I have heard St. Thomas Aquinas’ argument for the existence of God known as the Prime Mover argument, basically asserting that God is the first cause that was itself not caused. I remember being in an apologetics group in college and this argument was brought up. One of the atheists who attended that group admitted the need for a first cause, but asked the question, why does the first cause have to be God? Is it really necessary that this first cause be a rational, intelligent thinking being that is all powerful and has a will and gives purpose to things?
My argument would be that in order for rational animals (like humans) to exist, things like intelligence, meaning and purpose would have to pre-exist the existence of those animals, and even the universe since this “rational-ness” exists within our material world; in other words, if it did not pre-exist then there would be no basis for rational, thinking humans to emerge from an unthinking, unfeeling material universe. But I know this argument is probably incomplete. I want to hear what you guys have to say, or what Aquinas said about the matter (unfortunately I do not currently have the time to pore over his massive Summae).
I have heard St. Thomas Aquinas’ argument for the existence of God known as the Prime Mover argument, basically asserting that God is the first cause that was itself not caused. I remember being in an apologetics group in college and this argument was brought up. One of the atheists who attended that group admitted the need for a first cause, but asked the question, why does the first cause have to be God? Is it really necessary that this first cause be a rational, intelligent thinking being that is all powerful and has a will and gives purpose to things?
My argument would be that in order for rational animals (like humans) to exist, things like intelligence, meaning and purpose would have to pre-exist the existence of those animals, and even the universe since this “rational-ness” exists within our material world; in other words, if it did not pre-exist then there would be no basis for rational, thinking humans to emerge from an unthinking, unfeeling material universe. But I know this argument is probably incomplete. I want to hear what you guys have to say, or what Aquinas said about the matter (unfortunately I do not currently have the time to pore over his massive Summae).