So your definition of God is meaningless?Ha! Meaningless statements is exactly where one might answer n/a.
So your definition of God is meaningless?Ha! Meaningless statements is exactly where one might answer n/a.
Well, it wouldn’t be the Subsistent Being that the cosmological arguments claim to demonstrate.STT:![]()
No, I meant if someone does claim it still exists they can’t use the argument: ‘because if it didn’t then it wouldn’t be God’.Bradskii:![]()
I am not begging question.If you believe there was a first cause then why assume that it still exists? Without begging the question.
Both are true, and Subsistent Being is defined dogma.Uncaused being is a much better description of God than subsistent being.
Alive and dead are different state of affair by definition. Whether life is an emergence property is subject of another thread. Regardless, state of alive is different from state of death.What if alive and dead are the same thing? What if they are both derivative properties of the same underlying physical constructs? Emergent properties are called that because they emerge from underlying systems. Carbon can form crystalline or non crystalline structures. And yet it’s all carbon and energy.
That is not true. God is conscious is very meaningful statement. Everybody understand what it means. Whether it is true or not is subject of the discussion.No, your definition of God is meaningless.
It cannot be artificial if it is useful for categorization.The definition strikes me as artificial. Useful for categorization.
To me consciousness/conscious state is a state that the agent has the ability to experience.Consciousness is a created experience.
Only in created beings that are conscious.Consciousness is a created experience.
Hawking radiation is proof the above statement is false.The first cause is an intelligent cause because the act of causing something to exist that doesn’t naturally exist and sustaining it in existence cannot be a natural process ( a progression of physical states that have an affect on the nature of it’s effects through it’s activity. )
Why? Clearly, a threshold or probability could be exceeded such that a “Big Bang” occurs. Why does it have to be a “decision”. If Hawking radiation occurs, why can’t a Big Bang? There is no reason why multiple universes cannot be created either.The First Cause has a mind because the First Cause must decide what becomes real and what does not become real out of the infinite possibilities for creation. That decision making by the First Cause is mysterious and being uncaused is unlike any material mechanism using determinism or probability, such as Hawking radiation.
Except it doesn’t. Why do you think it does?IWantGod:![]()
Hawking radiation is proof the above statement is false.The first cause is an intelligent cause because the act of causing something to exist that doesn’t naturally exist and sustaining it in existence cannot be a natural process ( a progression of physical states that have an affect on the nature of it’s effects through it’s activity. )
This is all kind of backwards; the LORD is conscious, but does not change, as must happen in making decisions. What he wills is willed always, never a decision to will.First Cause has a mind because the First Cause must decide what becomes real and what does not become real out of the infinite possibilities for creation. That decision making by the First Cause is mysterious and being uncaused is unlike any material mechanism using determinism or probability, such as Hawking radiation.
Sentience is dependent upon (name removed by moderator)ut from sense organs, not consciousness - 2 different things.Consciousness is dependent upon (name removed by moderator)ut from sense organs. God doesn’t have sense organs
It is unnecessary - God’s consciousness is not a created consciousness but eternal Uncreated consciousness.Name a created consciousness in a material being that does not have sense organs?
No, human consciousness is caused by the soul’s animation and informing of the activities of the brain, unlike divine consciousness which is uncaused, and simply IS. ‘I AM’ (our LORD’s Name) is meaningless without consciousness of self and of “not-self” and of actual relationship.Do you believe that consciousness is caused by the brain?
I don’t know where you are getting this from; the soul is not material, and has “no size” such that you could say it is infinitely small. The soul, 100% of it, is in every part of the body, and contains every part of the body and contains the whole of my body; 100% of my soul is in my little finger and 100% of my soul is in my brain, and my heart and my liver.If a soul is infinitely small, then what infinitely small spot in the brain does it attach itself to? And what is the purpose of the rest of the brain matter which is not directly attached to the infinitely small soul? And how does an infinitely small immaterial soul interact with the matter inside the brain in light of the fact that the matter within the brain would have to be infinitely larger than the soul?
Simpler? It is already worked out for anyone to contemplate in the works of the Doctors of the Church (Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, etc.), and you don’t have to make up some preservation refrigerator realm, and a secondary temporary storage reality, and some construct of a new body - you are making all those things up; they do not exist.Wouldn’t a simpler and more rational explanation be that God preserves our consciousness after death in another realm where He copies our brain structures into a different created reality where our souls are preserved until reunited with a body?