Faith and Science

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(1) I was asking about changes in the frequency of holding YEC. I think it’s nonsense; I’m merely wondering whether belief in it is increasing, decreasing, or remaining static. This might be a measure of how well educated Catholics are in science.

(2) What is a “complete, scientifically proven theory”? This sounds like a naive or amateurish way of talking about science. I’ve never heard scientists talking about complete theories.

On point (2), I was quoting the Pope.

Good man hecd2, go claim your place in history then. Here is more who thought an oblate earth proves newton correct.
I have no place to claim - all I am doing is pointing out the well known fact that the data that shows that the earth is not spherical is overwhelming. As I pointed out the deviation from sphericity (radially 21.385km, diametrically 42.772km) is hugely greater than the measurement accuracy and precision: there is no doubt whatsoever about the oblateness of the earth’s figure.
The equivalent flattening is 298.25642 (ie the difference between the polar and the equatorial radius is 1/298.25642 of the equatorial radius). Between 1830 and now, that measurement has a maximum of 299.3 and a minimum of 293.5. There has been no measurement outside that small range. All the rest of your post is a failed attempt to confuse this fundamental point by presenting third or fourth order effects that are tiny compared with the primary effect of an equatorial bulge.

Now either you are doing this because you don’t understand what you are reading and you genuinely think that an anomaly of a few feet on top of a basic phenomenon of 21.4 km is somehow significant. Or you understand what you are presenting, and you understand that it is irrelevant to the case, but you present it anyway because it is a spoiling tactic. If the latter is the case, then you are not doing your cause very much good. If you want to be taken seriously, you have to accept incontrovertible facts, and the oblateness of the earth is one of them. Furthermore, it seems to me that God would not want his case made by obfuscation and deceit.
In 1909 the geophysicist Hayford presented the world with ‘the most accurate’ measurements, since adopted internationally for use in all data concerning the form of the earth.’ He gave an oblateness of 1/297 based on figures of an equatorial radius of 6,378,388 metres (3,963 miles) and a polar radius of 6,356,912 metres (3,950 miles), giving an oblateness of 21,474 metres (13.42 miles).
Correct. There have been several since. They don’t change much. Here are some:
1910 Hayford 297
1924 International 297
1927 NAD 27 294.978698208
1940 Krassovsky 298.3
1966 WGS66 298.25
1967 New International 298.24961539
1967 GRS67 298.247167427
1972 WGS72 298.26
1979 GRS80 298.257222101
1983 NAD83 298.257024899
1984 WGS84 298.257223563
1989 IERS 298.257
2003 IERS 298.25642

None of these is anywhere near zero (which it would be for a spherical earth). We know the oblateness of the earth to a high accuracy.
  ‘So that settled it?’ I can hear you ask. Well not really, for we then find them having to admit:
‘Finally one more point must be noted. Although the above data refer to an ellipsoid of revolution, this may not be the actual shape of the Earth. Accordingly to Helmert, we could postulate an ellipsoid with three unequal axes, two situated equatorially and nearer to each other than to the polar axis. It will be the task of future geophysicists to decide whether this is so.’
But that is a subsidiary effect that would not affect the basic flattening, as the diameter of the earth at different longitudes at the equator is hugely more constant than the diameter between equator and pole.
Next, in 1991, we find Isaac Asimov, scientist and science-fictionist, or is it the other way round, reinstating Newton’s hope, but note now the bulge is getting smaller:
Really? Asimov has rounded to whole numbers of kilometres because he is writing for a popular audience, but he has rounded up not down. The 1910 diametric oblateness is 42.948km which is less than Asimov’s 43km. Do you have difficulty multiplying by two?
‘Newton proved to be right. Earth had an equatorial bulge, though not much of a one. The Earth’s equatorial diameter is 12,756 kilometres (7,926 miles), while its polar diameter is 13,713 kilometres (7,900 miles). The difference is 43 kilometres (26 miles). In other words, the Earth is almost a perfect sphere, but not quite.’
Correct - see above. Asimov quotes the oblateness to two significant figures the same as the measured value.
Asimov then admits to a contradiction. He says that in 1959 another measurement for the earth was achieved, this time using a satellite called Vanguard. It found Newton’s ‘bulge’ was 25 feet (7.6 meters) - yes a mere 25 feet - higher south of the equator, and announced the earth was shaped like a pear, that is, it has a bulgier bulge in the southern hemisphere.
Of course that doesn’t mean that the oblateness is 25 feet,. It means that overlying a basic oblateness of more than 21km or 69,300 feet there is a north to south asymmetry of 25 feet.
Anyway, this novel form of geodesy seems to have turned Newton’s orange into a pear shaped orange. Now if this is true, no matter how it was reasoned out, does it or does it not confirm the Cassini measurements of 1720 that found the northern hemisphere was narrower at the hips and higher at the Pole, a measurement that was rejected on principle?
It does not, because they are tiny assymetries of the order of 25 - 50 feet on a first order flattening of nearly 70,000 feet. If you think these measurements show a first order flattening of 50 feet then you have real comprehension problems. Cassini’s measurements were rejected because they were wrong as every single measurement since 1830 has shown. Jean Cassini was simply wrong, the diameter across the equator is substantially (about 43 km) greater than the diameter across the poles.

