Father Non-Essential

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We ought not fear death as Christians
We certainly should not fear our own death, but we should protect the lives of neighbors, strangers, non-Christians, and non-believers. That’s a Christian perspective on social distancing. We give up our privileges for a time, in order to save the lives of others. With God’s grace, it may give them another opportunity for conversion. That is love.
Most of us have been staying at home for close to 2 months now. We have given up privileges, jobs, school, church, entertainment. We did it for the greater good of
our communities. At the same time, we hope we have saved lives or prevented more people from getting sick. The priests have sacrificed a lot.

Eventually, we have to begin wading back out in the water and start swimming
Most people who say they “distrust the media” actually have a lot of trust in any source of information that confirms their own biases.
Many do, and many don’t - Your ascription of MOST is your own rhetorical bias… And may I add, the reverse is also true, so your accusation is your own confession… I have found no escape when I do the same - I am guilty of what I accuse…

Beyond that little aside, there does seem to be a great divide between those who trust the media and those who do not… And from this the politicalization of science rears its ugly head… For myself, I do not expect much truth in politics, and a lot of polemics… fwiw, the media believes in a great deal of scientific mythology, and the immunization of all people on earth with the end of a gun enforcing the point of a hopefully antiviral needle gives my freedom loving US soul great pause, and especially with the suspension of needle liability and the desire to not suspend liability for employers whose employees get sick with the virus… Granted, the above is an argument for the 2nd Amendment, mind you! But mandatory flu/virus vaccination and potential intervention and child seizure by CPA where a home has but one bathroom and someone sick with covid19 in it in order to “save the children!!” are but two possibilities where the cure is far more draconian than the disease…

Trying to find truth in politics which is concerned with power IS its own built-in treachery, you see…

But enough about me! 🙂

I will be very frank: what I see is that most people who say they “distrust the media” actually have a lot of trust in any source of information that confirms their own biases. That is blind trust in what you want to be the truth, and I don’t know what is more dangerous than that. Trusting the Roman Catholic Church when she says what you want to hear but choosing to “trust” the Orthodox Church when she says what you want to hear is not trust. That is thinly-disguised willfulness. That is only another form of cafeteria belief, isn’t it? Who does that leave with ultimate authority over you, after all? You, that’s who.

The “medical professionals” who don’t believe in containment don’t tend to be those who have to contend with the failure to contain an epidemic. They’re not looking at getting the disease themselves by going to work. They’re not acting like they couldn’t get very sick or die. I choose to believe them and I choose to think we owe them the recognition that they aren’t the only ones who have a duty to face the measures that need to be taken to face this epidemic.
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Bingo…nail on the head…especially the bolded.
I’ve seen plenty of Eastern Orthodox who do have a problem with Catholics.
Well, as we like to say in the EOC,
“Wherever you go, THERE you ARE!!”

Structurally, the RCC is extending their Communion to the Orthodox Church, and the Orthodox Church is not “reciprocating”, so you will find both sides advocating their own Church’s ‘position’…

As long as the Latin Church wants to place Her Patriarch OVER the Patriarchs of the the Orthodox Churches, we will see another thousand years of schism… And most Latin Rite Catholics seem to insist on Papal Supremacy - Please prove me wrong - I will pay cash!!

But until that issue is resolved, the Orthodox Communion will be withheld from that of the Latin Communion of St. Peter…

Or not…

You literally changed my post from
I will be very frank: what I see is that most people who say they “distrust the media” actually have a lot of trust in any source of information that confirms their own biases.
Most people who say they “distrust the media” actually have a lot of trust in any source of information that confirms their own biases.
You put rhetorical bias into my statement by making it into a statement of fact when I clearly stated it as a personal perception.

So let’s talk rhetoric:
the media believes in a great deal of scientific mythology, and the immunization of all people on earth with the end of a gun enforcing the point of a hopefully antiviral needle gives my freedom loving US soul great pause
Find me a single person in the mainstream media of the United States who has ever advocated for “immunization of all people on earth with the end of a gun enforcing…”
fwiw, the media believes in a great deal of scientific mythology
Then tell me what actual science you have evidence is mythology–that is, invented without data to back it up.
Granted, the above is an argument for the 2nd Amendment, mind you!
Please clarify: Who in the above argument are you suggesting needs to be shot?
Trying to find truth in politics which is concerned with power IS its own built-in treachery, you see…
But enough about me! 🙂
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
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Bingo…nail on the head…especially the bolded.
That has to always start with the self. It is extremely difficult not to become biased, because the media outlets have learned to present the news in the way their target demographic wants to hear it. That slants the coverage. It has to.

Even if you look to verify on your own, though, your past conclusions can easily color your future listening! It is very difficult to listen to President Trump, someone I have found fabricates things on a regular basis, and be willing to hear him communicate with an openness to the idea that he can say factual things in good faith.

