When I was much younger, I sent my dentist two referrals. As a thank you, he took me out to lunch. Later, he asked me out. I really liked him, but I considered not going out with him because if the relationship fell apart, it might be uncomfortable going to see him for my dentistry. He was a gentle dentist, and I figured it was easier to find a boyfriend than a good dentist. (I had been to a few wackos in my youth.) Well, we ended up getting married and having four kids. The downside is when I used to fail to floss, I only felt guilty while I was being questioned in the dental chair. Now, my dentist lives with me, and he always notices when I don’t floss!! I have to say I was a better patient before I married him. Now, I’m a big baby. I think my worst fear is that I’m going to embarrass myself. After reading this thread, I know why dentists have such a high suicide rate. They are some of the nicest people you will ever want to meet, but it must be hard to go to work knowing that 90% of the people you are going to see that day, don’t want to see you! I’ve learned that the better I am about keeping up on the cleaning, the better the odds are that I won’t have to sit in the dentist’s chair again for dental work. My husband is currently reading a book on the history of dentistry. You don’t even want to go there! Talk about offering up your suffering! I don’t think I could have cut it as a pioneer!