Favourite Liturgy

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Hey, y’all! Just asking but, what is your favorite liturgy or Anaphora?
The Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great. Then the DL of St. John Chrysostom and Presanctified Liturgy.
I attend Holy Mass celebrated according to the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

I suppose I most like the Roman Canon.

If I had the option to (which I may well in the next few years), then I might choose to become part of an Extraordinary Form parish. I suppose I’d make a decision if that was the case.

I do hope to one day attend a Byzantine rite Eastern Catholic liturgy.

I am a Canadian citizen. If I ever move there, then I’ll have many opportunities to do this (they have many Ukrainian Catholic Eparchies there).
attend a Syro Malabr qurbana! There is 1 eparchy in Canada and I think there are some churches in NZ
Of the Eastern Liturgies, my favourite is the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. I have attend it many times, as well as a Maronite Liturgy and a Syro Malabar Liturgy. In fact, there just happens to be a Syro Malabar mission at my Parish (Eparchy of Mississauga).
Yes, Syro-Malabar Qurbana is said every 2nd week at my parish (about 10 minutes drive away).

As @Margaret_Ann said, I can’t attend any Mass at the moment as we’re on lockdown.
My parish used to be a mission. They were tough times. We often faced discrimnation cause they didn’t understand us so we bought our own parish
The Anaphora of Mar Theodore is an East Syriac adaption of the Liturgy of John Chysostom. The Anaphora is almost never used
Have you ever seen the Anaphora of St.James? That is my favourite liturgy (The Antiochian version) besides the Anaphora of Mar Addai and Mari
No, but iirc the Cherubic Hymn for Great Saturday is from the Liturgy of St. James.
Btw, do you read Arabic? I have an icon with an Arabic inscription on it and can’t read it.
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yes…I can read arabic and syriac but I do not know what the word will mean although if its the icon of the virgin I might know cause I do know some liturgical words
Yes! I love All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence. At my parish we sing the Turchaninov arrangement in English.

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