Finding a future spouse?

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Aren’t you the one that despises small talk?

Well if you are to go out and meet people, and get to know them, you’ve gotta start with the small talk. Bite the bullet and start talking. You can go on to more serious topics later on.

Otherwise, you’re stuck in the state of being alone.

Besides, if you find the one and you get married, chances are she may want to talk about topics which are trivial to you. What are you going to do then?
I don’t mind making small talk with people I care about. It can be nice. It’s with people I don’t know that I hate doing it with. It’s just so fake and I’m too honest of a person. Plus it just seems so rude. The idea of going up to a complete stranger and interrupting them from whatever they’re doing just seems appalling. Just like eye contact. It seems like such a personal violation that I just can’t bring myself to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no valid hope of ever having any kind of loving relationship, I was just pointing out how loneliness is awful and definitely not a gift.
I don’t mind making small talk with people I care about. It can be nice. It’s with people I don’t know that I hate doing it with. It’s just so fake and I’m too honest of a person. Plus it just seems so rude. The idea of going up to a complete stranger and interrupting them from whatever they’re doing just seems appalling. Just like eye contact. It seems like such a personal violation that I just can’t bring myself to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no valid hope of ever having any kind of loving relationship, I was just pointing out how loneliness is awful and definitely not a gift.
Loneliness is awful indeed. Friendships can alleviate loneliness.

Have you ever thought of joining clubs that share your interests? Volunteer with charities?

I am an amateur astronomer so for me astronomy clubs are one way to meet people. On the plus side, you already know that you are going to talk about your shared interests. Beats having to go to a stranger and attempt to start a conversation.

I also volunteer at hospitals. Because of my Aspergers, too much social contact can be a stressor for me, so the hospital I volunteer at placed me in the medical library where I help catalog medical books and journals. I also sometimes help the IT techs.

I may not meet as many people as those who volunteer helping patients, but I do meet some and their friendship was invaluable to me.
Sometimes the wrong company can be just as lonely as being alone. Not everyone is good at approaching people and striking up conversations. Bataar I hope you have some luck and some nice people come into your life because this isn’t easy
Loneliness is awful indeed. Friendships can alleviate loneliness.

Have you ever thought of joining clubs that share your interests? Volunteer with charities?

I am an amateur astronomer so for me astronomy clubs are one way to meet people. On the plus side, you already know that you are going to talk about your shared interests. Beats having to go to a stranger and attempt to start a conversation.

I also volunteer at hospitals. Because of my Aspergers, too much social contact can be a stressor for me, so the hospital I volunteer at placed me in the medical library where I help catalog medical books and journals. I also sometimes help the IT techs.

I may not meet as many people as those who volunteer helping patients, but I do meet some and their friendship was invaluable to me.
Unfortunately, I don’t even really know what my interests are anymore. Over the years of being by myself, my interests pretty much include TV, movies, and video games. Pretty much things I can do by myself. I honestly can’t think of other things to do by myself. What’s really weird is that I do have a few other guy friends that I play board games with occasionally, but even when I’m hanging out with them, I’m still lonely.
Loneliness is very unhealthy. When you have no one in your life to talk to, no one to care for you or you to care for. No one to give you a hug or even squeeze your hand, you realize that loneliness is not a gift at all.
Examine lonliness a bit more. God created lonliness BEFORE mankind ate the forbidden fruit. Yes, Adam was given everything, yet God allowed Adam to experience lonliness before he created Eve. Therefore, I am concluding that lonliness is free from original sin, and that it is a special gift from God to lead us to His perfect plan.