But he can. A recent example is his recognition that a real barrier to opening schools are the teachers belonging to populations vulnerable to serious consequences if they’re infected with SARS-CoV-2. Also, when he hears via a media question that someone has COVID-19, he invariably says “oh, really? that’s too bad!” in the way you would if you were having a conversation about a mutual cared-about acquaintance. He’s got a big ego, he gets into some really silly disputes, but that doesn’t mean that he never gets it or that he never tells the truth. If the bias comes in that a source is that bad, it is time to step back and re-assess.
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We certainly should not fear our own death, but we should protect the lives of neighbors, strangers, non-Christians, and non-believers. That’s a Christian perspective on social distancing.
That is one perspective that you could follow. But that presumes that the Wuhan Virus is real and not merely a political fabrication birthed in the CCP’s Ministry of Truth to bring in the next totalitarian regime. 😉
I will be very frank: what I see is that most people who say they “distrust the media” actually have a lot of trust in any source of information that confirms their own biases.
True. This happens all too often from the Mainstream Media on the Left like MSNBC, CNN etc, to the Right like FOX, BREITBART, etc. People pick what they want to hear and listen to the exclusion of all others. I do not listen to either left or right mainstream media. I have a personal aversion to Rush Limbaugh and other talking heads on the radio. Youtube is equally dubious and must be filtered through a lens of suspicion, with the caveat that it sometimes allows news not permitted in the regular cycle of hullabaloo.
Trusting the Roman Catholic Church when she says what you want to hear but choosing to “trust” the Orthodox Church when she says what you want to hear is not trust. That is thinly-disguised willfulness. That is only another form of cafeteria belief, isn’t it? Who does that leave with ultimate authority over you, after all? You, that’s who.
Yes, I am willful. I am a sinner, imperfect, responsible more or less for every sin you can lay on me. In hindsight, I probably should have saved my post on Catholic-Orthodox relations for a separate, less incendiary thread. However, my point remains, I believe the two parts of the Church need each other, just as a husband needs his wife, and a wife needs her husband, for the two to become one and bear the fruit of many faithful children.
The “medical professionals” who don’t believe in containment don’t tend to be those who have to contend with the failure to contain an epidemic.
There is evidence to the contrary, especially with the inflation of the numbers of deaths attributed to Wuhan Virus, when many patients had different symptoms or diseases. Again, and I am done here after this post, since we will simply have to agree to disagree, there are many different perspectives out there, even among the Doctors and nurses on the “frontlines”, not mention equally if not more so, valid perspectives from Hierarchs and Clergy, politicians and lawyers, and also many people worldwide who are concerned about breach of basic human rights. Peace be with you.
I’ve seen plenty of Eastern Orthodox who do have a problem with Catholics.
Yes. This is the problem of the Orthodox non-reverse compatibility syndrome. 😜 Catholicism is compatible with Orthodoxy if the Orthodox return to Rome, but according to many zealots, Orthodoxy is not compatible with Catholicism unless Catholicism changes fundamental doctrines and dogma held since time immemorial in the Western Church. We poor Orthodox can be so myopic and conflate Eastern with Orthodox and Western with Catholic. But not all of us see things that way. There may be hope yet for peaceable reunion. Let’s pray for it.
You literally changed my post from
I will be very frank: what I see is that most people who say they “distrust the media” actually have a lot of trust in any source of information that confirms their own biases.
Most people who say they “distrust the media” actually have a lot of trust in any source of information that confirms their own biases.
You put rhetorical bias into my statement by making it into a statement of fact when I clearly stated it as a personal perception.
Fwiw, I confess -

May I add that if that is the worst of my crimes, I am the luckiest man on earth!
So let’s talk rhetoric:
Find me a single person in the mainstream media of the United States who has ever advocated for “immunization of all people on earth with the end of a gun enforcing…”
Bill Gates wants to immunize every person on earth with mandatory immunization - And without liability - And he wants to supply the serum… And charge for it…

Find me one main stream media person who does not believe in Evolution and man-made global warming…
Who in the above argument are you suggesting needs to be shot?
The person with the gun behind her serum-dripping needle grabbing your children without your consent…

The exercise of power over others and their healing seldom coalesce…

Power and money ALWAYS do so…

Yes, I am willful. I am a sinner, imperfect, responsible more or less for every sin you can lay on me. In hindsight, I probably should have saved my post on Catholic-Orthodox relations for a separate, less incendiary thread. However, my point remains, I believe the two parts of the Church need each other, just as a husband needs his wife, and a wife needs her husband, for the two to become one and bear the fruit of many faithful children.
If you obey the authorities of the two Churches as you would your mother and your father–not choosing to obey the one whose directions most suit you, but using both for guidance–that is not likely to steer you wrong!
There is evidence to the contrary, especially with the inflation of the numbers of deaths attributed to Wuhan Virus, when many patients had different symptoms or diseases. Again, and I am done here after this post, since we will simply have to agree to disagree, there are many different perspectives out there, even among the Doctors and nurses on the “frontlines”, not mention equally if not more so, valid perspectives from Hierarchs and Clergy, politicians and lawyers, and also many people worldwide who are concerned about breach of basic human rights. Peace be with you.
Let’s start with human rights: Let us not pretend that stay-at-home orders for the general populace were invented by evil socialist totalitarians the 21st century. They’ve been a recognized police power of the state during times of epidemic since medieval times at least. If you don’t believe me, look it up. The difference is that now we may develop direct testing that renders them unnecessary in a matter of months, rather than having to wait years for epidemics to pass as they did in medieval times.

