Indeed, isn’t this last argumetn the one used by Nicodemus with Jesus in John 3 when Jesus said to get to heaven yo uneeded to be born again of water and spirit?
Yes, He (Jesus) said unless one is born again he cannot see the KOG, and unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the KOG. Your words, “
get to heaven,” are not there. We know that Jesus, in context, is talking about a spiritual rebirth, hence, He is speaking of spiritual things and therefore I do not believe He is talking about physical, water baptism, but rather water as figurative for the Word of God (see Eph. 5:26 & Titus 3:5).
You are saved once through the waters of baptism. from that point on, you must live a new life, the life you were called to lead when you were saved. If you fail to do this, your have wasted your second birth and willl be condemned. Truly, are you really born again, if you are not a changed man?
I do agree that one is not truly born again if no change has taken place. Which is one of the reasons I cannot accept the idea of baptismal regeneration, especially infants. A true spiritual rebirth will
manifest a new life.
First of all, no one is claiming to be born again by good works. We all agree that you are born again by grace through Faith in Jesus.
Actually you claim water baptism as the agent.
We further maintain that you must take the covenential step of being baptized to demonstrate this faith in a real, physical way.
How does an infant demonstrate such faith. The baptism is imposed upon the child, the infant itself has to capacity to personally believe anything.
On this we disagree, I know,
Yes, we disagree because Scripture reveals that it’s those who had
personally believed the message of Christ that were subsequently baptized.
We maintain that you must live out this faith in love , avoiding mortal sin, to go to heaven.
Which is (1) salvation according to works, and (2) a disbelief in that God dealt with the matter of sin,
once for all, at Calvary (Heb. 9:26; Jn. 1:29).
You maintain that nothing more is required of the Christian other than that one time assent of faith.
It’s not a “
one time” “assent of faith.” One is saved (by God, in the true sense of the word) at the “
moment” of personal faith in Jesus Christ. It’s at this moment of faith that the believer is regenerated (born again) by the Holy Spirit, thereby becoming alive to the things freely given (gifted) to him by God. He understands that his salvation is a “
gift of God, not as a result of works”
You apparently believe that you don’t even have to continue believing in Jesus, because once saved, you can not be lost.
At the time of spiritual rebirth the
unbeliever (a state of being) becomes a
believer (a state of being). An
unsaved one (a state of being) becomes a
saved one (a state of being).
We have shown you perhaps a dozen scriptural verses that support the Catholic position that your faith must be lived to inherit eternal life. Do you still deny this fact?
You have shown me verses that you interpret as
conditions to be met in order
"to inherit eternal life." But then “
eternal life” is not “
inherited” at all but rather “
rewarded” based on works, nor is that inherited life “eternal” (i.e., everlasting).
Of course it is divinely provided righteousness.
But, Paul, the righteousness that’s provided is the “
righteousness of God,” and that through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe (see Rom. 3:22; 4:6; 2 Cor. 5:21).
God saves us to do his works.
No He doesn’t. Salvation was HIS work through Jesus Christ.
If we fail to do his works, we will be condemned.
Then you are saved by works because you contend that one is finally saved only
IF he does said works.
You posted a quote a day or so ago about being Christians being zealous for good works.
Yes, Titus 2:11-14. But in context those who are “
zealous for good works” are a people who have been
redeemed (purchased by Christ’s blood) from every lawless deed, and
purified (cleansed by Christ’s blood) for God’s own possession.
Okay, so now you are finally acknowledging verse 10.
I’ve always acknowledged Eph. 2:10.
So good works are created in Christ Jesus.
No, Eph. 2:10 doesn’t say that at all. But rather those in vv. 8-9 who have been saved by grace through faith, a gift of God,
not as a result of works are those who are now "
created in Christ Jesus FOR good works. It’s not the works that are created in Christ Jesus, but those who have been saved by grace through faith. Eph. 2:10 does not contradict nor is separated from 2:8-9.
So if you don’t do those works, you are not in Christ Jesus, right?
That’s a corrupt interpretation. Only those who are
saved by grace through faith…
not as a result of works (Eph. 2:8-9), and who are now “
created in Christ Jesus” (Eph. 2:10) will, or can, do said works. Those works are FOR the saved (
by grace through faith…
not as a result of works), who are “
created in Christ Jesus.” One is NOT “
saved” nor “
created in Christ Jesus” BY doing said works - which is your whole argument and logic.
So works are required to enter heaven.
See what I mean?
That is the simple fact. We are not saved because of these works, it is true. But if we don’t do them, we are not true Christians and will be condemned.
This whole statement is a blatant contradiction and contrary to Eph. 2:8-10).