Seems to me that you’d get a very skewed and totally incomplete view of Dawkins’s very significant contribution to biology by reading a book attempting to refute his atheism. And it certainly wouldn’t tell you one way or the other whether he states that there is no God in his scientific papers, which he does not. And you’d miss out on some of the most interesting, insightful and entertaining science writing imaginable.Seems to me, Dawkins can be deduced by reading the book
“Answering the New Atheism, Dismantling Dawkins’ Case Against God” by Scott Hahn and Benjamin Wiker.
This may be easier to read than trying to find his findings or a textbook. Besides this paperback is a lot cheaper.
Try The Selfish Gene, Climbing Mount Improbable, River Out of Eden, The Blind Watchmaker or the Ancestor’s Tale.
Of course he lays out his case for atheism in The God Delusion, but that is specifically not a science text.