You say “there is evidence to the contrary” and different perspectives from doctors and nurses working in ICUs (which is what I mean by “front” line workers, not people in urgent care clinics who don’t care for patients with serious cases of labored breathing), but you don’t give actual evidence. The claim of a “perspective” from no one who has a name or a workplace, let alone clinical rather than anecdotal evidence, isn’t worth much. You may say “everyone is entitled to their own opinion,” but that doesn’t mean that every opinion has a foundation that doesn’t amount to sand.

If you want to lay money that the rise in deaths due to infectious disease viewed from a year’s time will not show that the COVID-19 deaths were under-discovered during the epidemic rather than over-discovered, I’ll take those odds all day long. I know what the numbers looked like in past epidemics; the death counts are invariably under-counted in the beginning.
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Fwiw, I confess -

May I add that if that is the worst of my crimes, I am the luckiest man on earth!
Pardon me, I don’t share in your good luck. I was the one misrepresented, not you.
Bill Gates wants to immunize every person on earth with mandatory immunization - And without liability - And he wants to supply the serum… And charge for it…

Find me one main stream media person who does not believe in Evolution and man-made global warming…
No guns there, Bill Gates is not a member of the media, and he is the elected authority over nothing and no one.
The person with the gun behind her serum-dripping needle grabbing your children without your consent…

The exercise of power over others and their healing seldom coalesce…

Power and money ALWAYS do so…

There is no person with a gun and a needle. That is an utter fabrication: a bogeyman. Let’s not forget that hysterical crowds whipped up by manufactured fears have lynched the innocent, too. It isn’t just the rich and powerful who have perpetuated crimes against humanity.
I know what the numbers looked like in past epidemics; the death counts are invariably under-counted in the beginning.
What is the ‘natural’ death total in the US for April of this year vs April of last year?

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There is no person with a gun and a needle. That is an utter fabrication: a bogeyman.
Mandatory world wide vaccinations are exactly that…


So exactly how, my Dear,
do YOU plan to stick YOUR serum-dripping needles
into other people’s kids who say to you:
"Keep your hands off my kids!"


Especially if they are bigger than you…

And have knives and bats and other means of self-defense?

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If you obey the authorities of the two Churches as you would your mother and your father–not choosing to obey the one whose directions most suit you, but using both for guidance–that is not likely to steer you wrong!
Yes. Agreed.
You say “there is evidence to the contrary” and different perspectives from doctors and nurses working in ICUs (which is what I mean by “front” line workers, not people in urgent care clinics who don’t care for patients with serious cases of labored breathing), but you don’t give actual evidence

Also there is a documentary called Doctors in Black that Youtube keeps unlisting or taking down because it contains dissenting perspectives from the mainstream propaganda.

This is my final post. Keep researching, there are more things questionable about the official story than the first impression gives.
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Mandatory world wide vaccinations are exactly that…


So exactly how, my Dear,
do YOU plan to stick YOUR serum-dripping needles
into other people’s kids who say to you:
"Keep your hands off my kids!"


Especially if they are bigger than you…

And have knives and bats and other means of self-defense?

So far, mandatory means that if you’re not vaccinated, you aren’t admitted to public schools.
No one has been vaccinated at gunpoint.
So far, mandatory means that if you’re not vaccinated, you aren’t admitted to public schools.
No one has been vaccinated at gunpoint.
Exactly, and it isn’t without consent.

And people are mad about the media “blowing COVID out of proportion”.
Exactly, and it isn’t without consent.
World-wide mandatory vaccinations?

You are going to remove my kids from school because they are not vaccinated?

And you call that my consent?

Alrighty then!!!

God save the 2nd Amendment

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You are going to remove my kids from school because they are not vaccinated?
Well, TBH…at least here…they can’t get into school without the proper vaccinations.
And you call that my consent?
What? Nobody is going to give your kid a vaccination without your consent. Just know, schools have rules, so your non-vaccination of your child may mean they cannot attend said school. 🤷‍♂️

You’re sounding really over dramatic like it’s going to be like when I was in the military and we just walked down the line and got shots with an air gun. It’s almost like you’re doing it strictly for effect.

Link to these shot factories for kids please.
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