Well, your sense of being avoided could be a hypersensitivity - you don’t say much, but it sounds like this was the first meeting. As none of us had the opportunity to observe your interactions with others, how are we to know?
Or perhaps it was your approach. Did you ask questions and try to get to know any of them? Or did you focus on what was your perceived issue(s)?
I am not interested in trying to brow beat you; but I happen to have been around the block more than a couple of times (I am 72) and have learned one or two things about meeting a new group.
The first thing is that most people Will be interested in you if you show that you are interested in them. And that means that you take a good amount of time trying to get to know them. How? Asking questions - lots of them, and that can be easily done without prying into their private affairs and thoughts.
Coupled with that is that many, if not most people are turned off by someone who comes into the group new, and proceeds to tell anyone and everyone their woes. Most don’t react positively to that at all.
A third issue is someone who comes in, and appears to expect that either one or more of the group are going to descend upon the newbie, plying them will all sorts of questions. The group has been together for some time; they have established friendships, so it is no surprise that they will tend to talk among themselves. Occasionally there may be a “meet and greet” person - either because they were appointed to do so, or because that is their personality, and they may take the newbie in and get to know them. But expecting a group to have such a person is a way of setting false expectations.
Why did you go to a young adults group? Because you wanted to be wanted, or because you wanted to know new people and learn about them?
Things are rough at home… I can understand - been there, done that - and unless someone is a close friend, I have found that most people are not interested in it. Many decades ago, I was shy and feeling sorry for myself, and was looking for a pity party. Someone got hold of me and jacked me up, explaining in rather plain English that no one was interested in joining my party. I have no idea if this is part of the issue, but it might be worth exploring.
You have given me two groups which don’t seem to be overly interested in you. One, I could understand, Two starts to look a bit like a pattern. I may sound harsh, but I would wish to give you tools to change that. It is a bit of a “Dutch uncle” talk; someone gave me one a long time ago, and yes, it hurt my feelings; but I also realized they were spot on. Perhaps my post may help in turning things around.