Fans of Taylor Marshall: what's going on?

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I’m not sure what to make of this. I respect your views, Magdalena, and have enjoyed our conversations.
Thank you and I have felt the same about yours and did not mean anything except I have noticed at other more traditional forums there are those who also like what Dr. Marshall says and those that don’t and thought from a traditionalist point of view they could answer your questions better.

I think there was one post that came through on here yesterday by someone else that was quite bothersome to me and thought Aquinal11 made a good point about the thread having a lot of slander in it. It just seemed that the thread became more about hurting Dr. Marshall than answering your questions.
He places himself at the center of traditional Catholic media – to discuss the current landscape, one virtually has to discuss him.
I completely agree with this. Anyone who puts themselves out in front of people in the media is opening themselves up for debate. I just thought traditional Catholics could answer better how they feel about Dr. Marshall and if he was still uniting them.

I guess I was thinking that discussing Dr. Marshall here at CAF is like discussing with snowbirds in Florida how they feel about snow. There might be some who don’t mind it or even like it but many will not. I did not mean to sound attacking. I’m sorry if I did.

God bless

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I’m going to go against the grain for many here but I don’t think endless commentary on these stories actually strengthens anyone’s faith. I can’t identify one way in which my faith is stronger for pondering the many proposed heresies of Fr. Martin or the lasciviousness of a cardinal.
I can understand your point of view. Many have given similar reasons as to why they don’t like to watch or listen to the news, the constant barrage of the negative is too much to take.

Personally, I want to hear about the negative in our Church, because it’s not merely that Father so and so is supporting heterodoxy our Cardinal whomever has sketchy connections to questionable entities.

It’s important because these men are rarely, if ever, denounced by their superiors or colleagues. So it isn’t just the act itself, but the turning of the blind eye towards it. As the saying goes, the coverup is often times worse than the crime.
Same to my ears.
“What!??? “
And I explained all I could in every possible way until my tongue got dried.
Minds were made up already.
Then I threw the towel.
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I agree completely and have argued many times supporting his position and that of other sources such as lifesite news. Just because people do not like what they hear from those sources does not automatically mean what they are hearing is false or anti-catholic. Much of what is presented by Taylor Marshall is very firmly rooted in Catholic Doctrine, Dogma and Tradition.
which one of those things makes him awful, him sympathizing with the SSPX or wanting to do away with the eastern church?
I agree completely and have argued many times supporting his position and that of other sources such as lifesite news. Just because people do not like what they hear from those sources does not automatically mean what they are hearing is false or anti-catholic. Much of what is presented by Taylor Marshall is very firmly rooted in Catholic Doctrine, Dogma and Tradition.
This I agree with – many of his videos/podcasts are extremely faithful. The difficulty for me is that much of what he’s produced over the past two years overlays orthodox teaching with his personal opinions. I worry that many cannot tell the difference.
which one of those things makes him awful, him sympathizing with the SSPX or wanting to do away with the eastern church?
For me it’s definitely a desire to do away with all but the Roman Rite. I wouldn’t say he’s “awful” but I would say in this respect he’s awfully misguided.
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I can understand your concerns. Personally I don’t share them, but then again I am a researcher and tend to do my own research where many do not.
One writes proper nouns with capital letters , and without articles such a “ the”.
That means that there’s no such idol referred to in the article from the Vatican.
What was used was a noun. And it is a noun.
Two different things .
So when sb says “ I use the proper noun and refer to it as an idol or goddess because the Pope also did”, then well no, he didn’t .And he knows what he is referring to.
Several of us tried to help.As we could. At least we tried…
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I used to be a fan of Taylor Marshall, until he started going too insane. Now he’s to the point where he thinks the Eastern Churches should be done away with because the Roman rite is the only good one. Now he’s going SSPX. He’s awful.
Wait… what? Where has he said that? That does sound pretty kooky, but I’d like to confirm it.

As for Taylor Marshall in general I’m not that familiar with him but I do know that Dave Armstrong has been criticizing him for going too far for a while now (e.g. see here or here).
I think there was one post that came through on here yesterday by someone else that was quite bothersome to me and thought Aquinal11 made a good point about the thread having a lot of slander in it.
For what it’s worth, I’m fairly sure that comment from Aquinas11 was directed at me…
For what it’s worth, I’m fairly sure that comment from Aquinas11 was directed at me…
Yes, I agree that Aquinas11s comment that there was a lot of slander in the thread was said to you. I think though, I thought anyway, they were saying that because of the comment about racism etc, which the moderators removed. That comment I know was not from you.
I don’t like to get into character debates, because personally I’m not trying to defend someone’s likability, but rather, if what they are saying is true. Especially when it involves our faith.

I don’t have any stock invested in these traditional groups, so it doesn’t matter to me if a person chooses not to listen to them or buy their books.

With regards to Dr. Marshall, I think he’s become more emboldened in his views and aside from his personal opinions, there is still a lot of authentic Catholic teaching in his remarks.
Yes, I agree that Aquinas11s comment that there was a lot of slander in the thread was said to you. I think though, I thought anyway, they were saying that because of the comment about racism etc
Yes and my comment actually emphasized with those who were misled by a false post.
Yet this slander and calumny already was read and believed by many
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