You really have to do better than this nonsense.

NASA scientists use the geocentric mathematics and the newspapers show us heliocentric pictures. Can you imaging any idiot using heliocentric maths when sending men into space?
Do you have a authoritative source that shows that NASA always uses the geocentric frame? If they are putting up earth satellites, they might well do, but they do not for interplanetary missions such as the Cassini-Huygens 🙂 Saturn probe. In that case they might use a geocentric frame for the launch, but can you imagine any idiot using a geocentric frame to calculate the interplanetary trajectory (never mind the complete idiocy of using a geostatic frame)? And when it got to Saturn, sure as eggs is eggs, they used a Saturn-centric frame.

But I thought you believed that NASA and all modern scientists were deceivers, and spawn of the devil?

Here we have the classic Heliocentricist, no Copernican (the difference is that the Copernican prefers to interpret the Bible contrary to the Church decree of 1616) using theoretical heliocentric physics to dismiss G. You are correct, I reject all heliocentric theoretical physics on the ground that God has revealed the universe is G. My faith in God and the Church is stronger than any heretic’s theories. Now we humans may have problems with God’s physics as Pope urban viii said, but that is no reason to deny His word.
There is no such thing as heliocentric physics. There is physics and there is fantasy.

You can believe in whatever you like. What I object to is your less than honest attempts to prove your faith beliefs using science-like statements. In that case it behoves you to get the science right and to present evidence fairly. So far, you have got the science spectacularly wrong and the best that can be said of your presentation of your case is that it is disingenuous.

Your attempt to poison the well is noted
Again I reiterate, you have no proofs because proofs are impossible. Accordingly I prefer the word of God and you can try to ridicule such a faith all you like. you guys sound like the atheists.
If you mean to reject all of science, that is fine by me, but why not just stick to the faith position? “It is so because I believe God said it was so.” If you hold science in such contempt, why then do you attempt to “prove” your case with fabricated and misrepresented scientific data?


Why is the measured value of g (acceration of gravity) a larger number at the poles than it is at the equator?


Ironically, cassini himself introduced this subject by claiming that the International Gravity Formula was based on work by Jean Cassini. When I challenged him on this, he simply ran away:
The fact of the matter is that the International Gravity Formula accounts for the deviation from uniformity of the acceleration due to gravity at the earth’s surface caused by the deviation from perfect sphericity of the earth, and by the centrifugal force caused by the rotation of the earth. It can be derived from a knowledge of the shape of the earth, its rate of rotation, its mass and the application of Newton’s Universal law of Gravitation.

Ironically, Cassini, not accepting the Newtonian formulation and preferring a Cartesian one, predicted that the earth would be elongated across the poles. He and his son carried out a survey that seemed to show this, but it turned out that the survey was inaccurate, and we now know that the Newtonian prediction proved correct.
He obviously though better of debating me on a subject where the effect is caused by earth’s oblateness and the centrifugal force due to the earth’s rotation - about as bad a subject for his case as he could have chosen.

Ironically, cassini himself introduced this subject by claiming that the International Gravity Formula was based on work by Jean Cassini. When I challenged him on this, he simply ran away:
That the YEC modus operandi – bamboozle people with whom they can get away with it, and cut and run when they are confronted by someone who knows some real science.

