Can’t (or won’t) answer the question. Noted.
Mass is the volume of matter in a body. Tell me, does mass exist in a geocentric world? How about gravity?
For anyone reading these threads who might not understand what we are discussing, this is significant and cassini knows it. The bulge at the equator is caused by the rotation of the earth. In fact, not only is the value of g different (smaller) at the equator because of the increased distance from the center of the earth, it is also different (smaller) because the centripetal force caused by the rotation of the earth.
That is not possible in a geocentric world.
For anyone reading this thread if the earth is oblate, as Newton predicted, it does not prove the earth is rotating. It only proves the earth is oblate. If a man is oblate it does not prove he is spinning, it means he is probably eating too much.
The ‘proof for H’ merchants think they understand Gravity, how it works and that it works in space as well as on earth and other cosmic bodies to some extent. So let us learn something about Gravity that heliocentricists think they have figured out:
Understanding Gravity (From the Latin gravitás, meaning heavy.)
That anyone would say Newton solved the mystery of gravity is beyond belief for no one other than God ‘understands’ gravity. We know the need for and effects of what we call gravity on earth, and indeed probably on the surface of every other cosmic body, but can mere human reason really comprehend the mystery of gravity? Given, for example, that if we view the earth in space - as man can do now – we find it simply hangs in nothing; its surface covered with ‘unattached’ things, half ‘upside-down’ relative to the other half. This being so, we can ask, how is it that on this same globe everybody on its surface has the sky above and the earth below. Is such a phenomenon not beyond human understanding? Let me put it this way. Here we are in the space shuttle, heading for global earth. The first thing the spacemen should notice is that it does not move and that they do not have to chase after it at 70,000mph. Now, no matter where they head for, even if it is a place right on the bottom of the globe as they head towards it, somehow, by the time they land, they end up the same way, the sky is always overhead, and the earth is always below. When does the ‘twist’ happen, I ask myself? If a fly landed on the same place on a light bulb, it would find itself ‘upside down’, yet the same does not occur when the bulbs are cosmic bodies in space. How does this happen? ‘Its all because of gravity’ we are told. Well, thank God for it I say, because without it we would all be in one terrible incoherent, placeless mess.
‘But’, we hear you say, ‘surely scientists throughout the last 300 years eventually confirmed Newton’s law of gravitation - with that instant attraction inherent in every particle of matter and manifested in the movements of the solar system - to be correct? Well actually to begin with, before we come to findings of science after Newton, even he could not come to terms with his own idea, let alone the many universities in Catholic Europe as Andrew White showed us, for who could take seriously a man that would promulgate a theory as a law that he himself knew had no possible empirical justification. Let us now see what he said in some letters on gravitation sent to the Rev. Richard Bentley soon after his Principia was published:
‘You sometimes speak on gravity as essential and inherent to matter. Pray do not ascribe that notion to me…’
‘It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else which is not material, operate upon and effect the matter without mutual contact…is to me so great an absurdity that I believe no man who, in philosophical matters, has a competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it. Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly according to certain laws; but whether the agent be material or immaterial I have left to the consideration of my readers.’
If Newton couldn’t come to terms with his own paradox, how then could the Earthmovers say his ‘laws’ provided ample evidence in the search for proof of the earth’s supposed motion?
But this ‘law’ of Newton’s was very clever, how clever depends where you stand on such things and how well you have been indoctrinated to cope with its strange paradoxes. In the first place, the particle-attracting-particle postulation is nothing more than pure invention. In other words Newton had not one iota of evidence if ‘particles’ attract one another. The way they portray Newton ‘the scientific genius’ you would think he established this ‘law of attraction’ in a laboratory in Cambridge. Well we can all think again for this ‘law’ arrived out of thin air, out of necessity, out of the minds of Halley, Wren and Hooke and nowhere else, well, maybe hell. In the real world, experience shows no such attraction exists, for if it did, all things would, given the chance, attract one another. Why even dust particles in the air, as can be seen in a sunlit room, do not attract, accumulate nor cement together in any ‘gravitational’ way, but remain separate until they lie together on the ground. Nor do particles and things attract in space, as we also see clearly from pictures of stuff floating in every direction in those NASA space shuttles.