YOU are not your CONDITION. Please be sure of that and avoid hiding behind a name… OUT THERE is wherever YOU choose to be, Your choice, your responsibility and no miracle. , but hard work and effort,I actually missed your earlier message somehow. The biggest problem with that is “out there”. On an Asperger message board I post on, a running joke is that “out there” is a mythical place that if we can somehow find, our lives will miraculously change, much like the fountain of youth. “You just need to get out there more.” or “Once you get out there more, your life will turn around.” For whatever reason, “out there” is simply not specific enough for me/us.
I have just stopped or all but stopped trading at craft fairs and street markets. It was hard work and often frustrating and I am by nature a solitary
I chose ti do it for nearly 15 years to fund the work my family do overseas with the homeless and abandoned babies. I did it because I could, All hand made work on the table…
While I met some lovely folk it was at times sheer *****. and an endurance test .
I chose it.
That is what llife is, Choosing. Not waiting for something to open; we open the door.
I have plenty of medical conditions I could name. So what? I have finally had to stop through advanced age and pain levels too high.
Life NEEDS you, People NEED your strength and energy,
Life does not owe us; we owe life…
Over to you!