Fear Of The Dentist

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Not deathly afraid, I just hate going. I had many bad experiences with my pediatric dentist and thus have some anxiety about going. But come on, I had a root canal when I was 12 because the dentist way overdrilled a cavity and killed the root. How many people have had that experience at a young age? Yeah, it sucked…and hurt a lot. I’m not afraid, I just get pissy and moody (I’m the first to admit it) when I have to go because I am sick cavities (dratted soft enamel and deep grooves, I have my dad’s family to thank for that one)

Okay… sorry for exaggerating…
Okay… sorry for exaggerating…
No worries, it’s all good. I just hope you don’t mind putting up with my bellyaching every six months when I have to go to my favorite place in the world! 😉

No worries, it’s all good. I just hope you don’t mind putting up with my bellyaching every six months when I have to go to my favorite place in the world! 😉

👍 :eek: :eek: :eek:
I have such a fear of dentists, too. I just went three weeks ago for the first time in 7 years because I lost a filling. Make sure that you ask around and get a good dentist if you don’t have one already. I went to my mom’s dentists and told the receptionist that I was not looking forward to my visit. They were all really nice to me about it and tried to make it as comfortable as possible. It felt great to have my teeth feeling so healthy again. But my friend was in the same boat - I think she hadn’t been to the dentist in 8 years - and she went for a cleaning the week after me. She just chose a dentist out of her insurance booklet. Bad idea! It was the visit of nightmares. It took 3 hours to clean her teeth. At one point the toothpaste from one of the instruments flew into her eye. They had to irrigate her eye with the little water sprayer they use in your mouth. Her eye was stinging and red and they gave her goggles (like the ones from a chemistry lab) to wear for the rest of the visit. The dentist told her she should have her teeth whitened. When she said she felt she couldn’t make the investment the dentist said, “Well. I *really *think you need zoom whitening.” Needless to say, she was completely traumatized by the whole ordeal and is very self-conscious about her smile now. So, just make sure you choose the right dentist.
I" Needless to say, she was completely traumatized by the whole ordeal and is very self-conscious about her smile now. So, just make sure you choose the right dentist.
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Petrified. I am by far the worst patient.

I have often compared confession to going to the dentist because they are by far the two hardest things for me to do.

The difference no shots and Great grace and I am clean as a whistle coming out. The dentist my mouth is swollen for days and I have yet to go to the dentist in my lifetime and heard a dentist say great no cavities.

No I always have at least 3 or 4 and at least one root canal. I did not know one could have so many root canals in a life.
When I was much younger, I sent my dentist two referrals. As a thank you, he took me out to lunch. Later, he asked me out. I really liked him, but I considered not going out with him because if the relationship fell apart, it might be uncomfortable going to see him for my dentistry. He was a gentle dentist, and I figured it was easier to find a boyfriend than a good dentist. (I had been to a few wackos in my youth.) Well, we ended up getting married and having four kids. The downside is when I used to fail to floss, I only felt guilty while I was being questioned in the dental chair. Now, my dentist lives with me, and he always notices when I don’t floss!! I have to say I was a better patient before I married him. Now, I’m a big baby. I think my worst fear is that I’m going to embarrass myself. After reading this thread, I know why dentists have such a high suicide rate. They are some of the nicest people you will ever want to meet, but it must be hard to go to work knowing that 90% of the people you are going to see that day, don’t want to see you! I’ve learned that the better I am about keeping up on the cleaning, the better the odds are that I won’t have to sit in the dentist’s chair again for dental work. My husband is currently reading a book on the history of dentistry. You don’t even want to go there! Talk about offering up your suffering! I don’t think I could have cut it as a pioneer!
Hi Miss Piggy:

Great view of the other side of the coin! Thanks for sharing 👍
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