It has been my observation that we are given of choice of how to use lonliness; to turn to others, or turn towards ourselves more. Those who get out of their comfort zone to reach out to others (clubs, volunteering, working, praying) are able to transition from being lonly to accepting the gift of companionship with grace. Those who turn further into their self struggle even when they receive companionship. May I suggest you take small steps to turn outward to the community and teach yourself to focus on more than your deepest desires at hand?
Unfortunately, I don’t even really know what my interests are anymore. Over the years of being by myself, my interests pretty much include TV, movies, and video games. Pretty much things I can do by myself. I honestly can’t think of other things to do by myself. What’s really weird is that I do have a few other guy friends that I play board games with occasionally, but even when I’m hanging out with them, I’m still lonely.
Time to take up a new hobby. Get a local community recreation list of activities and try a new one for the rest of the year. It is common to outgrow old hobbies and to find new hobbies. This will continue as you grow and mature. It’s good to recognize when we are ready for the next level and to try something new. Also, there will be times in life you long for any hobby, but cannot manage your day-to-day living. Here we also need to grow and move to the next level to follow God. Remember, we cannot reach God; rather God stoops down to us as we reach for him.
Unfortunately, I don’t even really know what my interests are anymore. Over the years of being by myself, my interests pretty much include TV, movies, and video games. Pretty much things I can do by myself. I honestly can’t think of other things to do by myself. What’s really weird is that I do have a few other guy friends that I play board games with occasionally, but even when I’m hanging out with them, I’m still lonely.
I think you should focus on this before your social life. Figure out what you enjoy and what works for you. Even if they aren’t the most social hobbies they make you a more rounded person which means when you are around people you have something to talk about.

I may be going against the grain but I don’t think forcing yourself into situations where you are uncomfortable or forcing yourself to be with people you don’t gel with works. Take your time and then try to put yourself into social situations that don’t make yourself too anxious. Forced friendships don’t work it takes effort but should feel natural and you won’t be compatible with everyone.

When you really feel lonely and have no outlet remember you always have your relationship with Jesus, that’s not to say it’s a backup option but it is important to keep practicing your faith through these bad times.

Praying for you.
Loneliness is very unhealthy. When you have no one in your life to talk to, no one to care for you or you to care for. No one to give you a hug or even squeeze your hand, you realize that loneliness is not a gift at all.
Yeah, I lived many years like that . Then I woke up and realised it was in part at least my own fault. The word is out there; I was and am semi=housebound but I have the internet. I can reach out to others who are lonely.

If you are able bodied you can do so much out there. I go days and weeks with no one to give me a hug… just sometimes I do meet someone I can give a hug to. YOU can be the cure for someone else;s loneliness and heal your own. THAT is why loneliness ie aloneness can be a gift. not for you but for others through you.
I don’t mind making small talk with people I care about. It can be nice. It’s with people I don’t know that I hate doing it with. It’s just so fake and I’m too honest of a person. Plus it just seems so rude. The idea of going up to a complete stranger and interrupting them from whatever they’re doing just seems appalling. Just like eye contact. It seems like such a personal violation that I just can’t bring myself to do it.

Don’t get me wrong, I have no valid hope of ever having any kind of loving relationship, I was just pointing out how loneliness is awful and definitely not a gift.
Let you into a secret…Most friendships begin with small talk. Not fake: testing the waters is all and if you act uninterested of course no one is going to want to get closer to you.

Despair is a lonely prison cell, that you enter freely.
I am currently saying a novena for my future spouse. I am currently on day 16. I am so glad that Mary has helped me stay strong while praying this novena. Even if a Godly man doesn’t come into my life I will still hope for the best.
Let you into a secret…Most friendships begin with small talk. Not fake: testing the waters is all and if you act uninterested of course no one is going to want to get closer to you.

Despair is a lonely prison cell, that you enter freely.
I know, which is why it’s so frustrating. Unfortunately, I can’t help the way my brain works. Let’s say I see someone that I don’t know. I don’t know what that person’s interests are so I don’t know what to talk to them about. People have suggested to ask about their job. This is what I mean by being fake. I don’t know this person so I have absolutely zero interest in their job therefore, I’m showing a false interest in the subject if I bring it up.

