I put this on a new thread as I find on this forum the same thing being discussed on different threads and they would be better on the one, so I will start this all embracing thread. It is part new and part of the thread Theistic evolution and Scripture and earth at the centre of the universe thread. I try to bring the two together so all can participate on the one.
The nineteenth and twentieth century popes all kept telling us there can be no dispute between faith and science. John Paul II was into this one big time. If you are an ‘intellectual’ pope, you can impress academia entering this arena. You will be lauded by all the atheists and agnostics that occupy the invited chairs on this body that has its roots in the occult Academy of Lynxes that published the books of Galileo. As a pope like JP2 and B16 enter the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for they know their belief system will not be challenged as they listen to popes trying to keep Christianity credible with the ‘science’ of evolutionism and cosmology.
Now it is true there can be no dispute between Catholic faith and science, but, and here is the CRUNCHER, there are TWO kinds of science, - true science and false science or false philosophy if you prefer.
Vatican Council I of 1869-70:
‘Further, the Church which, together with the apostolic duty of teaching, has received the command to guard the deposit of faith, has also, from divine providence, the right and duty of proscribing “knowledge falsely so called” (I Tim. 6:20), “lest anyone be cheated by philosophy and vain deceit” (cf. Col. 2:8). Wherefore, all faithful Christians are not only forbidden to defend opinions of this sort, which are known to be contrary to the teaching of the faith, especially if they have been condemned by the Church, as the legitimate conclusions of science, but they shall be altogether bound to hold them rather as errors, which present a false appearance of truth.’ — (Denzinger - 1795-98.)
This shows us the Church’s position in recognising false science – even if the same Churchmen were already victims of the false science.
So, how do you get false science? Simple, science is rendered possibly false when it is not directed by Catholic theology. When the StAs offer their science, it is a science as accepted for many years now, what I call a GODLESS science.
Now the StAs will not dispute this for they will claim that science IS a godless science by it nature now. In other words when one is investigating anything the first condition is that it CANNOT be based on there being a supernatural or a preternatural element in the universe, So, they MUST find a natural solution to everything.
The bedrock of this science can be traced back to the heretical Heliocentricism. From its 100% acceptance by atheists and Isaac Newton’s theory of gravitation came everything. First it went to the ‘nebular fact of science’ how a H solar system came to be. Then when they interpreted the red shift as indicating an expanding universe they extrapolated back to a bib bang. Before that the fact of genetic spread was used to explain a ‘scientific’ reason for all flora and fauna.
Now the other type of science is that directed by theology. Now there are parameters by which to interpret things in the universe and on earth. A direct creation eliminated a evolutionary need. a G created universe should have led to investigation of a G physics.
Now I have a choice of SCIENCES, one directed by theology or one directed by GODLESS thought. As a Catholic I chose the one protected by theology. Alas it seem I find myself in opposition to popes, Churchmen and lay folk for centuries now.
Which side are you on?
I put this on a new thread as I find on this forum the same thing being discussed on different threads and they would be better on the one, so I will start this all embracing thread. It is part new and part of the thread Theistic evolution and Scripture and earth at the centre of the universe thread. I try to bring the two together so all can participate on the one.
The nineteenth and twentieth century popes all kept telling us there can be no dispute between faith and science. John Paul II was into this one big time. If you are an ‘intellectual’ pope, you can impress academia entering this arena. You will be lauded by all the atheists and agnostics that occupy the invited chairs on this body that has its roots in the occult Academy of Lynxes that published the books of Galileo. As a pope like JP2 and B16 enter the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for they know their belief system will not be challenged as they listen to popes trying to keep Christianity credible with the ‘science’ of evolutionism and cosmology.
Now it is true there can be no dispute between Catholic faith and science, but, and here is the CRUNCHER, there are TWO kinds of science, - true science and false science or false philosophy if you prefer.
Vatican Council I of 1869-70:
‘Further, the Church which, together with the apostolic duty of teaching, has received the command to guard the deposit of faith, has also, from divine providence, the right and duty of proscribing “knowledge falsely so called” (I Tim. 6:20), “lest anyone be cheated by philosophy and vain deceit” (cf. Col. 2:8). Wherefore, all faithful Christians are not only forbidden to defend opinions of this sort, which are known to be contrary to the teaching of the faith, especially if they have been condemned by the Church, as the legitimate conclusions of science, but they shall be altogether bound to hold them rather as errors, which present a false appearance of truth.’ — (Denzinger - 1795-98.)
This shows us the Church’s position in recognising false science – even if the same Churchmen were already victims of the false science.
So, how do you get false science? Simple, science is rendered possibly false when it is not directed by Catholic theology. When the StAs offer their science, it is a science as accepted for many years now, what I call a GODLESS science.
Now the StAs will not dispute this for they will claim that science IS a godless science by it nature now. In other words when one is investigating anything the first condition is that it CANNOT be based on there being a supernatural or a preternatural element in the universe, So, they MUST find a natural solution to everything.
The bedrock of this science can be traced back to the heretical Heliocentricism. From its 100% acceptance by atheists and Isaac Newton’s theory of gravitation came everything. First it went to the ‘nebular fact of science’ how a H solar system came to be. Then when they interpreted the red shift as indicating an expanding universe they extrapolated back to a bib bang. Before that the fact of genetic spread was used to explain a ‘scientific’ reason for all flora and fauna.
Now the other type of science is that directed by theology. Now there are parameters by which to interpret things in the universe and on earth. A direct creation eliminated a evolutionary need. a G created universe should have led to investigation of a G physics.
Now I have a choice of SCIENCES, one directed by theology or one directed by GODLESS thought. As a Catholic I chose the one protected by theology. Alas it seem I find myself in opposition to popes, Churchmen and lay folk for centuries now.
Which side are you on?