Faith and Science

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This is relevant to discuss on a Catholic forum. I believe the Pope can, and should, speak authoritatively on scientific subjects. Since science teachers pass on scientific knowledge to other human beings so that they too can speak with full knowledge of their subject, so can the Pope speak with full knowledge about certain scientific theories.Peace,Ed
I cannot speak authoritatively on cardiac surgery, because I am ignorant about that subject. The pope is not qualified to speak authoritatively about science, because the statement you quoted (about a “complete, scientifically proven theory”) shows that he is ignorant about important aspects of the philosophy of science.

The Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 405 years old and counting:)
That’s nice. But what are the pope’s credentials in science? Or are you suggesting that whatever the Pontifical Academy of Sciences finds is what the pope knows? Be careful now, it’s a trick question.
It is wrong to claim that only scientists can speak about science. Anyone can learn.

I cannot speak authoritatively on cardiac surgery, because I am ignorant about that subject. The pope is not qualified to speak authoritatively about science, because the statement you quoted (about a “complete, scientifically proven theory”) shows that he is ignorant about important aspects of the philosophy of science.

the idea that science doesnt prove anything is belied in practice. we can talk all day long concerning the ‘ideal’ of the philosophy of science, yet in practice science both proves, and attempts to prove that various theories map too reality. i.e aerodynamics, chemistry, geology, etc. all sciences researched, well enough to be called proven, i.e. airplanes fly, looks like a ‘proven’ theory to me.

and i dare say that evolution, and abiogenesis, would be seriously considered unproven,

yes, i understand new info may come in concerning theory, but planes arent going to drop out of the sky because of it.

all subjects concerning physical phenomenon contain a finite amount of information, it seems as though the implication is that none of these theories can be proven until all that information is known and categorized and verified. if that were true then we shouldn’t build airplanes,

so that argument is completely fallacious and can only really be a factor in the classroom
That’s nice. But what are the pope’s credentials in science? Or are you suggesting that whatever the Pontifical Academy of Sciences finds is what the pope knows? Be careful now, it’s a trick question.
i am saying that if the Pope Benedict cares to speak on any particular aspect of the sciences, he has access to all the relevant information. from a well established source.

how is that a trick question?

ttahs srcsaam, i maen to say it wsnat vrey tkciry 😃
the idea that science doesnt prove anything is belied in practice. we can talk all day long concerning the ‘ideal’ of the philosophy of science, yet in practice science both proves, and attempts to prove that various theories map too reality. i.e aerodynamics, chemistry, geology, etc. all sciences researched, well enough to be called proven, i.e. airplanes fly, looks like a ‘proven’ theory to me.
Nope. Science can’t do logical certainty. What you call “proof” is actually “sufficient evidence to conclude it is true.”
and i dare say that evolution, and abiogenesis, would be seriously considered unproven,
In the sense you’re using, evolution is proven, since it has been directly observed. And even common descent is “proven” in the sense you use, since there is overwhelming evidence from observed evolution, fossil evidence, DNA data, etc.
yes, i understand new info may come in concerning theory, but planes arent going to drop out of the sky because of it.
And yet, when we didn’t quite understand the nature of lift at high speeds, planes did fall out of the sky because of it.
all subjects concerning physical phenomenon contain a finite amount of information, it seems as though the implication is that none of these theories can be proven until all that information is known and categorized and verified. if that were true then we shouldn’t build airplanes,
No scientific theory will ever be proven, but things like evolution and aeordynamics are sufficiently well supported by evidence as to make them a rather good bet.
so that argument is completely fallacious and can only really be a factor in the classroom
Now you know better.
Nope. Science can’t do logical certainty. What you call “proof” is actually “sufficient evidence to conclude it is true.”
Proof Proof, n. [OF. prove, proeve, F. preuve, fr. L. proba,
fr. probare to prove. See Prove.]
[1913 Webster]
  1. Any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or
    discover a fact or truth; an act of testing; a test; a
    [1913 Webster]
seems like proof is exactly what science does

