I’m not saying to do that unless there is something he said that you question, which I do all the time with comments I read here at CAF and other places, otherwise, it is important to study your faith on your own and know that he is just one Catholic person voicing concerns about the Catholic crisis. No one should be following him as if he is the pope or the magisterium.Ok. I doubt if many readers go through the Catechism, the source documents,
I think that is what this thread is kind of about. Can Dr. Marhshall unite the clans and can Dr. Marshall still be trusted as unifying source? These questions and similar perhaps show a making Dr. Marshall a little bigger than who he is and maybe that is why so many people on both sides get upset. I don’t get it because there are many others out there saying a lot of things also but this seems to be a frequent focus here.
I believe Catholics that follow that line of teaching know they are not following the Church. I don’t know how else to stress it, it is important for each individual to study the faith, the catechisms. If people are being led away by false teaching then they are following man and not God.“Catholics for Choice” is another website ministry unapproved by the Church. They also show lots of facts from Catholic Tradition and documents to “prove” legal abortion is consistent with Catholic social teaching. Don’t say this is obviously a fraud, because millions of Catholics and non Catholics accept this line of thinking. I’m sure their facts check out, but they are not reliable.
It can yes, but if we dismiss all ministries that do not seek approval from the Church we also will have to do away with what Pope Pius X called Catholic Action, which includes the laity, each individual person’s responsibility, ministry to promote the Kingship of Christ. That includes every person that comes here on CAF or anywhere on the internet. We should be considering ourselves as ministering the Catholic faith and we do not get approval for our comments and things we say either.just pointing out where unapproved “Catholic” ministry can lead to
So from that I think I am going to mute this thread. These questions come up about Dr. Marshall and as I said they go around and around with the same arguments and end nowhere.
God bless
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