Brother Son Sister Moon, is a wonderful movie about the young life of St. Frances of Assisi. It had touched so deeply my own concerns for what i had seen as a young girl, in the world. For example, starving children and the fincial magnitude of the church. Myself, i could not own money, and see someone hungry. It was all too much for a teenager to see in any amount of picture. I will say this, it made me ALWAYS aware of the missplaced magnitude i placed in a simple priest, all the way up to the Pope. (please remember, this is a reaction i had 25 years ago) They were representations of a much higher power. I saw them as much more…up there with God! So when they failed me, i was quick to be saddened at God in general.
One day i sat back and remembered the movie, and with a new found clarity…i found in my heart the new knowlege of someone understanding something so very important. The Church was an institution, run by humans…therefore it was falable…as all humans are! They represent the Lord, they are not. I learned to not blame God for the choices we make, or the reprocusions. We choose a path, he is often on the sholder waiting to help us…if we only ask.