Femininity = chaos, masculinity = order?

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You’d have to read or listen to Jordan Peterson directly on this to know the correct answer.
So I viewed this feminine equals chaos thing and it was not in part due to any scientific study.

This has to do with Jungian archetypes. So philosophy not science.
And he would’ve said so

I haven’t seen it, do you have a link ?
I see two videos right now and he explains what he meant

BRB after I see the other one
Not sure.who Jordan Peterson is, but, he is not someone I’d choose as a guide with that sort of views.
Here it is and he explains that “chaos,” doesn’t mean bad, but where new things emerge from.

Anyway, listen to the entire thing

Here Jordan Peterson explains what chaos and order are. Both are part of life and necessary

He got if from psychology which uses a similar comparison

I never accepted the Yin/Yang as Feminine/Masculine theory.

For me reading about Taoism from a book written back in 1922, Yin was the essence of our beliefs, Yang was the activity made from those beliefs.

In other words, you become what you believe.
So… All you said is that there is order but we can’t grasp its fullness yet. This is very different from this world actually being chaotic.

In other words, chaos is definitely NOT hidden order nor apparent chaos.
So… All you said is that there is order but we can’t grasp its fullness yet. This is very different from this world actually being chaotic.

In other words, chaos is definitely NOT hidden order nor apparent chaos.
If there is order but we can’t grasp it yet, then it is hidden from us. In other words, it is hidden order.

When it is hidden, we initially perceive it to be chaotic.
Perceiving a lime as a small orange doesn’t make the lime an orange.

Do you see what I mean, sir?
JP is Jungian.
Jung has some really neat theories about archtypes and the way humans think symbolically, but like every theory it’s just a model for figuring things out.

Jung also held very unbiblical and un-Judeo Christian beliefs, so you need to be grounded in your own faith before you start delving.
How about this?

When it is hidden, we initially perceive it to be chaotic even though it really isn’t chaotic.

The world is orderly even though we may not perceive it with our limited means.
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You mean the charlatan Jordan Peterson? He’s talking philosophy, and when he talks philosophy he’s normally off base.

Here’s an interesting video that discusses him in depth and is pretty well regarded. It’s been a while since I’ve watched it so I’m not sure if theres swearing

CW; somewhat sexualised imagery, possibly swearing, gratuitous costume changes and interesting lighting effects.

My Lords and Ladies and those that lieth betwixt, I give you the Queen of YouTube.

Uhm, word of advice, I prolly wouldn’t post this you tuber as the rebuttal to anybody 🤣🤣🤣
I can find more academic sources, but none have the same flair for the dramatic or is as engaging as Mademoiselle Points.

Why what issues are you hinting at?
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