It all comes down to the crazy wiring of my autistic brain. I remember back at my brother’s wedding, I’d have family that I hadn’t seen or heard from in 5-10 years coming over to me and asking about me and what I’ve been doing etc. In the back of my mind, I was really irritated at this. If they were legitimately interested in how I’m doing, they could have sent me an email or something at any given time to ask. The fact that they wait until then tells me they don’t really care, they’re just following the social norms and asking. That’s how my brain perceives it.

I don’t consider myself shy at all, just when I talk, it’s the subject that’s important. I can talk to anyone about something we’re both interested in. For most people, it seems that when they’re talking, the focus is on the other person. It doesn’t matter what they’re talking about. For me, it’s the opposite. It’s the subject that’s important. For me to make friends, I have to be around a person several times. I learn about them from observing what they’re interested and talk about with other people. Once I have an idea that they’re a person I’d be interested in being friends with, I already know what to talk to them about.
Unfortunately, I don’t even really know what my interests are anymore. Over the years of being by myself, my interests pretty much include TV, movies, and video games. Pretty much things I can do by myself. I honestly can’t think of other things to do by myself. What’s really weird is that I do have a few other guy friends that I play board games with occasionally, but even when I’m hanging out with them, I’m still lonely.
I really recommend seeking some Catholic fellowship and friendships. We can get stuck in just doing things we’ve always done, but what about doing something new? for example, helping others, joining the Legion of Mary, volunteering, taking up a hobby like writing/sports/etc? there are many things that can be done that don’t need a spouse in order to do them 🙂
Loneliness is very unhealthy. When you have no one in your life to talk to, no one to care for you or you to care for. No one to give you a hug or even squeeze your hand, you realize that loneliness is not a gift at all.
I’ve went through times of feeling very lonely in my life… its’ not fun at all, but later on I realized that God used it to bring me closer to Himself. I turned to Him, and I realized He truly is closer to me than any friend. Jesus becomes for us who we need Him to be, in a way, if we let Him. We need to trust and open up to this 🙂 understanding this has greatly reduced my sense of loneliness, because God became more real to me, - He is not less real than visible human friends or family here on earth. He wishes to be part of the family and the closest friend.

As for human companionship, what about seeking good friendships? often people meet future spouses that way too.

God bless you
Yeah, I lived many years like that . Then I woke up and realised it was in part at least my own fault. The world is out there; I was and am semi=housebound but I have the internet. I can reach out to others who are lonely.

If you are able bodied you can do so much out there. I go days and weeks with no one to give me a hug… just sometimes I do meet someone I can give a hug to. YOU can be the cure for someone else;s loneliness and heal your own. THAT is why loneliness ie aloneness can be a gift. not for you but for others through you.
Batar; it was interesting that you replied to one of my posts but not this one? Solitude can be a gift that many seek and a huge blessing, IT can give you space to grow.
I know, which is why it’s so frustrating. Unfortunately, I can’t help the way my brain works. Let’s say I see someone that I don’t know. I don’t know what that person’s interests are so I don’t know what to talk to them about. People have suggested to ask about their job. This is what I mean by being fake. I don’t know this person so I have absolutely zero interest in their job therefore, I’m showing a false interest in the subject if I bring it up.

It all comes down to the crazy wiring of my autistic brain. I remember back at my brother’s wedding, I’d have family that I hadn’t seen or heard from in 5-10 years coming over to me and asking about me and what I’ve been doing etc. In the back of my mind, I was really irritated at this. If they were legitimately interested in how I’m doing, they could have sent me an email or something at any given time to ask. The fact that they wait until then tells me they don’t really care, they’re just following the social norms and asking. That’s how my brain perceives it.

I don’t consider myself shy at all, just when I talk, it’s the subject that’s important. I can talk to anyone about something we’re both interested in. For most people, it seems that when they’re talking, the focus is on the other person. It doesn’t matter what they’re talking about. For me, it’s the opposite. It’s the subject that’s important. For me to make friends, I have to be around a person several times. I learn about them from observing what they’re interested and talk about with other people. Once I have an idea that they’re a person I’d be interested in being friends with, I already know what to talk to them about.
I have relatives that I see yearly that always ask: “how are you; how’s school going; seeing anyone?” & it used to irritate me so much. I’ve realized this pattern though that sometimes people just don’t know what to say, what to ask, etc- basic communication skills to get by. For me, I tend to ask random questions to “test the waters” & see what other people do w/ it & what we have in common or don’t- it works every time.

