts” of evolution will eventually arrive at intention and premeditation in a way that completely rules out an accident of nature.

What does it take to convince a jury of premeditation in a criminal trial? What convinces a jury that an incident absolutely could not have been an accident, that it was perpetrated by someone? Isolating those features of a court case and applying them to “Who committed evolution?” may open up some germane discussion. What is sufficient to prove premeditation?

One could start with motive, opportunity and means, but these are only used after establishing that someone actually did it.
What does it take to establish intent and planning rather than accident? Did the man die from a fall or did someone cleverly make it look like an accident? Did development of life on Earth stem from some kind of predetermined cosmic plan or mere accident of material nature?
And I believe it was St. Augustine who remarked that we are astounded by a miraculous healing, but not impressed at all by the miracle of a birth. Nature is itself a miracle, which science can study to learn how it works, but cannot ultimately explain. Science can’t explain miracles. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
Barbarian, I’m still reeling from a miracle on Saturday, when I nearly lost my eight-year-old, who fell 9-10 feet head first off an old bridge into shallow water. missing a sharp boulder by inches. Miraculously (not using the term theologically at this point) he only scratched and bruised his shoulder. He might have lost teeth or eyes or split his head open or broken his neck or ribs or arms and legs. Could have been bad. Science can explain his survival–gravity, trajectory of the fall, cushioning effect of the water–but it can’t take away the feeling that he was saved by a “miracle.”

Grateful though I am in my prayers, my hesitation in calling it a miracle lies in knowing that 50,000 miracles failed to happen in Southwestern Chinese towns and school buildings last week.

Grateful though I am in my prayers, my hesitation in calling it a miracle lies in knowing that 50,000 miracles failed to happen in Southwestern Chinese towns and school buildings last week.
It sounds like your gratitude to God is conditioned on what you think should happen around the world, even after this miracle He granted for your son. So you hesitate to attribute this to God and it could be “just science” or “just an accident” after all.

I’m glad your son survived the fall. I find your attitude and mentality to be contradictory and compromised – but I’m glad that you can see signs of faith around you. That is very good, in my opinion – and something different than what I’ve seen or expected from you thus far.
It sounds like your gratitude to God is conditioned on what you think should happen around the world, even after this miracle He granted for your son. So you hesitate to attribute this to God and it could be “just science” or “just an accident” after all.
My hesitation in calling it a miracle in no way decreases my gratitude. I just find it a little facile to find God in every instance like this, and not to find God in counter-instances. If it’s a miracle that one child is pulled alive from the rubble of a school, is it not also a miracle of a different order that 899 died? Surely God was with the 899 as much as with the one.
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