I was really into De Lint when I was younger, but as I age I find his desire for ruleless magic and wonder a little flat. And his pantheism, too.
I haven’t read Guy Gavriel Kay’s trilogy yet, but I like A Song For Arbonne and The lions of Al-Rassan. His characters are sometimes irritatingly perfect- scholar, poet, military tactian, great lover, very witty, and eats his vegetables!- but his writing is lush and nicely realised. He lives in my city, too, which is cool.
Madeleine L’Engle was one of my favourite authors growing up. I’ve gotten disenchanted with her theology, but she was the one who first led me to read Julian of Norwich, Thomas Merton, a lot of C. S. Lewis, and many other very wonderful writers. I am deeply indebted to her. A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, Many Waters, and A Swiftly Tilting Planet are wonderful.
Yes, Robin McKinley’s latest book, Sunshine, is about vampires. In a way it’s yet another take on Beauty and the Beast. It’s more adult than many of her books, and quite dark. I love it, but I love Deerskin, and that’s very dark. Most Fairy tales- most stories!- are about the confrontation between good and evil. Her take on the battle doesn’t bother me.
This is a lot longer than I meant it to be.
I haven’t read Guy Gavriel Kay’s trilogy yet, but I like A Song For Arbonne and The lions of Al-Rassan. His characters are sometimes irritatingly perfect- scholar, poet, military tactian, great lover, very witty, and eats his vegetables!- but his writing is lush and nicely realised. He lives in my city, too, which is cool.
(inviting flaming) My husband and I were talking about WoT yesterday night, and we agreed that something that bothered both of us about WoT was that Jordan doesn’t seem to have any real conception of personal good or evil. It’s something I’ve mentioned before about other books, and it really bothers me. I think a lot of fantasy lacks heart because the writer doesn’t understand that morality is about choice, and (to paraphrase a writer whose name I can’t spell) that the line between good and evil runs through every human heart. Jordan Has ‘good characters’, and they act like flaming jerks. He has ‘bad characters’, and they act like flaming jerks. No separation. He seems to want his readers to take it on faith that good and bad are arbitrarily ascribed and not inherent.(About WoT)
gave up after 1 and a half. I saw that it was 11 books and still going and that was all for me. It also lacked creativity. Jordan’s ideas came from Christianity and Judaism and other areas.
Madeleine L’Engle was one of my favourite authors growing up. I’ve gotten disenchanted with her theology, but she was the one who first led me to read Julian of Norwich, Thomas Merton, a lot of C. S. Lewis, and many other very wonderful writers. I am deeply indebted to her. A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, Many Waters, and A Swiftly Tilting Planet are wonderful.
Yes, Robin McKinley’s latest book, Sunshine, is about vampires. In a way it’s yet another take on Beauty and the Beast. It’s more adult than many of her books, and quite dark. I love it, but I love Deerskin, and that’s very dark. Most Fairy tales- most stories!- are about the confrontation between good and evil. Her take on the battle doesn’t bother me.
This is a lot longer than I meant it to be.