They do the same with theology.


I put this on a new thread as I find on this forum the same thing being discussed on different threads and they would be better on the one, so I will start this all embracing thread. It is part new and part of the thread Theistic evolution and Scripture and earth at the centre of the universe thread. I try to bring the two together so all can participate on the one.

The nineteenth and twentieth century popes all kept telling us there can be no dispute between faith and science. John Paul II was into this one big time. If you are an ‘intellectual’ pope, you can impress academia entering this arena. You will be lauded by all the atheists and agnostics that occupy the invited chairs on this body that has its roots in the occult Academy of Lynxes that published the books of Galileo. As a pope like JP2 and B16 enter the Pontifical Academy of Sciences for they know their belief system will not be challenged as they listen to popes trying to keep Christianity credible with the ‘science’ of evolutionism and cosmology.

Now it is true there can be no dispute between Catholic faith and science, but, and here is the CRUNCHER, there are TWO kinds of science, - true science and false science or false philosophy if you prefer.
Vatican Council I of 1869-70:

‘Further, the Church which, together with the apostolic duty of teaching, has received the command to guard the deposit of faith, has also, from divine providence, the right and duty of proscribing “knowledge falsely so called” (I Tim. 6:20), “lest anyone be cheated by philosophy and vain deceit” (cf. Col. 2:8). Wherefore, all faithful Christians are not only forbidden to defend opinions of this sort, which are known to be contrary to the teaching of the faith, especially if they have been condemned by the Church, as the legitimate conclusions of science, but they shall be altogether bound to hold them rather as errors, which present a false appearance of truth.’ — (Denzinger - 1795-98.)

This shows us the Church’s position in recognising false science – even if the same Churchmen were already victims of the false science.

So, how do you get false science? Simple, science is rendered possibly false when it is not directed by Catholic theology. When the StAs offer their science, it is a science as accepted for many years now, what I call a GODLESS science.
Now the StAs will not dispute this for they will claim that science IS a godless science by it nature now. In other words when one is investigating anything the first condition is that it CANNOT be based on there being a supernatural or a preternatural element in the universe, So, they MUST find a natural solution to everything.

The bedrock of this science can be traced back to the heretical Heliocentricism. From its 100% acceptance by atheists and Isaac Newton’s theory of gravitation came everything. First it went to the ‘nebular fact of science’ how a H solar system came to be. Then when they interpreted the red shift as indicating an expanding universe they extrapolated back to a bib bang. Before that the fact of genetic spread was used to explain a ‘scientific’ reason for all flora and fauna.

Now the other type of science is that directed by theology. Now there are parameters by which to interpret things in the universe and on earth. A direct creation eliminated a evolutionary need. a G created universe should have led to investigation of a G physics.

Now I have a choice of SCIENCES, one directed by theology or one directed by GODLESS thought. As a Catholic I chose the one protected by theology. Alas it seem I find myself in opposition to popes, Churchmen and lay folk for centuries now.

Which side are you on?
Alec and Barbarian, you have been around CAF a while, so perhaps you can answer this. Has YEC increased or diminished as a phenomenon over the past decade? I have never met the belief among Catholics outside of this particular forum. I wonder whether Catholics YECs carry on their project mainly in the sphere of cyberspace, since they have no access to academic institutions. Do they publish journals or hold conferences? Do they endow chairs in colleges? Do they conduct on-going research programs?

Curiously yours,
I should say that YEC has become more common since I have been on CAF. I also think that the community on CAF is skewed to creationists and bible literalism compared with the non-cyber community, but that is an impression and I don’t have hard data to back it up. (Which is not to say that there are not many very thoughtful, devout Catholics who accept mainstream science also present). There are various creationist “journals”, but none are accepted by the wider scientific community as being real science reporting. None are, as far as I know, specifically Catholic. No YEC adherent does serious research based on the YEC paradigm. I shouldn’t be surprised if there was the odd financial support for teaching YEC in obscure schools, but the endowment of chairs in prestigious institutions doesn’t happen.

