ploring Catholicism for the past few months- I have been a Christian for about 5 years now. I have been trying to attend Mass weekly but I have two young children under the age of three and my local churches don’t have a cry room or any area separate- I understand the reasoning behind welcoming small children to Mass after reading all the articles out there on it but they all seem to give advice to people complaining about others’ children there. Could anyone give me some advice/mentorship/guidance on attending Mass with such little ones? My 3 yr old is a bundle of energy and my husband and I can’t keep him from running everywhere or talking up a storm for the whole hour while entertaining the 1 yr old without having food for them getting crumbs everywhere (which only lasts so long), and comprehend anything going on in the Mass itself (we are still trying to understand all the parts and processes ourselves)- it is enough at this point for us to want to hold off on converting until they are older and I know that’s not the answer. I just need some help.
When I attend the Latin mass, the kids are pretty loud. The parents with the louder kids often sit in the back or on a side aisle so they can walk the kids out to calm them down.
There is a saying I heard once in regards to kids… a quiet Church with no kids is a dying church, a church with loud kids is a thriving Church.
When I take my 4 year old son by myself, who cannot sit still to save his life; I bring a TON of food and a coloring book (which I only take out in emergencies).
I bring a lot of grapes, strawberries, muffin, cheerios, etc. Crumbs… don’t worry about them. Most parishes have a cleaning crew that comes on Mondays or Tuesdays. Of course, try to clean up a little, but don’t worry about the crumbs, just wipe on the floor whatever you can’t clean up. Or better yet (assuming there is time between masses), go to the bathroom after mass and get a wet paper towel to whip up the crumbs.
When my son uses the coloring book, he sits on the keeler and uses the pew as a table.
The important thing is that you & your kids are there. Don’t let kids keep you from mass.
BTW - here are two Catholic coloring books for your 3 year old that you can have him use at mass:
God Bless