Finding a future spouse?

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I actually missed your earlier message somehow. The biggest problem with that is “out there”. On an Asperger message board I post on, a running joke is that “out there” is a mythical place that if we can somehow find, our lives will miraculously change, much like the fountain of youth. “You just need to get out there more.” or “Once you get out there more, your life will turn around.” For whatever reason, “out there” is simply not specific enough for me/us.
YOU are not your CONDITION. Please be sure of that and avoid hiding behind a name… OUT THERE is wherever YOU choose to be, Your choice, your responsibility and no miracle. , but hard work and effort,

I have just stopped or all but stopped trading at craft fairs and street markets. It was hard work and often frustrating and I am by nature a solitary

I chose ti do it for nearly 15 years to fund the work my family do overseas with the homeless and abandoned babies. I did it because I could, All hand made work on the table…

While I met some lovely folk it was at times sheer *****. and an endurance test .

I chose it.

That is what llife is, Choosing. Not waiting for something to open; we open the door.

I have plenty of medical conditions I could name. So what? I have finally had to stop through advanced age and pain levels too high.

Life NEEDS you, People NEED your strength and energy,
Life does not owe us; we owe life…

Over to you!
I think telling someone with social difficulties (whatever they may be) to just get out there and meet people can be a bit like telling someone in a wheelchair to just get out of the chair and start walking, they might (depending on the nature of disability) be able to throw themselves out of the chair but unless you’re Jesus that person will not get very far even if they want to.

I know I technically could approach people at church or a bar and start talking to them but I don’t have the charisma to do it well and they would probably just think I am a weirdo. That won’t help someone feel less alone and if anything makes you feel more lonely.
A poor analogy. Many is wheelchairs will still get out regardless, Not the same as this in any way.
A poor analogy. Many is wheelchairs will still get out regardless, Not the same as this in any way.
There are always going to be people with disabilities, physical, mental, social, who will struggle to be able to do certain things that others take for granted. We don’t help these people by blaming them. I wouldn’t dream of telling my friend who uses a wheelchair that it’s all his fault he can’t walk because he chooses to sit in a chair all day.
I am currently saying a novena for my future spouse. I am currently on day 16. I am so glad that Mary has helped me stay strong while praying this novena. Even if a Godly man doesn’t come into my life I will still hope for the best.
That’s totally understandable. Same here.
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