The most notorious creationist body in Catholicism is probably the Kolbe Center. It includes cranks like Sungenis and Bennett, Wilders and Giertych, Berthault and Mastropaolo. You already know about my refutation of Sungenis’s nonsense. Here is an article refuting Berthault’s hubristic claims to have revolutioniosed geology single handedly - yes, really:

Ironically, cassini himself introduced this subject by claiming that the International Gravity Formula was based on work by Jean Cassini. When I challenged him on this, he simply ran away:

He obviously though better of debating me on a subject where the effect is caused by earth’s oblateness and the centrifugal force due to the earth’s rotation - about as bad a subject for his case as he could have chosen.

I ran nowhere pal, I have to eat and sleep you know, I quoted a source that you say is writing nonsense. Well if you feel so strongly that they are writing in error let them know, I’m sure they will correct their encyclopaedia to include your findings. This thread is getting out of hand up there now and running far too wide for anyone to reply in detail to all that heliocentric maths. Let me come back to this so-called proof for a spinning earth,
here is another bit of information I found that might interest readers.

Jupiter and Saturn, two rapidly rotating planets (Jupiter in 10 hours, and Saturn in a little over that), were said to be elliptical rather than circular spheres, that is, bulging at their ‘equators’, Newton’s theory and evolutionary cosmology were incontrovertibly proven, yes? No way, for such affirmations prove nothing. The sun, a body rotating 8,500 miles an hour at its ‘equator’ – many times faster than they say the earth does - has no belly at all: why not? Moreover, Venus and Mercury, also spinning, have no bellies either, why not? But again to Newton and his Pythagorean reasoning went the credit for sorting out this little paradox. The basis why some have it and others do not, he said, is because of the differences in the gravity of each cosmic body as well as the speed of rotation. The sun and planets, he asserted, all have their own rotation and gravity. The slower the rotation and the greater the inward pull, the lesser the bulge, if any, understand?

‘Experimental evidence supporting this idea [that the earth is shaped like an orange] came in 1672 as a result of a French expedition to Guiana. The explorer [Jean Richer (1630-96)] found that a pendulum clock that kept good time in Paris lost 2½ minutes a day at Cayenne near the Equator. At that time no one knew how to interpret the observation; but Newton’s theory that gravity must be larger at the poles (because of its closer proximity to the Earth’s centre) than the Equator was a logical explanation.
It is possible to determine whether or not the earth is an oblate spheroid by measuring the length of an arc corresponding to a geodetic latitude differences at two places along the meridian (the ellipse passing through the Poles) at different latitudes, which means at different distances from the Equator.’

What we are not told is that there was one anti-bulge sceptic at least, the astronomer Domenico Cassini, ‘a determined opponent of the theory of universal gravitation’ (C.C. Gillispie: Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York, C. Scribner & Sons, p.103.) , perhaps the only man capable of refuting Newton and the geodesists hell-bent on imposing hermetic Copernicanism on the world. Cassini, who believed the measurements made by Jean Picard in 1672 were not accurate enough, as a true empiricist, decided to measure for himself.

So it was in 1700 King Louis XIV of France approved Cassini’s last great expedition. With the aid of his son Jacques Cassini and others, he measured the arc of meridian from Paris north to Dunkirk and south to the boundary of Spain, and, in addition, he conducted various associated geodesic and astronomical operations that were reported to the Academy. The Cassinis knew that it would be virtually impossible to measure every kilometre of meridian from Pole to Pole at the time. At best, all that could be achieved was a partial measurement. Consequently they decided to measure where it was most convenient, restricting their efforts to Europe in the northern hemisphere.
The results showed the length of a meridian degree north of Paris was 111,017 meters or 265 metres shorter than one south of Paris (111,282 meters). This suggested that if this trend occurred in the southern hemisphere, the earth has to be a prolate spheroid, not flattened at the poles as Newton proposed, but the opposite, slightly pointed, with the equatorial axis shorter than the polar axis, that is, kind of egg-shaped.

Why is the measured value of g (acceration of gravity) a larger number at the poles than it is at the equator?


