Father Non-Essential

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The Queen of De Nile!!
Whitty…you may need to extrapolate
Just keep your hands off my kids…
Um, OK…nobody can touch them unless you say so.
Keeping my kids out of your schools is a good thing…
Fine, homeschool. I don’t care, they’re your kids.
Bill Gates has made no secret of his efforts to do liability free mandatory world-wide inoculations with his serums…
Oh, OK…no link and it’s the microsoft guy.

Soon to come: No hospital admittance, no grocery store privileges, no public transportation, no housing…

I’ll take the 2nd Amendment in the face of your guns controlling schools etc…

Oh, now there are guns keeping you from sending your unvaccinated child to school? Nobody has done that. This is getting silly.

People who own guns under the 2nd Amendment haven’t formed militias and rounded up their political enemies…SO FAR!!
And they aren’t going to do that, either. We have enough real problems without inventing bogeymen.
You are going to remove my kids from school because they are not vaccinated?

And you call that my consent?
Freedom doesn’t mean you get to do whatever you want no matter who else is affected.
If you don’t want to get vaccinated, fine, arrange your own education for your child, because no one is forcing the school staff and the other students to be around you and your child.
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They can come back and re-join any time they like.
That has been said from both directions . . .
I’ve never seen a Catholic who had a big problem with Eastern Orthodox.

There’s enough RC that have a problem with the existence of EC, and mores with EO, to be a problem. I left this forum more than once over the years over their bigoted intolerance . . .

Here’s Tuck indicting Big Tech censorship of medical opinions…

LOL, youtube is “big tech”.

Youtube said they won’t host videos that go against the CDC and WHO weeks ago. I still don’t get how anyone is surprised by videos being pulled or think it’s a conspiracy.
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