Favorite Quote about Satan?

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“And you, when you were dead in your offenses and sins, wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of this air, of the spirit that now worketh on the children of unbelief” (Ephesians 2:1-2).
And your own thoughts are what?
“And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels: and they prevailed not, neither was their place found any more in heaven. And that great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, who seduceth the whole world; and he was cast unto the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” (Apocalypse 12:7-9)
Is hell not a place with no exit?
Are you telling me now that redemption is possible even after death?

Because that is contrary to what I’ve heard from most Christians…except maybe Unitarian Universalists, good people them.
No. Redemption was possible for the devil, but no longer. Humans have a lifetime to choose, good or evil, and when you die lets hope you made the right choice because it is final.

The devil and other angels exist outside of time, so they didnt have a set amount of time to choose. They all chose at once, some chose good, some not. And after that, it is final.
No. Redemption was possible for the devil, but no longer. Humans have a lifetime to choose, good or evil, and when you die lets hope you made the right choice because it is final.

The devil and other angels exist outside of time, so they didnt have a set amount of time to choose. They all chose at once, some chose good, some not. And after that, it is final.
So basically no matter how virtuous you are if you are guilty of ignorance there is no redemption.
That set-up is many things and moral is not one of them.
So basically no matter how virtuous you are if you are guilty of ignorance there is no redemption.
That set-up is many things and moral is not one of them.
Actually, it depends on your deffenition of ignorant. You for example, an atheist, are NOT ignorant, because you have heard the gospel. You KNOW it, but whether you BELIEVE it is what matters. if not when you die, then you cannot say you were ignorant. People told you.

Then there are the people who really have never heard of Jesus. That is different. And there is redemption for them.

He who is given less less will be required. he who was given much, much will be required. And dont confuse what you are given and what you are giving.
Actually, it depends on your deffenition of ignorant. You for example, an atheist, are NOT ignorant, because you have heard the gospel. You KNOW it, but whether you BELIEVE it is what matters. if not when you die, then you cannot say you were ignorant. People told you.

Then there are the people who really have never heard of Jesus. That is different. And there is redemption for them.

He who is given less less will be required. he who was given much, much will be required. And dont confuse what you are given and what you are giving.
I’m aware of what people claim, people claim a lot of things, but I have no knowledge of the ‘truth’ of Christian claims therefore I am ignorant of it.
What reason do I have to believe Christians as opposed to Muslims?

Simply hearing about something is not enough.
I’m aware of what people claim, people claim a lot of things, but I have no knowledge of the ‘truth’ of Christian claims therefore I am ignorant of it.
What reason do I have to believe Christians as opposed to Muslims?

Simply hearing about something is not enough.
You are invincibly ignorant, meaning ignorance that does not merit salvation. Why believe Christianity? because
                            -Philosophy ans Science suggest God existing
                            -History, Anthropology, and Social Psychology suggests the Resurrection, and Christianity as the true religion.
                            -Logic, the Bible, and History suggest the Catholic church as the true christian church.
You are invincibly ignorant, meaning ignorance that does not merit salvation. Why believe Christianity? because
                            -Philosophy ans Science suggest God existing
                            **-History, Anthropology, and Social Psychology suggests the Resurrection, and Christianity as the true religion.**
                            -Logic, the Bible, and History suggest the Catholic church as the true christian church.
[Citation Needed]
[Citation Needed]
Well, at that time the Jews thought the afterlife didnt exist. Actually, some believed in it, but even so, none believed in Resurrection.

Also, at that time the Jews believed that the Messiah would overthrow the Roman Empire and put in a 1000 year reign over Israel.

Of course, Jesus defied both of these. Jesus was KILLED by the Roman Empire. Now, if you followed a “messiah” around for three years, and he DIED, would you still support him? NO, you would spit on his grave and curse him for deceiving you. But they didnt. They DIED horribly for their beliefs in a bodily Resurrection and an afterlife, UNHEARD in Judaism. These new Christians were insane.

But they couldnt be hallucinating. How could thousands of people have hallucinations that did not contradict, at the same times?? By logic that is ruled out.

Now, another idea is that they decieved the world. But this is logically wrong. Why would these people, who have every right to HATE this false messiah, die brutally and be mocked for his name? What profit do they gain? None.

AND…perhaps they just tried to live his message in their hearts and over the years, the error ed doctrine of bodily Resurrection developed, perhaps by a corrupt church(like the whole da vince shazam). However, two reasons this is illogical. First, why would they want this message in their hearts? They would HATE him. After all, he DECEIVED them. Second, this doctrinal development cannot happen so radically in 30 years. yet, by 65-75 AD we had copies of the gospels and epistles going around. Which are clear in support of the bodily Resurrection.