Is this a trick question or am I supposed to say because the earth is spinning and orbiting the sun at 72,000 mph. Now let me guess the answer, I know, because the earth does not spin and does not orbit the sun. Do I win the prize?
Has YEC increased or diminished as a phenomenon over the past decade? I have never met the belief among Catholics outside of this particular forum. I wonder whether Catholics YECs carry on their project mainly in the sphere of cyberspace, since they have no access to academic institutions. Do they publish journals or hold conferences? Do they endow chairs in colleges? Do they conduct on-going research programs?
Curiously yours,
Can you imaging any idiot using heliocentric maths when sending men into space?
What StA is saying here is that NASA are using the formula below. I looked up the history of this formula and here is what I found is needed to plot where the planet will be to land an object on it.

‘Perturbation theories: Of great interest in the further development of the subject is the celebrated three-body problem. Lagrange’s elegant solutions of the restricted problem, the n-body problem and a discussion of integrability. The groundwork is thus laid for the exposition of perturbation theories, which consist of two fundamental types: general perturbation theory and special perturbation theory. (Kramer: The Nature and Growth of Modern Math, P.211.)

With a stroke of pragmatic genius, Newton accounted for these ‘small’ discrepancies in his Keplerian orbits by saying they must be caused by the (subtle) gravitational ‘pull’ of the other bodies within the solar system. But little did he know what he was letting himself in for. When he first fell for Hooke, Wren and Hally’s theory of gravitation, Newton began with simple earth-moon relationship mathematics; one that presumed the moon orbited the earth in an elliptical curve. With his rescue theory the maths got harder, infinitely harder, for he then had to extend the maths to include a third influence, the sun, then a fourth, etc.

‘Here is the beginning of the famous “three-body problem.” Kepler’s ellipses are only valid when a planet moves around the sun, or a satellite orbits around a planet, without the presence of a third body nearby in the heavens.’ ( Kramer: The Nature and Growth of Modern Maths”.)

‘The so-called three-body problem of mechanics is extremely complex. Although equations expressing the relative motions can be written, no general solution was possible before the development of the high-speed digital computer.’ Encyclopaedia Britannica, book 19, p.46.

And Newton didn’t have a high-speed computer, did he? But more, for Newton’s theory had to be extended to the other planets of the solar system, with each body pulling on every other body according to their masses and distances. In other words, Newton’s solar system no longer consisted of six one-on-one combinations but had grown into a gigantic seven-body problem.

‘Newton also proposed that since any object that has mass is attracted to every other object that has mass, the orbits of each planet is influenced not only by the sun, but by all the other planets as well.’

How then, one might ask, could Newton in 1687, or any one else after him until high-speed computers, calculate the interactions of six bodies - their moons and the sun - a multi-body solar system, each according to Newton, both attracting and attracted by every other globe in the system while continuously changing by the second as each planet or moon moves to a different place at different speeds relative to the others? Indeed, given that it takes each planet different times to complete an orbit, it is probable that there are never two similar combinations, thus no possibility of consistency wherein any such a multi-variable multi-forces multi-speeds formula could be used to trace the positions of planets.

