The more I think about it, the more it seems that feminism has become the boogey(wo)man of American politics. The Right is always portrays feminists as misandric, bra-burning, pro-abortion crazies who sneer at anyone who wants to be a mother. John Zmirak dismisses “pro-life feminists” as tantamount to “free-market Marxists”.
Let’s leave abortion out of the discussion. I find these debate tactics to be attacking a straw (wo)man. I somewhat identify as a feminist, and I’m a dude. I subscribe to the radical, dangerous idea that… women are capable of being something more than just cooking and cleaning baby machines.
And despite her good intentions, I don’t think the Church is helpful. Cardinal Burke’s comments about “feminization” struck me as quite chauvinistic. There’s also an unspoken attitude that any Catholic woman is Jezebel until proven an Our Lady. Speaking of Mary, her example can only go so far, as she is perfect. Plus, I lost a lot of faith in Rick Santorum when he said during the 2012 election that women should not serve in combat in the military. Hello? St. Joan of Arc?
What do you think?
Let’s leave abortion out of the discussion. I find these debate tactics to be attacking a straw (wo)man. I somewhat identify as a feminist, and I’m a dude. I subscribe to the radical, dangerous idea that… women are capable of being something more than just cooking and cleaning baby machines.
And despite her good intentions, I don’t think the Church is helpful. Cardinal Burke’s comments about “feminization” struck me as quite chauvinistic. There’s also an unspoken attitude that any Catholic woman is Jezebel until proven an Our Lady. Speaking of Mary, her example can only go so far, as she is perfect. Plus, I lost a lot of faith in Rick Santorum when he said during the 2012 election that women should not serve in combat in the military. Hello? St. Joan of Arc?
What do you think?