Jeffrey & Srarg.Thx… thought I had put the link in there… must be old age I reckon.
Someone needs to find the new link if it’s still available. This is is now dead.
I don’t think it maters much - Anyone willing to read the evidence with an open mind knows that the “Researchers” who wrote the “Study” were doing everything they could to prove an a priori conclusion, including ignoring evidence that contradicted their conclusion and making other evidence conclusively support their conclusion when it was far more equivocal.
As I said previusly, I believe they know that Abortion is wrong and that it’s the deliberate taking of a human life. That’s why they have to deny the baby’s humanity and say that she suffers no pain when they slaughter her (deliberate feminism used here).
It’s their last line of defense against the truth and their guilt.
Pray that God softens the hearts of a few Abortionists so that they repent and tell the world what is they do. I believe the effect would the same to Legalized Abortion that the conversion of Slave Traders was to the Slave Trade.
Blessed are they who defend the most defenseless of all, Michael