and since there is a finite amount of data concerning any physical subject, than logical certainty is possible, if admittedly so difficult as to preclude it in practicality
In the sense you’re using, evolution is proven, since it has been directly observed. And even common descent is “proven” in the sense you use, since there is overwhelming evidence from observed evolution, fossil evidence, DNA data, etc.
and in that same loose sense a creator must be proven from Aquinas’ First Cause, the universe is overwhelming evidence
And yet, when we didn’t quite understand the nature of lift at high speeds, planes did fall out of the sky because of it.
note that additional information did not cause the crash, lack of complete information did.
No scientific theory will ever be proven, but things like evolution and aeordynamics are sufficiently well supported by evidence as to make them a rather good bet.
thats my point, in practice there really seems to be no difference between ‘proven’ and ‘a good bet’

thats just saying the same thing with different words

now you know better
Proof Proof, n. [OF. prove, proeve, F. preuve, fr. L. proba,
fr. probare to prove. See Prove.]
[1913 Webster]
  1. Any effort, process, or operation designed to establish or
    discover a fact or truth; an act of testing; a test; a
    [1913 Webster]
    seems like proof is exactly what science does
You don’t really understand how science works, do you?
Dear Alec,

I know Scott Hahn would not be qualified to critique science per se. Neither would Benjamin Wiker. Nonetheless, I know Scott Hahn as a powerful analytical thinker which is why I bought the book. Anyone who can dissect the bible the way Hahn can with his unbelievable memory has my deep respect.

My impression of what they meant by Dawkins’ turf is that they were starting with his theories which supported his case regarding the non existence of a god. They used logical thinking to demonstrate the weakness of Dawkins’ own proofs that a god wasn’t needed for evolution to begin. I don’t think proofs is the right word, sorry. It had more to do with some of Dawkins’ theories on the mechanics of evolution which is why there were a lot of direct quotes from Dawkins and “The Origin of Species” along with the identifying footnotes.
Well I can understand that they are competent to critique Dawkins’s philosophical reasoning behind his atheism. But I don’t see how they could be competent to critique Dawkins’s insights and understanding of the mechanics of evolution. For that they would have to be trained scientists, so if this is their approach, they would be out of their depth. However, this is all hypothetical, as I haven’t yet read the book. I’ve just realised that I bought the book, and it’s in my pile of new unread books. You’ve piqued my interest, so I’ll move it to the top.
I have a confession. I have only taken two science courses in my life, biology and physics in high school more than a half century ago. My universisty degree is in English with a minor in philosophy.

I am interested in science because it has become the driving force of society…

I read all these amazing scientific and philosophical things on threads. I just don’t want anyone to think that I’m on that level.
Well you don’t need to have any knowledge of science to enjoy and understand the Ancestor’s Tale, but you do need to think and have your wits about you.

Catholics have nothing to fear from science. By studying science, one comes to understand God’s design for creation- and to appreciate it even more.
Can you imaging any idiot using heliocentric maths when sending men into space?
Can you imagine any idiot using a geocentric frame to calculate the interplanetary trajectory (never mind the complete idiocy of using a geostatic frame) for a planetary probe?

You do realise that all calculations of spacecraft trajectories are conducted using Newtonian mechanics (or Eisteinian mechanics if relativistic effects are important), no matter what frame of reference is chosen to do the calculation? You talk as though you think calculations in the geocentric frame don’t use “godless” mechanics. They do. Seems to work.

It is wrong to claim that only scientists can speak about science. Anyone can learn.
Yep, but you actually have to have done the learning. Why don’t you learn, Ed?

When are going to answer this for us - we really want to know:

Explain how breathing the same atmosphere and living on the same earth leads to the same limb structure in the entire tetrapod clade (amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals):

Humerus; radius and ulna; metacarpals; pentadactylous phalanges

Femur; tibia and fibula; metatarsals; pentadactylous phalanges

In particular explain pentadactyly. Five digits. Good luck.*

*Explain how breathing the same atmosphere and living on the same earth leads to the same dentition of 32 teeth with the same complement of incisors, canines, pre-molars and molars in all Old World (but not New World) monkeys, non-human apes, and humans. Oh - and fossil humans. But not dogs (42 teeth), cats (30 teeth), elephants (24), birds (none), mice (16), horses (36 - 44) Why does sharing the same atmosphere and gravity lead apes and humans to have the same dental pattern?

and since there is a finite amount of data concerning any physical subject, than logical certainty is possible, if admittedly so difficult as to preclude it in practicality
Not true in science, at least. No one can ever hope to get all the relevant data. We just sample and make inferences. You need to learn how science works.