If other person doesn’t respond, at least you tried. If they do in a positive way, try asking another question. For example, today while waiting for the elevator near someone else, I asked if they’re having a good day- she said “not really” & I said, “oh, I had that day yesterday & I laughed a bit]” & she started to smile (a sense of comfort that someone understands is worth taking the risk- we all need times like these. The way we treat others is the way they end up treating us, unless we let our perceptions & judgments cloud our vision) <Most likely, she had a lot on her mind, like most of us do & I opened the door to share by taking that step & initiating (that’s what Christ did while on earth, right?.) You’ll never know unless you take chances- God never gave us the spirit of fear, worry, & to hold back. In fact, He expects us to love one another. How can we love each other if we hold everything in, perceiving others as we see it, not how it really is going?Christ created us to go outside of our comfort zones to simple love one another.

You can do this. Trust God, trust yourself, pray for guidance/assistance- tell God about all of this (if you haven’t already). I’m still working on this b/c I tend to have social anxiety in classrooms, but what works for me is to say a little prayer of what I’m thinking: “Jesus, I don’t know how to deal with this, but I want to try. Please help me.” These moments of learning happen for a reason, perhaps to prepare us all for the next step God has planned for us. We must be open to the will of God before we can let Him do wonders in our lives.

Yesterday, I had a horrible day b/c I let my introverted side prevent me from being who I know I am in Christ (ambivert)- it bothered me the whole day, letting my past experiences of ridicule get the best of me. Next day, I was driving & stumbled into my fav KLOVE song (The God I Know- Love & The Outcome; I am Not Along- Kari Jobe)- He knows that those songs tug my heart deeply. In that moment, I started crying & sharing with Him what’s really going on & my assumptions, exposing my heart to the One who knows everything & it was relieving. Next day/today, it’s been a better day b/c I’ve been opening up to people & striving to keep a positive attitude. God’s plan continues to unfold in spontaneous ways the more we let go of doubt & worry- His plans are always not what we think it is.

“What was I waiting for, I came alive when I let go. All I had was a broken heart, then He held me in His arms” (Love & the Outcome).
“When I walk thru deep waters, I know that you will be with me…I am not alone. You will go before me, you will never leave me. I am not alone…in the midst of deep sorrow, I see your light is breaking thru. The dark of night will not overtake me. I am pressing into you. Lord you fight my every battle…I am not alone” (Kari Jobe).

I am praying for you. Everything’s going to be okay in Christ.
Batar; it was interesting that you replied to one of my posts but not this one? Solitude can be a gift that many seek and a huge blessing, IT can give you space to grow.
I actually missed your earlier message somehow. The biggest problem with that is “out there”. On an Asperger message board I post on, a running joke is that “out there” is a mythical place that if we can somehow find, our lives will miraculously change, much like the fountain of youth. “You just need to get out there more.” or “Once you get out there more, your life will turn around.” For whatever reason, “out there” is simply not specific enough for me/us.
I know, which is why it’s so frustrating. Unfortunately, I can’t help the way my brain works. Let’s say I see someone that I don’t know. I don’t know what that person’s interests are so I don’t know what to talk to them about. People have suggested to ask about their job. This is what I mean by being fake. I don’t know this person so I have absolutely zero interest in their job therefore, I’m showing a false interest in the subject if I bring it up.

It all comes down to the crazy wiring of my autistic brain. I remember back at my brother’s wedding, I’d have family that I hadn’t seen or heard from in 5-10 years coming over to me and asking about me and what I’ve been doing etc. In the back of my mind, I was really irritated at this. If they were legitimately interested in how I’m doing, they could have sent me an email or something at any given time to ask. The fact that they wait until then tells me they don’t really care, they’re just following the social norms and asking. That’s how my brain perceives it.