But if Jesus DID bodily resurrect, it would explain it all, he zeal, the belief, the continued love for this Jesus.
Quotes from Saints about the Devil:

“Another weapon the devil employs is immodesty, or more frankly, impurity. My dear children, be on your guard. The devil will tempt you with bad books, bad thoughts, or the foul conversation of a companion. When any such fellow approaches you, say to yourself, This is a minister of Satan. And let these wretches who indulge in foul conversation say to himself, I am a minister of Satan because I help him ruin souls!”

St. John Bosco

“Remember that the Devil doesn’t sleep, but seeks our ruin in a thousand ways.”

St. Angela Merici

"The Devil never runs upon a man to seize him with his claws until he sees him on the ground, already having fallen by his own will. "

St. Thomas More
When the devil is called the God of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness.

Well, at that time the Jews thought the afterlife didnt exist. Actually, some believed in it, but even so, none believed in Resurrection.

Also, at that time the Jews believed that the Messiah would overthrow the Roman Empire and put in a 1000 year reign over Israel.

Of course, Jesus defied both of these. Jesus was KILLED by the Roman Empire. Now, if you followed a “messiah” around for three years, and he DIED, would you still support him? NO, you would spit on his grave and curse him for deceiving you. But they didnt. They DIED horribly for their beliefs in a bodily Resurrection and an afterlife, UNHEARD in Judaism. These new Christians were insane.

But they couldnt be hallucinating. How could thousands of people have hallucinations that did not contradict, at the same times?? By logic that is ruled out.

Now, another idea is that they decieved the world. But this is logically wrong. Why would these people, who have every right to HATE this false messiah, die brutally and be mocked for his name? What profit do they gain? None.

AND…perhaps they just tried to live his message in their hearts and over the years, the error ed doctrine of bodily Resurrection developed, perhaps by a corrupt church(like the whole da vince shazam). However, two reasons this is illogical. First, why would they want this message in their hearts? They would HATE him. After all, he DECEIVED them. Second, this doctrinal development cannot happen so radically in 30 years. yet, by 65-75 AD we had copies of the gospels and epistles going around. Which are clear in support of the bodily Resurrection.

But if Jesus DID bodily resurrect, it would explain it all, he zeal, the belief, the continued love for this Jesus.
There’d been a long history of dying and resurrecting gods in the ancient Middle East so resurrection wasn’t a new idea.
Well, at that time the Jews thought the afterlife didnt exist. Actually, some believed in it, but even so, none believed in Resurrection.

Also, at that time the Jews believed that the Messiah would overthrow the Roman Empire and put in a 1000 year reign over Israel.

Of course, Jesus defied both of these. Jesus was KILLED by the Roman Empire. Now, if you followed a “messiah” around for three years, and he DIED, would you still support him? NO, you would spit on his grave and curse him for deceiving you. But they didnt. They DIED horribly for their beliefs in a bodily Resurrection and an afterlife, UNHEARD in Judaism. These new Christians were insane.

But they couldnt be hallucinating. How could thousands of people have hallucinations that did not contradict, at the same times?? By logic that is ruled out.

Now, another idea is that they decieved the world. But this is logically wrong. Why would these people, who have every right to HATE this false messiah, die brutally and be mocked for his name? What profit do they gain? None.

AND…perhaps they just tried to live his message in their hearts and over the years, the error ed doctrine of bodily Resurrection developed, perhaps by a corrupt church(like the whole da vince shazam). However, two reasons this is illogical. First, why would they want this message in their hearts? They would HATE him. After all, he DECEIVED them. Second, this doctrinal development cannot happen so radically in 30 years. yet, by 65-75 AD we had copies of the gospels and epistles going around. Which are clear in support of the bodily Resurrection.

But if Jesus DID bodily resurrect, it would explain it all, he zeal, the belief, the continued love for this Jesus.
Why would they be perceived as insane?
The Egyptians, Canaanites, Greeks as well as the Jews themselves all had myths around resurrection.

The concept of resurrection has been around for a LONG time. Long before Christianity.
True. but again, the bulk of the argument is not about the concept of Resurrection, it is about the concept of Messiah, which Christ TOTALLY defied.
True. but again, the bulk of the argument is not about the concept of Resurrection, it is about the concept of Messiah, which Christ TOTALLY defied.
Christ defied the concept of Messiah?
Or was that a typo?
Christ defied the concept of Messiah?
Or was that a typo?
No, he did.

They though the Messiah was going to be a Jewish military leader who would overthrow Rome. BUT Christ DID establish His Kingdom, but unlike the people thought, it was not of this world.
“To know whom to avoid is a great means of saving our souls.” Thomas Aquinas
“Occupy your minds with good thoughts, or the enemy will fill them with bad ones. Unoccupied they cannot be.” St. Thomas More
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