Father Groeschel and the Charismatic movement

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I differ with those who claim that the ‘Charismatic’ experience is not for everyone. To me this is the same as saying that you only worship Jesus, but don’t believe God the Father or the Holy Spirit are your ‘cup of tea’. For a Christian that position is ridiculous. Scripture states that we must worship in ‘Spirit and truth’. You can’t really worship in just ‘truth’ or just ‘spirit’ and be correct in your theology. The Charismatic movement is mostly comprised of people who have diligently sought the Holy Spirit in prayer and obedience and whom have opened their hearts up to his work and leadings. Sure, there are some who are poorly formed in doctrine. They are like a dirty filter, and what comes out of their mouths is sometimes tainted by the wages of sin, but who is sinless? I would suggest to those who are reluctant in regards to the Holy Spirit to get a copy of “Theology of the body” from the gift foundation and study this great work by our Holy Father JP2. It might perhaps give you a more complete understanding of man and woman’s relationship to God. It is a good starting place in understanding our mission in the world and what is desired of us by God.
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