There is no true fraternity outside the supernatural, which does not come from relationships among men, but from God (1 Thessalonians, 1,4). In the same way, there is no peace possible outside that of Christian peace, since the source of true peace is Christ, Incarnate Wisdom, Who “preached peace to you that were afar off, and peace to them that were nigh” (Ephesians, 2, 17). Peace is a gift from God, brought to mankind by Jesus Christ, Son of God and Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. The Catholic Church founded by Him, is the supreme depository of peace, since She is custodian of the truth and peace is founded on truth and justice.
Neo-Modernism, entrenched at the very top of the Church, preaches false peace and false fraternity. But false peace brings war into the world, just as false fraternity brings schism, which is war inside the Church. St. Luigi Orione had dramatically foreseen it all on June 26 1913: “Modernism and semi-Modernism cannot go on — sooner or later it’s going to be Protestantism or a schism in the Church which will be the most terrible that the world has ever seen”