Fr Ambrose:
Let’s look at this quote from Aquinas…
Is it necessary for salvation to remain in the Church? Yes.
What happens with splits?
“Acts of a sinful nature are these… dissensions, factions, I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” [Gal 5:19…]
factions * from the Church keeps one from heaven and that is serious business, correct?. To put it another familiar way, by Augustine and others, outside the Church [of which there is only one] there is no salvation.
Schism from the Church is also schism from the Roman pontiff who is head of the Church. It’s not either/or but both. I think this is what Aquinas was referring to.*
Now, no need to get your ears back. We’ve been over this stuff before.Are you aware that Aquinas in this work you recommend teaches that all the Orthodox, the Greeks, are going to hell? And not just the Orthodox, but your Baptist aunt who sings in the choir, the Queen of England, the President of the United States, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, the non-Catholic kid who mows your lawns…
"To be subject to the Roman Pontiff is necessary for salvation."
What a nasty piece of doctrine! The medieval doctrine of the filioque should be considered as a disgrace to the West
Let’s look at this quote from Aquinas…
Is it necessary for salvation to remain in the Church? Yes.
What happens with splits?
“Acts of a sinful nature are these… dissensions, factions, I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” [Gal 5:19…]
factions * from the Church keeps one from heaven and that is serious business, correct?. To put it another familiar way, by Augustine and others, outside the Church [of which there is only one] there is no salvation.
Schism from the Church is also schism from the Roman pontiff who is head of the Church. It’s not either/or but both. I think this is what Aquinas was referring to.*