They tell us Newton solved this problem by giving science 15,000 mathematical variables. This too has to be moonshine, for as we have pointed out above, even if we invented 15,000,000 variables we could not cover the number of variables that are present in the sky one hour to the next
I ran nowhere pal, I have to eat and sleep you know,
That’s no excuse for running away from egregiously wrong assertions.
I quoted a source that you say is writing nonsense. Well if you feel so strongly that they are writing in error let them know, I’m sure they will correct their encyclopaedia to include your findings.
No - you selectively quoted a source. Why don’t you give us the rest of the entry, without editing, because I am sure that no respectable dictionary would state that Jean Cassini was responsible for deriving the International Gravity Formula.
This thread is getting out of hand up there now and running far too wide for anyone to reply in detail to all that heliocentric maths. Let me come back to this so-called proof for a spinning earth,
here is another bit of information I found that might interest readers.
If it’s getting out of hand for you, try to stick to and defend the spurious evidence you have produced, rather than producing yet more nonsense.Oh, and I haven’t produced any maths yet. Just you wait.
Jupiter and Saturn, two rapidly rotating planets (Jupiter in 10 hours, and Saturn in a little over that), were said to be elliptical rather than circular spheres, that is, bulging at their ‘equators’, Newton’s theory and evolutionary cosmology were incontrovertibly proven, yes? No way, for such affirmations prove nothing. The sun, a body rotating 8,500 miles an hour at its ‘equator’ – many times faster than they say the earth does - has no belly at all: why not?
It’s angular velocity that matters here, mate, not surface velocity. The sun rotates once per 25 days so its angular velocity is 1/25th that of the earth.
Moreover, Venus and Mercury, also spinning, have no bellies either, why not?
Venus has a sidereal day 243 days long and Mercury 59 days long. They are spinning very slowly.
But again to Newton and his Pythagorean reasoning went the credit for sorting out this little paradox. The basis why some have it and others do not, he said, is because of the differences in the gravity of each cosmic body as well as the speed of rotation. The sun and planets, he asserted, all have their own rotation and gravity. The slower the rotation and the greater the inward pull, the lesser the bulge, if any, understand?
And your problem with this is what exactly? It predicts the flattening of the sun and planets, including earth very well.
‘Experimental evidence supporting this idea [that the earth is shaped like an orange] came in 1672 as a result of a French expedition to Guiana. The explorer [Jean Richer (1630-96)] found that a pendulum clock that kept good time in Paris lost 2½ minutes a day at Cayenne near the Equator. At that time no one knew how to interpret the observation; but Newton’s theory that gravity must be larger at the poles (because of its closer proximity to the Earth’s centre) than the Equator was a logical explanation.
Thank you. Not only is it a logical explanation, but we know now, by far finer and more accurate measurements that the acceleration due to gravity is higher at the poles than at the equator (as represented by the International Gravity Formula) by about 0.53% and it is explained, quantitatively by the fact that the poles are closer to the centre of the earth and by the centrifugal force of the earth’s rotation at the equator. Why would that be, cassini?
What we are not told is that there was one anti-bulge sceptic at least, the astronomer Domenico Cassini, ‘a determined opponent of the theory of universal gravitation’ (C.C. Gillispie: Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York, C. Scribner & Sons, p.103.) , perhaps the only man capable of refuting Newton and the geodesists hell-bent on imposing hermetic Copernicanism on the world. Cassini, who believed the measurements made by Jean Picard in 1672 were not accurate enough, as a true empiricist, decided to measure for himself.
On the contrary, we *are *told that. I told it earlier in the thread.
So it was in 1700 King Louis XIV of France approved Cassini’s last great expedition. With the aid of his son Jacques Cassini and others, he measured the arc of meridian from Paris north to Dunkirk and south to the boundary of Spain, and, in addition, he conducted various associated geodesic and astronomical operations that were reported to the Academy. The Cassinis knew that it would be virtually impossible to measure every kilometre of meridian from Pole to Pole at the time. At best, all that could be achieved was a partial measurement. Consequently they decided to measure where it was most convenient, restricting their efforts to Europe in the northern hemisphere.
The results showed the length of a meridian degree north of Paris was 111,017 meters or 265 metres shorter than one south of Paris (111,282 meters). This suggested that if this trend occurred in the southern hemisphere, the earth has to be a prolate spheroid, not flattened at the poles as Newton proposed, but the opposite, slightly pointed, with the equatorial axis shorter than the polar axis, that is, kind of egg-shaped.
Just so. And it turned out that they made measurement errors and they were wrong. Every single measurement since 1800 shows they were wrong and confirms that the earth is oblate with a flattening of about 298.

So your point is? That Cassini got it wrong? Or that Cassini got it right and everyone else since then, including measurements using technology undreamt of in Cassini’s day has got it wrong? Do pull the other one.

When are you going to support your assertion that Cassini’s work is the foundation of the International Gravity Formula?

Is this a trick question or am I supposed to say because the earth is spinning and orbiting the sun at 72,000 mph. Now let me guess the answer, I know, because the earth does not spin and does not orbit the sun. Do I win the prize?
No, because you haven’t given an answer. Why is the acceleration due to gravity higher at the poles than at the equator? Your statement fails to answer the question. It is not a viable hypothesis for the observation.

