Here is a piece written in 1850This is true, but you seem to have not idea what those limits are. That you think science is about “proofs” is evidence enough you don’t know what it is.
And every Focault pendulum clearly refutes the notion of an unmoving Earth. You would not see the change in pendumlum path in that case, unless you posit some magical force moving it in defiance of Newton’s laws.
Not long ago we had an opportunity of seeing the tests with the pendulum
which, according to the theory of the widely-known physicist, Mr. Leon
Foucault, are said to furnish the proof of the daily rotation of the earth
upon its axis. I had well-nigh failed to take any notice of those Pendulum
tests. Although, when explaining to my pupils, boys and girls, in my geo-
graphical and physical lessons, the revolution of the earth about the sun,
I had always found one point (which you will learn in the course of my
lecture) very strange nay, incomprehensible yet I was so convinced of the
daily rotation of the earth, and its yearly course round the sun, as to deem
Mr. Foucault’s pendulum-proof entirely superfluous. Nevertheless, I was
present at the experiment, and I will explain it in a few words, to make the
application clear.
If we imagine around the earth’s sphere a limited or unlimited number
of circles, parallel with the equator, we call these circles, precisely on account
of their parallelism with the equator, parallel circles. It follows, from the
spherical form of the earth, that the circles become smaller the nearer we
place them to the poles ; and if we should imagine two parallel circles
drawn around the earth through this lecture-room, the northern one, even
thus, would be somewhat smaller than the southern one. Let now the earth
revolve in twenty-four hours upon its axis, so that the two imaginary circles
laid through this room have made a complete rotation. As both have made
their circuit in equal time, and as the southern one is larger than the northern
one, the single parts of the one to the south must move with greater rapidity
than those of the one to the north.
Let us glance briefly at the instrument, so widely-known and yet in many
respects an enigma, which we will call the pendulum. It may be shown that
the even oscillation of the Pendulum is independent of the alterations (rota-
tions) of its point of suspension. This immutability of the even oscillation
was said by Mr. Foucault to prove the rotation of the earth upon its axis.
If, for example, we let a pendulum oscillate in a direction from north to
south, across the two parallel circles which we have in imagination drawn
through this room, then will its even oscillation, as Mr. Foucault assumes,
be unaffected by the rotation of the plane (or point of suspension), and
consequently will move in advance of the northern, more slowly rotating,
parallel circle, but will fall behind the southern, more rapidly rotating par-
allel circle. The path of the pendulum will, therefore, soon deviate from
the direction, north to south, the end formerly swinging to the north swing-
ing more and more towards the east, and the end swinging southward more
and more towards the west, until finally the pendulum swings entirely in the
direction from east to west. At this point the cause of deviation has ceased ;
for the pendulum swings no more across two unequally-rapid parallel circles,
but across a single circle. As the cause of deviation no longer exists, the
deviation ought to cease. But no, it continues ! the pendulum also leaves
the direction, east to west, to deviate to southeast and northwest, and thus
reaches conditions tinder which, according to Foucault, it must deviate again !
Now, as the pendulum does not remain in the direction from east to
west, but also deviates from this, I think I am entitled to the belief that the
deviation of the pendulum is caused by something other than the rotation of
the earth something, it is true, which is still unknown to us. Furthermore,
I have found, by careful experiments, that the deviation is not the same
with all pendulums. The heavier the bob, the slower becomes the deviation
of the pendulum ; the lighter the bob, the more rapidly the deviation takes
place. Since the rotation of the earth upon its axis, if existing, must be a
uniform one, necessarily with all pendulums the deviation should be uni-
form ; but this is not the case.