Barbarian observes:
In the sense you’re using, evolution is proven, since it has been directly observed. And even common descent is “proven” in the sense you use, since there is overwhelming evidence from observed evolution, fossil evidence, DNA data, etc.
and in that same loose sense a creator must be proven from Aquinas’ First Cause, the universe is overwhelming evidence
**Not from that, at all. St. Paul writes:
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things to be hoped for, the evidence of things that appear not. 2 For by this the ancients obtained a testimony. 3 By faith we understand that the world was framed by the word of God; that from invisible things visible things might be made. **

Have some faith in faith, petey.

Barbarian observes:
And yet, when we didn’t quite understand the nature of lift at high speeds, planes did fall out of the sky because of it.
note that additional information did not cause the crash, lack of complete information did.
You’re starting to catch on. There is no “proof” in science.

Barbarian observes:
No scientific theory will ever be proven, but things like evolution and aeordynamics are sufficiently well supported by evidence as to make them a rather good bet.
thats my point, in practice there really seems to be no difference between ‘proven’ and ‘a good bet’
Other than an airplane falling out of the sky now and then.😃
Catholics have nothing to fear from science. By studying science, one comes to understand God’s design for creation- and to appreciate it even more.
As long as the conclusions are pure of a reigning worldview.
So your point is? That Cassini got it wrong? Or that Cassini got it right and everyone else since then, including measurements using technology undreamt of in Cassini’s day has got it wrong? Do pull the other one.
My point is that confirmation of Newton’s predictions were forged correct so that his heliocentricism could be shown to have been ‘proven’. I see you confirm this. This in turn was added to all the other so-called proofs to con the Churchmen of 1741 and 1820 to ignore a papal decree. In other words, the decision of Churchmen was based on a fraud.
I really am not interested in gravitational measuring of the earth. Cassini never presented it as a way to measure a heliocentric solar system. He rejected Newtonianism and he knew more about astronomy than Newton ever did. Indeed hecd2, can you name one astronomer during the era of the Copernican revolution. You cannot, because they were alll geocentricists. Now isn’t that gas, not one astronomer of note in the history of the fraud from G to H.
No, because you haven’t given an answer. Why is the acceleration due to gravity higher at the poles than at the equator? Your statement fails to answer the question. It is not a viable hypothesis for the observation.

The answer pal, which is open to speculation, will be found to concord with two possible theories, the universe with its effects turns around global earth, or as you prefer the earth rotates.
Cassini never presented it as a way to measure a heliocentric solar system. He rejected Newtonianism and he knew more about astronomy than Newton ever did.

No mention of Cassini, but there is Newton in my book
University Physics
Seventh Edition by Sears/Zemansky/Young
Part One, Mechanics and Fundamentals:

4-1 Force
4-2 Equilibrium and Newton’s first law
4-3 Mass and Newton’s second law
4-4 Systems of units
4-5 Mass and weight
4-6 Newton’s third law
4-7 Applications of Newton’s laws
4-8 Inertial frames of reference

5-1 Forces in Nature
5-2 Contact forces and friction
5-3 Equilibrium of a particle
5-4 Applications of Newton’s second law

6-1 Force in circular motion
6-2 Motion in vertical circle
6-3 Newton’s law of gravitation
6-4 Gravitational field
6-5 Satellite motion
6-6 Effect of the earth’s rotation on g

There is over 1096 pages in the book. iT’S FUN TO LEARN! Have you ever taken a course in physics or studied physics?
It is wrong to claim that only scientists can speak about science. Anyone can learn.
Sweet. Very Sweet. 😉
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