Famous converts

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Karl Keating:
Were Mr. Blair to convert while prime minister, there would be no constitutional crisis. The problem arises with the monarch, not the prime minister. By law the monarch, who is the head of the Church of England, may not be a Catholic. There is no similar restriction on the prime minister.
Tony Blair’s wife has some goofy views on Theology–let us hope her influence on Blair is minimal:


Now, take the article with a grain of salt…I haven’t been able to verify it.

Also, I believe the proper spelling is Laura Ingraham, for those searching on the Internet. I really enjoy her daily radio program–very witty and intelligent.

God bless,
I heard that Patrick Buchanan is a Catholic.
He is, but I do not believe that he is a convert.
Thomas, I was just about to post the same thing although I didn’t know his real name. Heard that on EWTN. It was a cool story.
Veronica Anne:
Um… Who are Larry Kudlow and Laura Engram?

I must be living under a rock.

I am right next to you…move over!
I thought C.S. Lewis did convert at the end of his life; it would be great if someone could clarify, since there are different accounts here.

Also, speaking of the Brits, from the “London Daily Telegraph” on February 24, 2004 (big news):

"Canon Edward Norman, the Chancellor of Yorkminster Cathedral and a leading Anglican scholar, has announced that hs is converting to Catholicism when he retires in May, calling it ‘a shaft of light before the sun sets.’ "

(I would double-check the source, this was sent to me by a friend.)
And, don’t forget, famous abortion doctor, Bernard Nathanson. God is sooooooooo good.

I thought C.S. Lewis did convert at the end of his life; it would be great if someone could clarify, since there are different accounts here.
I have no doubt that C.S. Lewis fully entered the Catholic Church at the end of his life, but he definitely didn’t do it while he was alive.
Lewis did not convert. I heard a panel discussion on relevant radio discussing a recent book about Lewis, and apparently he never completely got past the Marian doctrines.

My favorite list of converts is:

Peter, formerly known as Simon
and so on…😉
How about Saint Paul and Saint Augustine?
Hmm. I [mistakenly?] thought St. Augustine was along the lines of Revert? Saint Monica prayed for him for what must’ve felt like her entire life! 🙂

Union General William Rosecrans, and his brother Bishop Sylvester Rosecrans, first bishop of Columbus, Ohio.
Ola Tjorhom– foremost Lutheran theologian of Norway and head and professor at the renowned Norwegian School of Missions and Theology, Stavanger (converted to Catholicism January 25, 2003)

Richard John Neuhaus (former Lutheran minister and theologian-- was called greatest American Protestant theologian by Christianity Today back in the 1980’s before his Catholic conversion)

Michael Dummett (world-renowned Oxford Univ. philosopher)

Nicholas Rescher (world-renowned philosopher, Univ. of Pittsburgh)

Bas Van Frassen (foremost philosopher of science, Princeton Univ.-- “Google” his name)

Peter Geach (top contemporary mathematical logician-- “Google” his name)

[late] Mortimer Adler (great American educator [Univ. of Chicago], prolific author, editor of Great Books program)

[late] Elizabeth Anscombe (d. 2001) (great Cambridge University philosopher and foremost Wittgensteinian scholar)
Voltaire, one of the most vehement detractors of the Catholic Church leading up to and during the French Revolution, was a deathbed convert (although there is some disagreement there).

For the record, I’ve never heard of a deathbed conversion to atheism. 🙂
Hadn’t seen it here yet, but I believe J.R.R. Tolkien was also a convert, although at a young age. I also found it interesting that his name is listed as a “principal collaborator” in translation and literary revision of The Jerusalem Bible.
Is there any way we could compile this into a list and make it a “sticky”? This is great stuff!

Or, could someone out there with a website host a page listing famous converts?

Just a suggestion. I know I’d appreciate it!

No, Augustine was not a “re-vert”. His mother was Catholic but his father was a pagan, and did not allow her to bring him up in the faith. For a time he was a follower of the Manichean heresy before finally converting.

Tolkien was a very young convert—in that sense I wonder if he can really be considered a convert at all. His widowed mother converted (at great personal cost to herself) and brought her two boys into the Church with her.

I would also list Evelyn Waugh as a convert…and Arnold Lunn.

Josep Pearce has an excellent book, “Literary Converts” that would be very helpful to you.
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