I live in a very liberal city. As we drove to Mass last night, we passed many rainbow colored celebrations in the street. I was VERY SURPRISED to have our priest address both the same sex ruling and the shootings in Charleston in his homily! He spoke of the healing gospel that was read, then said that sometimes things seem without hope- the violence, moral depravity or even personal illness or situations. He said that this is when we need to get on our knees and look to God, praying for strength to be His Children of Light. And that this is when Jesus will say, as he did in the gospel, “Little One, Rise.” He reminded us that God was with us and that we needed to stay strong and loving. After Mass, they also handed out a statement from our bishop, in English and in Spanish. My husband and I left Mass feeling a lot of peace.
I will try to attach our bishop’s statement:
AUSTIN – Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, bishop of the Diocese of Austin, released the following statement, in English and Spanish, today:
I am deeply saddened by the Supreme Court’s decision to require States to recognize same-sex marriages, because the opinion is based on the court’s belief that the culture has changed its views of marriage. This causes confusion among those who are faithful to the Gospel and erodes rights of persons in each State.
Regardless of the court’s decision, the nature of the human person and marriage remains unchanged and unchangeable. We will remain true and faithful to the Gospel and we will continue to call people to look deeply into the beauty and understanding of our theology of marriage.
Jesus taught that from the beginning marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman. We follow our Lord and will continue to teach and to act according to this truth. I join my brother bishops in encouraging the faithful to move forward with faith, hope, and love: faith in the unchanging truth about marriage, rooted in the immutable nature of the human person and confirmed by divine revelation; hope that these truths will once again prevail in our society, not only by their logic, but by their great beauty and manifest service to the common good; and love for all our neighbors, even those who disagree with our faith and moral convictions. We intend to proclaim the goodness, truth, and beauty of marriage as rightly understood for millennia.