Favorite Christian Movie?

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Why hasn’t anyone chosen “A Man for All Seasons”? Our family never tires of watching it (even the young ones). Our 5yr old named Thomas More always quotes “I’m the King’s good servant, but God’s first!”
“The Mission”-long and depressing, but portrays a very holy priest.
Both historically based.
I love your son’s name! 😃 👍 👍

my Mother my Confidence,
Why hasn’t anyone chosen “A Man for All Seasons”? Our family never tires of watching it (even the young ones). Our 5yr old named Thomas More always quotes “I’m the King’s good servant, but God’s first!”
I know an Australian woman (have known her since she was a little girl), who now lives in London with her English husband. He is related to St Thomas More. When their son named Thomas was to be baptised, they wrote to the Queen and asked permission to have the Catholic baptism in the chapel at the Tower of London. The Queen gave her permission and the child was baptised in the chapel, which is very close to the site where St Thomas was executed for his faith.
I love telling this story because I think it is rather wonderful.
Passion of the Christ is at the top of my list. It was the thing that finally made me make that “leap of faith” in my conversion. And in a distant second and third (although both are excellent movies):

Sound of Music
Sister Act Series (yeah, not exactly right on in describing the church at times, but they were good none the less).
Anyone remember Brother Sun, Sister Moon, about St. Francis? I remember enjoying it, but not much about it.

A Man for All Seasons

The Trouble With Angels
Prince of Egypt
the two Sister Act movies…they don’t portray Catholicism faithfully but I love the music and the humor

my Mother my Confidence,
Jesus of Nazareth (actually a TV mini-series), FAR better than Passion of the Christ.

**Godspell **(giving away my age here)

And I cna’t say this is a favorite but yesterday I caught The Devil at 4 O’Clock with Spencer Tracy & Frank Sinatra on TCM. They just don’t make 'em like that anymore!
I like Boys Town 🙂 (it came to mind…)

Passion of The Christ…of course…

Ten Commandments…
  1. A Man For All Seasons
    Many misinterpret this movie and try to interpret is a movie about being true to oneself; the ultimate existentialist movie, but it’s that, it’s about being willing to die for aligning oneself to truth. So it’s not a movie about being true to the subjective conscience. It’s about being faithful to objective truth, regardless of the cost one has to pay.
  2. The Nun’s Story
    I love Audrey Hepburn anyway for her transcendent sense of style, but I loved this movie because of its glimpse into the nun’s life. Plus, it gives us a chance to see the steps taken by the nuns before they take their final vows. Of if we had nuns like that now. Our Church would be so much better off…
  3. Ben Hur
    I love Judah Ben-Hur, such strength, such courage, the original horse whisperer. And I always wished I were Esther. 😛
I watch it as though I’ve never seen it before. Yes, it’s campy, I mean Edward G. Robinson is a hoot, but at the same time it just makes me stand back and see the wonders of the Lord.
  1. Lilies of the Field,
    I love the all out goodness of the movie, and the Bible verse that inspired this winning movie.
  2. Quo Vadis,
    Of course when I was in Catholic school, I fancied myself being a martyr like Deborah Kerr (is she the one in it?) and being saved by a handsome Christian. The heroic sanctity of the martyrs is inspiring. Was it Tertullian who said the blood of the marytrs is the seed of the Church? You can believe it when you watch this movie.
  3. Spartacus…
    What can you say, it’s a classic, David against Goliath, so to speak, and when you see al lof those crosses at the end, it’s very powerful.
8.Samson and Deliah
Is it Victor Mature and Hedy Lamar? Anyway, I wish I knew what potion Deliah took to have that much power over a man :rolleyes: But I like that movie too because it’s another story which brings forth the power of God.
  1. The Greatest Story Ever Told
    Jeffrey Hunter? has the eyes of how I imagine Jesus. It’s an excellent story.
  2. The Passion of the Christ
    You cannot tell me that Jim Caviezel does not look like Jesus, and when he delivered the Sermon on the Mount in Aramaic, I swear I could understand what he said, his portrayal of Jesus was sublime, holy, magnetic. But I tell you, look at the pain on his face when the nails are driven into his hands. Have you ever seen that much pain on a person in your life? That Christ became true man to endure that kind of pain because of my selfishness is truly gutwrenching. The Passion of the Christ resonates deeply, a movie not to be taken lightly.
I know I’ll think of some more,but that’s all for the moment.
Song of Bernadette. My mother used to make me watch it when I was younger and now I am drawn to it. I could put it in right now and watch the whole thing.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon. Love that one too. There again, just another classic that pulls you in and intoxicates you with goodness.
Brother Son Sister Moon, is a wonderful movie about the young life of St. Frances of Assisi. It had touched so deeply my own concerns for what i had seen as a young girl, in the world. For example, starving children and the fincial magnitude of the church. Myself, i could not own money, and see someone hungry. It was all too much for a teenager to see in any amount of picture. I will say this, it made me ALWAYS aware of the missplaced magnitude i placed in a simple priest, all the way up to the Pope. (please remember, this is a reaction i had 25 years ago) They were representations of a much higher power. I saw them as much more…up there with God! So when they failed me, i was quick to be saddened at God in general.

One day i sat back and remembered the movie, and with a new found clarity…i found in my heart the new knowlege of someone understanding something so very important. The Church was an institution, run by humans…therefore it was falable…as all humans are! They represent the Lord, they are not. I learned to not blame God for the choices we make, or the reprocusions. We choose a path, he is often on the sholder waiting to help us…if we only ask.
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