Father James Altman: You cannot be Catholic & a Democrat. Period

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We already have one of these threads here. Don’t post your own and go participate in that one.
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I apologize, I didn’t notice the other one.
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They appear to benefit children in the neighborhoods where they are placed, not in the neighborhoods where they aren’t.
This is a bit like condemning a factory that provides 1000 jobs because there are 2000 people who want them. Where is the sense in ignoring the good that is done because more good needs to be done? Should no child go to college because all who would like to go cannot? Should we not vaccinate any child because we cannot vaccinate all of them? Or should we rather accept what improvements we can make now and hope to make more in the future?
I suppose the thinking is that if there is a possibility of improvement that entails actual beneficial change can be had.

But we don’t want that…

… that requires hard work.

Better to keep things at the level of the theoretical - if it sounds good that is absolute proof that it will be good… someday.

Why ruin sound-good dreams by introducing reality and the need for hard work to change things when we can do nothing and pretend things will be better though ideation?

Explained here…

Hint: It is about control and control is far easier when everything is centralized, including education.
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And in the interest of cleanliness, we ought to direct posters of new threads to the pre-existing ones.
You’re free to suggest they participate in a preexisting thread, and they’re free to do so or not. Now, in regards to the OP, I’m unaware of a preexisting thread regarding the views of Fr. Altman.
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Now, in regards to the OP, I’m unaware of a preexisting thread regarding the views of Fr. Altman.
It’s been all over the front page for weeks. How have you not seen it? Alternatively, is there a reason to not search for a preexisting thread before posting?
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I had not seen this topic previously and I look at the main page fairly often. Thanks for posting.
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It’s been all over the front page for weeks. How have you not seen it? Alternatively, is there a reason to not search for a preexisting thread before posting?
Unless there’s a forum rule stating one must search for a preexisting thread prior to creating a thread, then they’re not obligated to. And, if they don’t then, again, you’re free to suggest they participate in a preexisting thread, and they’re free to do so or not.
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I had not seen this topic previously and I look at the main page fairly often. Thanks for posting.
There were about 5 threads on Fr. Altman; he’s been all over the Internet for several weeks.

In addition to the thread already posted above:
Two perilous, deep truths brought closer to the surface by Father Altman's video- party politics drowning the faith and a growing lack of Charity Moral Theology
The recent events surrounding Father Altman’s video have highlighted two very prominent truths increasingly harming our faith, in my opinion. These are: Catholicism is being profoundly afflicted by politics (Vigano etc.), which is drowning the Truths of our Faith In turn, Charity is being disposed of in favour of point-scoring and many hearts are being lost It is important for me to establish from the offset- we all agree that abortion is intrinsically evil. And indeed- the overwhelming major…
Diocese of LaCrosse Statement on Priest's Political Video Catholic News
This is a link where you can read the Bishop’s statement. It is sad to see partisan politics driving more wedges. Thanks to the Bishop for being a shepherd
Why Catholics Should Vote for Trump article Popular Media
How can you be Democratic and also be Catholic? Social Justice
And also completely disregards the Church’s teaching on the topic.
I think some of the Altman threads were also consolidated into the existing threads as it seemed for about a week someone started a thread on him almost daily.
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There actually is (or at least, was) such a rule.
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Unless there’s a forum rule stating one must search for a preexisting thread prior to creating a thread, then they’re not obligated to. And, if they don’t then, again, you’re free to suggest they participate in a preexisting thread, and they’re free to do so or not.
The forum FAQ contains statements that
  • it’s recommended that users use the search function to find ongoing open discussion about their topic before starting a new one;
  • users should not cross post the same topic in multiple places.
If someone starts a thread that is relevant to another ongoing topic, then usually someone points out to them “There is another topic already started on this” and often the thread starter will go post there instead.

If not, then forum users are free to flag and write a note to the moderator asking them to consolidate the new thread into the existing topic thread. Sometimes there is more than one thread on a topic because the original thread is in News and there are posters who have News muted because of all the arguments and never read it. Sometimes there are legitimately different dimensions to a topic that warrant multiple threads.

In any event, it’s allowable for a user to object to someone starting a new topic when there’s already an open thread.
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The forum FAQ contains statements that
  • it’s recommended that users use the search function to find ongoing open discussion about their topic before starting a new one;
  • users should not cross post the same topic in multiple places.
If someone starts a thread that is relevant to another ongoing topic, then usually someone points out to them “There is another topic already started on this” and often the thread starter will go post there instead.

If not, then forum users are free to flag and write a note to the moderator asking them to consolidate the new thread into the existing topic thread. Sometimes there is more than one thread on a topic because the original thread is in News and there are posters who have News muted because of all the arguments and never read it. Sometimes there are legitimately different dimensions to a topic that warrant multiple threads.

In any event, it’s allowable for a user to object to someone starting a new topic when there’s already an open thread.
I didn’t say it wasn’t allowable for a user to object to another creating a thread when there’s an active preexisting thread, rather said they are free to do so, just as one is free to participate in that preexisting thread or not.
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