A nature can only do what it’s nature allows it to do. It functions according to the principles of it’s nature. We describe this behaviour as the laws of physics, but it’s important to note that the laws of physics is not something that transcends and exists apart from the nature of the objects it describes. And even if it did it could only exist as an abstract object or idea, otherwise it does not meaningfully exist at all.Matter seems to blindly follow laws of nature. The outcome of this motion leaded to life which seems that is toward survival. What is the need for an intelligence when motion is blind?
When the first cause creates or actualizes a possibility such as physical activity, it is not only causing something to exist, it is also determining the nature or principles of that activity. Since physical reality does not naturally exist, something is required to determine the principles underlying the activity of physical objects. Because these principles cannot be determined naturally, the existence of these principles or laws of physical behaviour require the existence of an intelligent-cause to determine the natural behaviour or activity of physical objects.
An intellect is required in-order to determine the particular behaviour of physical things, because the behaviour of physical things is not a natural expression of that which naturally exists, but rather it is the natural expression of something that is being caused to exist.
In other-words the laws of physics is the expression of an artificial reality.
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