Ironically, cassini himself introduced this subject by claiming that the International Gravity Formula was based on work by Jean Cassini. When I challenged him on this, he simply ran away:
He obviously though better of debating me on a subject where the effect is caused by earth’s oblateness and the centrifugal force due to the earth’s rotation - about as bad a subject for his case as he could have chosen.
I ran nowhere pal, I have to eat and sleep you know, I quoted a source that you say is writing nonsense. Well if you feel so strongly that they are writing in error let them know, I’m sure they will correct their encyclopaedia to include your findings. This thread is getting out of hand up there now and running far too wide for anyone to reply in detail to all that heliocentric maths. Let me come back to this so-called proof for a spinning earth,
here is another bit of information I found that might interest readers.
Jupiter and Saturn, two rapidly rotating planets (Jupiter in 10 hours, and Saturn in a little over that), were said to be elliptical rather than circular spheres, that is, bulging at their ‘equators’, Newton’s theory and evolutionary cosmology were incontrovertibly proven, yes? No way, for such affirmations prove nothing. The sun, a body rotating 8,500 miles an hour at its ‘equator’ – many times faster than they say the earth does - has no belly at all: why not? Moreover, Venus and Mercury, also spinning, have no bellies either, why not? But again to Newton and his Pythagorean reasoning went the credit for sorting out this little paradox. The basis why some have it and others do not, he said, is because of the differences in the gravity of each cosmic body as well as the speed of rotation. The sun and planets, he asserted, all have their own rotation and gravity. The slower the rotation and the greater the inward pull, the lesser the bulge, if any, understand?
‘Experimental evidence supporting this idea [that the earth is shaped like an orange] came in 1672 as a result of a French expedition to Guiana. The explorer [Jean Richer (1630-96)] found that a pendulum clock that kept good time in Paris lost 2½ minutes a day at Cayenne near the Equator. At that time no one knew how to interpret the observation; but Newton’s theory that gravity must be larger at the poles (because of its closer proximity to the Earth’s centre) than the Equator was a logical explanation.
It is possible to determine whether or not the earth is an oblate spheroid by measuring the length of an arc corresponding to a geodetic latitude differences at two places along the meridian (the ellipse passing through the Poles) at different latitudes, which means at different distances from the Equator.’
What we are not told is that there was one anti-bulge sceptic at least, the astronomer Domenico Cassini, ‘a determined opponent of the theory of universal gravitation’ (C.C. Gillispie: Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York, C. Scribner & Sons, p.103.) , perhaps the only man capable of refuting Newton and the geodesists hell-bent on imposing hermetic Copernicanism on the world. Cassini, who believed the measurements made by Jean Picard in 1672 were not accurate enough, as a true empiricist, decided to measure for himself.
So it was in 1700 King Louis XIV of France approved Cassini’s last great expedition. With the aid of his son Jacques Cassini and others, he measured the arc of meridian from Paris north to Dunkirk and south to the boundary of Spain, and, in addition, he conducted various associated geodesic and astronomical operations that were reported to the Academy. The Cassinis knew that it would be virtually impossible to measure every kilometre of meridian from Pole to Pole at the time. At best, all that could be achieved was a partial measurement. Consequently they decided to measure where it was most convenient, restricting their efforts to Europe in the northern hemisphere.
The results showed the length of a meridian degree north of Paris was 111,017 meters or 265 metres shorter than one south of Paris (111,282 meters). This suggested that if this trend occurred in the southern hemisphere, the earth has to be a prolate spheroid, not flattened at the poles as Newton proposed, but the opposite, slightly pointed, with the equatorial axis shorter than the polar axis, that is, kind of egg-shaped.