I believe what bones_IV is talking about is the fact that Senator Santorum backed and campigned for Senator Specter in a primary. Senator Specter is not pro-life, I believe he is fully pro-abortion. The republican running against Senator Specter in this primary, if I am not mistaken, was fully pro-life.Please tell me about this. I am quite interested.
Let me tell you the little I know about Santorum…He recently appeared on ?Raymond Aroya’s EWTN news and said his original venture as a politician had little to do with his being Catholic. He said that data regarding late term brain-crushing abortions woke him up. He said he knew then he should stop just dealing and fight for Catholic principles that revere life.
The EWTN show also mentioned that Santorum and his then pregnant wife were advised to abort because of a fetal defect but refused and they had the baby.This was arround the tme that Santorum decided to stand up for Caholic morals/principles.
If you know anything different, let me know. .
So when it comes down to it, is a person who claims to be pro-life truely pro-life when they back a person who is pro-abortion for election over a pro-life candidate?