Well, at that time the Jews thought the afterlife didnt exist. Actually, some believed in it, but even so, none believed in Resurrection.
Also, at that time the Jews believed that the Messiah would overthrow the Roman Empire and put in a 1000 year reign over Israel.
Of course, Jesus defied both of these. Jesus was KILLED by the Roman Empire. Now, if you followed a “messiah” around for three years, and he DIED, would you still support him? NO, you would spit on his grave and curse him for deceiving you. But they didnt. They DIED horribly for their beliefs in a bodily Resurrection and an afterlife, UNHEARD in Judaism. These new Christians were insane.
But they couldnt be hallucinating. How could thousands of people have hallucinations that did not contradict, at the same times?? By logic that is ruled out.
Now, another idea is that they decieved the world. But this is logically wrong. Why would these people, who have every right to HATE this false messiah, die brutally and be mocked for his name? What profit do they gain? None.
AND…perhaps they just tried to live his message in their hearts and over the years, the error ed doctrine of bodily Resurrection developed, perhaps by a corrupt church(like the whole da vince shazam). However, two reasons this is illogical. First, why would they want this message in their hearts? They would HATE him. After all, he DECEIVED them. Second, this doctrinal development cannot happen so radically in 30 years. yet, by 65-75 AD we had copies of the gospels and epistles going around. Which are clear in support of the bodily Resurrection.
But if Jesus DID bodily resurrect, it would explain it all, he zeal, the belief, the continued love for this Jesus.