
Maybe, but I would rather put up with a little pain, needle, drill or otherwise, than the pain of a throbbing jaw.Maybe your early memories of dentists were positive. I think that taking your child to a dentist that specializes in dealing with children is very important. My kids actually enjoy going to the dentist.
Plus losing my thumb at 5-1/2 in a boating accident probably, puts pain in to perspective for me, although over 40 years ago, that pain was something else, and I see it like it was yesterday.
Your right a dentist that is good with children would be better, I brought my terrified daughter to a dentist.
She was terrified of needles, so the dentist stood behing her so she couldn’t see the needle, he talked the talk, and the needle was in and out in a flash.
She couldn’t believe she felt no pain, plus the needles are micro fine compared to years ago.
Unfortunately fear builds up in the mind and it’s hard to dispel, but I’d rather put up with, like I said a few minutes discomfort, than weeks of pain from a throbbing jaw.
Why do dentists ask you questions when your jaw is frozen, they have your mouth packed with cotton wool tubes ?
Then they ask you a question that requires more than a nod of the head or a simple yes or no,

I’m thinking imagine trying to recite a litany with all that stuff in my mouth.