I just want to point out, again, that a belief in a figurative Adam and Eve is not allowed by the Catholic Church.When I was in seminary, we had one guy that brought forth the idea that Adam(was a tribe) and Eve(was a tribe) and everyone got into a frenzy over it. I calmly reminded them that we have no clue if they were tribes or singles but the MORAL of the story still rings true.
Example: There was a boy Johnny that loved to play outside. Every night when the sun was going down, his mother would call for him to come in. One dusk he did not listen to her call and continued to play. The sun set and the moon and stars were out before he decided to go home. On his way home, a boogieman jumped out of the woods and snatched him. No one ever heard from Johnny again.
This is a story that my grandmother would tell us. The moral of the story was to listen to your parents. Was Johnny real and was the boogieman really going to get me if I stayed out after dark? Who cares! lol Listen and obey your parents is what one should get out of that story. lol