I don’t think you understood my reply re: CAI. I never wanted to debate you on the merits of CAI, or why CAI was on some sort of quest to destroy Scott Hahn’s credibility. I was trying to find the spot where CAI recommends Fascinating Woman, so I could see WHY they recommended it. And all I found on their site was the Scott Hahn thing, nothing else. I was not trying to debate you on anything. I wanted a location on CAI for what you stated. I have a rough time with your grammar and syntax, not that I am always a spelling and typing champ.
As far as the book: I feel Fascinating Woman holds women not to a standard of mutual submission, which IS the Catholic viewpoint of marriage; but makes women into little pretty little girls who manipulate for the sake of a man’s ego, to keep peace in the family. The thing that ticked me off most about the book was the same thing that ticked off Eileen T. A husband might have some of the traits of his wife’s father, but he is not her father, and vice versa.
Personally, my husband thought the book was absolute rubbish, what little he could stomach to read. The thought of having to treat his wife for the rest of her life as she was a 10-year old, by giving her constant permissions for what she should already know to do, gave him angst. He doesn’t like cutesy, and he doesn’t like coy. As a philosopher and ethicist, he found the book dishonest, in that it encourages manipulation of the husband through these various means. He was glad I only checked it out of the library, and didn’t spend money on it.
It is the same problem with Marabel Morgan, and the same problem with Laura Doyle.