Faith Difficulty and Hell

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Because I don’t think people get the Catholic teaching correct which, classically, is that God is actively tossing people there and that people are not choosing to go there.
You think the Saints taught that people go to Hell for arbitrary reasons rather than deserving it by their own demerits and choices in rejecting God and the Good?
I just picked up a book called, “The Classics of Catholic Spirituality Peter John Cameron, OP” and it talks about how to have a closer connection with the Father. He mentions about how visions of Hell and Struggles with Faith are a form of Demonic trickery, because the Devil makes us believe that our sins are to great for the Lord to forgive, which is quite the contrary since he wants us to give our problems to him and our Faith. This shows our commitment to the faith and our abundant love towards him. St. Francis reminds us that it is a great thing to be tormented because If we weren’t good people the devil would look away from us, being tormented can make us Holier based on our strength to continue or break.Whenever you fear the abyss, simply recited the St. Michael the Archangel prayer and believe the good news!!! Adding on to how we are affected, Father Ripperger offers a crucial view on tactics we can use our strong connection to Jesus to Triumph against the devil

and this might be added
Acts 13: 38-39
You must understand, brethren, that it is through him that forgiveness of sins is being proclaimed to you. All those who believe are justified from all the things from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses.

1 Timothy 2:4-6
4 He wants everyone to be saved and reach full knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is only one God, and there is only one mediator between God
6 who offered himself as a ransom for all. This was the witness given at the appointed time,
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Sympathizing with the evil works and choices of a person is sympathizing with Satan, and his influence. God gave us freewill, and the ability to think and make decisions for ourselves. Our own moral compass is not sufficient to guide us alone, that is one of the many reasons why we must read and study the Bible for our own morality. The laws of this world are much different than the Holy laws, as is the wisdom of this world is different from the Wisdom of the Divine. With each decision made, there is a consequence, good or bad. There are only two types of sins, Venial sin and Mortal sin. God can forgive even the greatest of sinners, but without us coming to Him and seeking forgiveness first, how can we be worthy His love and Salvation?
Remember that St. Paul was a murderer, slaughtering Christians before he converted, sought forgiveness and became Holy.

God does not cast us into the fires of Hell for all of eternity, we do that to ourselves by the choices we make. We sever that relationship ourselves. Remember that the ball is on our side of the court.
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The truth is the ball is on GOD’S SIDE of the court, which is our IRREVOCABLE God’s gift of our predestination to heaven.

God bless
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What’s Good News? That you are more-than-likely going to be condemned after death, but you do have a slim chance?
The Good News is the ball is on GOD’S SIDE of the court, which is our IRREVOCABLE God’s gift of our predestination to heaven.

As there is NO ONE can enter to heaven without predestined to heaven, it is God’s DUTY OF CARE to predestine EVERYONE of us to heaven from all eternity.

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Divine Providence explains;

This, the beneficent purpose of an all-seeing Providence, is wholly gratuitous, entirely unmerited (Romans 3:24; 9:11-2).

It extends to every individual, adapting itself to the needs of each (St. John Chrysostom, Hom. xxviii in Matt, n. 3 in; P.G., LVII, 354).

That end is that all creatures should manifest the glory of God, and in particular that man should glorify Him, recognizing in nature the work of His hand, serving Him in obedience and love, and thereby attaining to the full development of his nature and to eternal happiness in God.
God bless
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I see a lot of posts about how people “choose” Hell out of some extreme pride or hatred of God. I think this has a serious oversight since the vast, vast majority of people who don’t accept Christ do so because they believe in a different God or set of gods, or have a very different understanding of God, as in Jews and Muslims. And many would choose God if they knew he existed and was good.
We’ve been here and back again. In fact, I think you were the one that made the post.
I don’t think people get the Catholic teaching correct which, classically, is that God is actively tossing people there and that people are not choosing to go there.
So, just to make sure I’m understanding what you’re trying to say:

You’re saying that there are people who want to go to heaven, who believe in God and who follow God’s commands… but God throws them into hell nevertheless?
I see a lot of posts about how people “choose” Hell out of some extreme pride or hatred of God.
Is it possible that indifference, negligence, and apathy are as effective at ruining relationship as extreme pride or hatred? Many solid couples who have heated arguments sound like they hate each other.
I think this has a serious oversight since the vast, vast majority of people who don’t accept Christ do so because they believe in a different God or set of gods, or have a very different understanding of God, as in Jews and Muslims. And many would choose God if they knew he existed and was good.
And, the Catholic Church holds that salvation is possible for all of these people you mention.
Did you know that?
I have to admit, I would have a faith difficulty as well if I could believe that God throws even one person into hell.


God guides all his creatures with wisdom and love to their ultimate end.

Because God’s providence governs all things, God is in control of all things and can do all things.

God predestines man “according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” (Eph.1:11).

God’s providential plan to order all things to their final end pre-exists in His mind.

St. Thomas Aquinas teaches, God is the cause of all things by His intellect.

God decided prior to creating the universe how He would direct all things in His creation to their final end.

If humans have an intellect and free will, then why is it necessary for God to order us to our final end?

The answer: because God created heaven as our final end, and attaining heaven is above our nature and the nature of every creature.

We would never see God unless He granted us this supernatural privilege.

The Catechism also states, “The vocation to eternal life is supernatural … It surpasses the power of human intellect and will, as that of every other creature.

Because man cannot attain to eternal life by his own natural efforts, he must be predestined to that end by God.

Because we cannot attain the Beatific Vision by the power of our nature, God must direct us to this end by His power and grace.

Thus, predestination is a certain and infallible truth, revealed by Scripture and taught by the Catholic Church. End quote.


CCCS 1996-1998; Justification comes from grace (God’s free and undeserved help) and is given to us to respond to his call.

This call to eternal life is supernatural, coming TOTALLY from God’s decision and surpassing ALL power of human intellect and will. End quote.
John 6:44; No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them.

While St. Thomas says that man turns to God by his own free will, he explains that free-will can only be turn to God, when God turns it.

John 15:16; You did not chose Me, but I chose you.

The Divine will is cause of all things that happen, as Augustine says (De Trin. iii, 1 seqq.).


The Divine Will is the cause of all things/ every event that happen, if even one person would end up in hell for whatever reason, his blood would be in God’s hands for many reasons, among many reasons one is; God failed to predestine that one person to heaven.
God bless
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