Fr Ambrose:
Basil has gotta be the patron saint of the teenager for THAT quote!!! Then again, I’m wondering if there is something lost in the translation somewhere in that quote. But that isn’t the point or the subject. I didn’t quote Basil and neither did the Metropolitan. Maximus was quoted.
Too late. My hat DID fly off and is probably in the next county by now…But that is not the teaching of Saint Basil. Here is the relevant canon…Canon XXVI
Fornication is neither marriage, nor the beginning of marriage. If it may be, it is better that they who have committed fornication together be parted; but if they be passionate lovers, let them not separate, for fear of what is worse.
Now, hold on to your hat, but this Canon of Saint Basil was approved by the Quinisext Council.
Basil has gotta be the patron saint of the teenager for THAT quote!!! Then again, I’m wondering if there is something lost in the translation somewhere in that quote. But that isn’t the point or the subject. I didn’t quote Basil and neither did the Metropolitan. Maximus was quoted.