Is this a trick question or am I supposed to say because the earth is spinning and orbiting the sun at 72,000 mph. Now let me guess the answer, I know, because the earth does not spin and does not orbit the sun. Do I win the prize?
no, he wants you to say that gravity decreases as a square of distance.
How then, one might ask, could Newton in 1687, or any one else after him until high-speed computers, calculate the interactions of six bodies - their moons and the sun - a multi-body solar system, each according to Newton, both attracting and attracted by every other globe in the system while continuously changing by the second as each planet or moon moves to a different place at different speeds relative to the others? Indeed, given that it takes each planet different times to complete an orbit, it is probable that there are never two similar combinations, thus no possibility of consistency wherein any such a multi-variable multi-forces multi-speeds formula could be used to trace the positions of planets.
The clue is in the word “perturbations”. The effect of other planets on the orbit of any planet is a perturbation on the pure ellipse. So to begin with, you can get a very good approximation by ignoring the other planets. Next, although there isn’t an exact analytical solution (do you know what this is?) to the three-body problem, that doesn’t mean that you can’t improve your approximation to reality analytically. What effects do the presence of other planets have? They don’t cause wild deviations from the two-body ellipse, but they do cause effects such as perihelion precession. In fact, Newton’s predictions based on these techniques predicted precession, which we observe but the observed precession is somewhat greater than Newton’s result. This long standing anomaly was resolved by GR. Your problem is a non-problem.

Oh, and why we’re on precession, do you know what causes the precession of the earth’s axial pole around the ecliptic pole with a period of 25,800 years?

Hi grannymh,

I haven’t read the Hahn and Wiker book. I assume that it is mainly a response to Dawkins’s God Delusion book. I am sure they are qualified to make that response and I would be interested to read it at some point. What they are not qualified to do is to critique Dawkins’s science, so if that is what they mean by meeting him on his turf then they are out of their depth.

Dear Alec,

I know Scott Hahn would not be qualified to critique science per se. Neither would Benjamin Wiker. Nonetheless, I know Scott Hahn as a powerful analytical thinker which is why I bought the book. Anyone who can dissect the bible the way Hahn can with his unbelievable memory has my deep respect.

My impression of what they meant by Dawkins’ turf is that they were starting with his theories which supported his case regarding the non existence of a god. They used logical thinking to demonstrate the weakness of Dawkins’ own proofs that a god wasn’t needed for evolution to begin. I don’t think proofs is the right word, sorry. It had more to do with some of Dawkins’ theories on the mechanics of evolution which is why there were a lot of direct quotes from Dawkins and “The Origin of Species” along with the identifying footnotes.

Probably a more accurate way to describe turf is that the author’s were on Dawkins’ philosophical turf which is influenced by his commitment to evolution. Hahn was strongly outspoken about his opposition to atheism. But I never got the impression that he was opposed to science as such. I hope you know what I think I mean!

One more thing --and don’t you dare call it Catholic guilt. (You may laugh quietly in your bedroom.) I have a confession.
I have only taken two science courses in my life, biology and physics in high school more than a half century ago. My universisty degree is in English with a minor in philosophy.

I am interested in science because it has become the driving force of society. I am also interested in the spiritual side of human nature. I don’t like cooking. Recently, I was explaining the metaphysics of the Catholic Eucharist to a priest. He finally commented that I had an analytical mind. I also have a creative mind and do a little writing.

I read all these amazing scientific and philosophical things on threads. I just don’t want anyone to think that I’m on that level.

I really appreciate the time you took to comment on Dawkins’ books. Thank you so much. I will enjoy the reading and the learning.

I realize that. Pope Benedict is not a scientist.
How is his not being a scientist relevant? On this forum, various individuals, some claiming to be scientists, make various claims. Their point appears to be for Christians to simply accept the “science,” but it goes beyond that. Various Catholics here have been criticized for bringing magical thinking into science. Or that science and religion are realms where one cannot comment on the other. This is false.

“Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.” Pope John Paul II

Clearly, there is a complementary and shared relationship between faith and reason. I currently believe the Church has identified the relatively recent corruption of science by scientists who embrace scientism and atheism, and who go on television and/or write books based on the same ‘mountains of evidence’ that supposedly underpin the current theory of evolution to proclaim there is no god.

This is relevant to discuss on a Catholic forum. I believe the Pope can, and should, speak authoritatively on scientific subjects. Since science teachers pass on scientific knowledge to other human beings so that they too can speak with full knowledge of their subject, so can the Pope speak with full knowledge about certain scientific theories.

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