I don’t consider myself shy at all, just when I talk, it’s the subject that’s important. I can talk to anyone about something we’re both interested in. For most people, it seems that when they’re talking, the focus is on the other person. It doesn’t matter what they’re talking about. For me, it’s the opposite. It’s the subject that’s important. For me to make friends, I have to be around a person several times. I learn about them from observing what they’re interested and talk about with other people. Once I have an idea that they’re a person I’d be interested in being friends with, I already know what to talk to them about.
I know. I hate this asking about stuff I actually don’t care about just to make small talk too. But then I asked myself: Why do I want to talk to this person?
You know if you see someone and you want to talk to them, then ask yourself why do you want to talk to this person in the first place. If you want to make friends: What kind of friends do you want? So I determine what informations are for me important to know about a potential friend and then when I talk to them I ask questions that will get me this informations. And so it will not be fake anymore. Hope this makes sense…
I actually missed your earlier message somehow. The biggest problem with that is “out there”. On an Asperger message board I post on, a running joke is that “out there” is a mythical place that if we can somehow find, our lives will miraculously change, much like the fountain of youth. “You just need to get out there more.” or “Once you get out there more, your life will turn around.” For whatever reason, “out there” is simply not specific enough for me/us.
I think telling someone with social difficulties (whatever they may be) to just get out there and meet people can be a bit like telling someone in a wheelchair to just get out of the chair and start walking, they might (depending on the nature of disability) be able to throw themselves out of the chair but unless you’re Jesus that person will not get very far even if they want to.

I know I technically could approach people at church or a bar and start talking to them but I don’t have the charisma to do it well and they would probably just think I am a weirdo. That won’t help someone feel less alone and if anything makes you feel more lonely.
🙂 And the answer is…(drumroll please!)…

There is no easy answer: it’s different for everyone!

The happiest relationships I know are the ones where 2 people met and struck up a friendship because they share the same values and sense of humour. I met my husband and had no idea he was my future husband! I knew I enjoyed spending time talking to him and had begun to look forward to seeing him. It wasn’t until I was moaning to my mother about not having found ‘the one’ yet and she said one day I would find someone who I felt completely at ease with just being ‘me’ that I realised 👍

One of the best things in our relationship is that we had time without any pressure to get to know one another because he thought I was with someone else (long story!)

I’ve noticed in recent years that many younger people with Aspergers seem to almost define themselves by it (I’m writing as so-called neuro-typical, which I think it a pretty odd term because the older I get the more convinced I am that the only ‘neuro-typical’ creature in the world is a unicorn) and dwell on what makes them ‘different’.

I’m in my 40s and work in a field where about 75% of my colleagues have traits that would suggest (to some) that they are ‘on the spectrum’ but in my professional field, nobody actually gives a monkeys! As professional adults, we value their dedication to their subject; we appreciate their amazing ability to recall data and their focus and we accept their quirks - no, actually, we see their quirks as bringing something extra to the party and making life a bit more interesting.

I did some field work recently with a person with the most amazing skills, who became so excited when they saw something noteworthy, they broke into a little dance. The next day, I was with someone who made no conversation at all unless it was related to the study in hand for most of the day, but after about 6 hours, he relaxed a bit and he had the most amazing, dark and cyncial sense of humour! Guess what? I enjoyed both people’s company and both brought something extra to my day.

What I’m trying to say is that neuro-typical is as much of a spectrum as autism, but self-acceptance and accepting other people (including those who do fall back on meaningless smalltalk) is the key to finding someone to spend the rest of your life with.

That person who gives you a cheesy smile and asks questions you regard as pointless, might just have a cousin or friend who detests such things…or they could be painfully shy and secretly wishing you’d say, “let’s cut the boring stuff: I just want to know if you’re into quantum physics - if not, I’d rather be elsewhere!”
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