First Comes Gay Marriage then Comes Bestiality in Massachusetts

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My fear is when pedophilia gets decriminalized. I mean, after all, how can you punish them? God made them that way, didn’t he? And there are pedophilic relationships in nature, so why are we human animals so prudish? :rolleyes:
Pedophilia is non-consentual sex (since children can’t give consent) and is therefore abuse and a crime.

Heck, here in Iowa its illegal for anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offense to live within 2000 feet of a school or registered day care center. And quite a few towns are passing laws which make this even more strict.
I have always wondered how pedophilia can be illegal, but NAMBLA is allowed to exist…
Guar Fan:
Pedophilia is non-consentual sex (since children can’t give consent) and is therefore abuse and a crime.
Animals can’t give consent either so why should it be legal for animal sex. Oh yea it just sex.
Please explain to me how abortion leads to gay sex…its rather beyond me, escpecially considering that homosexual sex has been around considerably longer than abortion…
Actually I would argue that the sanctioning of contraception begat the “Culture of Death” we see today.
Abortion has been around probably as long as there has been homosexual relations, the only difference now is that these acts are sanctioned by the state.

Abortion and homosexuality are related in that they are opposed to the natural order of “marital relations”. Abortion and homosexual sex are a result of the desire to deny the natural consequences of sex, which is pregnancy. When you remove the possibility of creating life, you remove the opportunity for God to impart His grace into that relationship.

Homosexuality is by its nature barren, and further increases society’s tendency to see each other not as whole human beings who complement each other as man and woman, but as only objects for each other’s lust.

Abortion is the ultimate denial of the whole human being. By its nature it declares the human being expendible, and the effects are far-reaching as now people are seen as being valuable only if they serve a “purpose” to society. If the unborn are seen as “burdens”, who is next? The handicapped, mentally challenged and the elderly.

I hope this gives you something to think about, I tried to state the relationship as best I could. 🙂
What I’m asking is how one LED to the other.

For example, you can find homosexuals who do believe abortion is morally wrong, as do I. They are in no way inherently linked, and one does not cause the other. They are entirely separate issues.
Animals can’t give consent either so why should it be legal for animal sex. Oh yea it just sex.

Who is suggesting that bestiality should be legal? I think it is a sign of a disturbed mind, and am glad that Iowa law requires an offender to get psychological help.

The title of this thread, and the title of Lifesite’s article, are misleading. Massachusetts is not legalizing bestiality and is actually maintaining some stiff penalties for it.
Animals can’t give consent either so why should it be legal for animal sex. Oh yea it just sex.
Plus, animals cannot say “no,” at least verbally, or testify in court. :rolleyes:
Well what do you expect in a state like Massachusetts. So many crazy things have been going on in this state in the last few years that something like this doesn’t shock me - it’s just one more example of moral relativism and the turning away from God and His divine law.


There would not be a push to decriminalize, if there were not people who wanted to do it.

Bestiality, and pedophilia walk hand in hand. 2 types of quasi-consentual sex, that don’t seem to “hurt” anyone, and “seems” to do “good”. Raises self esteem- etc.

Why not extend that “potential for emotional health” -etc- to children? Note how some “progressive” countries have very low ages of consent for things like abortion, and even euthinasia. If what’s “ok” for a 14 yr old can be “ok” for a 13 yr. old, ect., etc. All that is needed is an expansion of the evil Kinsey report, and it will be “proven” that children can “benefit” from these types of relationships. They will be “enriching”
All that is needed is an expansion of the evil Kinsey report, and it will be “proven” that children can “benefit” from these types of relationships. They will be “enriching”
What a thought. I suppose children can learn (benefit) from any display of evil, if it’s presented to them as evil.

I have always wondered how pedophilia can be illegal, but NAMBLA is allowed to exist…
Freedom of speech. I also wish theyd arrest the people in KKK, NAMBLA, and many other similar organizations or cults. But think about it. Once a rule is passed to stop these kind of organizations, they can start saying things like “you cant say anything bad about the government or be arrested” or “you cant critisize a religion etc” I believe thats what its like in Canada. Its not perfect, but if they made, say, hate speech illegal, you couldnt say anything bad about homosexuality. Unfortunately, we must keep all viewpoints legal, however awful they are.
Bestiality, and pedophilia walk hand in hand. 2 types of quasi-consentual sex, that don’t seem to “hurt” anyone, and “seems” to do “good”. Raises self esteem- etc. "
I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you on this. I think there is plenty of evidence to show that when children are sexually exploited the negative effects can last their entire life.

I don’t know anything about the harms of bestiality but it seems psychologically unhealthy to the human and is perhaps physically abusive of the animal.
Freedom of speech. I also wish theyd arrest the people in KKK, NAMBLA, and many other similar organizations or cults. But think about it. Once a rule is passed to stop these kind of organizations, they can start saying things like “you cant say anything bad about the government or be arrested” or “you cant critisize a religion etc” I believe thats what its like in Canada. Its not perfect, but if they made, say, hate speech illegal, you couldnt say anything bad about homosexuality. Unfortunately, we must keep all viewpoints legal, however awful they are.
Hey did you know that people in Sweden have lost the right to speak. They have also lost that freedom in Canada. It’s called hate speak legislation. It is now passing in our congress. Guess one of the protected groups? If you guessed homosexuals you win the prize! So if a minister or priest say that homosuality is a sin or is disordered they can be arrested for hate speech. That doesn’t sound like free speech to me. It sounds like you can speak if you agree with the secular leftist and their agenda. That is not free speech it is senored speech.
Actually, thats not true at all. I live in Canada, and plenty of people say that homosexuality is a sin and is disordered…and they don’t get arrested.

However, what is illegal is the promotion of hatred against an identifiable group of people. For example, if you are making statements that imply one should act out in violence against a group, then that is considered hate speech.

So you are allowed express your disagreement with homosexuality, just not in means that promotes hatred against them. I think this makes sense. In any country where a minority has been persecuted, even in places like Rwanda where genocide has occured, it always begins with a dehumanization of that people through propaganda. Canada is ensuring that we have the right to disagree, but that we don’t promote a hateful, irrational agenda against a minority.

So you can publically state that “homosexuality is a sin”

But you can not say that “Homosexuals should be removed from society”
Guar Fan:
I’m sorry but I have to disagree with you on this. I think there is plenty of evidence to show that when children are sexually exploited the negative effects can last their entire life.

I don’t know anything about the harms of bestiality but it seems psychologically unhealthy to the human and is perhaps physically abusive of the animal.
Sorry- you mistook me for being serious. I was playing devil’s advocate.

I think these things are the product of very disturbed minds.
So if a minister or priest say that homosuality is a sin or is disordered they can be arrested for hate speech…
Could you point me to the bill(s) which would do this?
I think these things are the product of very disturbed minds.
I am sorry I misunderstood you. Yes, I definitely agree with your last statement!
Did anyone actually read the article? The measures being taken are actually rather reasonable. It is reducing the penalty of beastiality to a fine or 18 months. Before that they could recieve up to 20 years! People who rape human beings don’t even get sentenced that much time!
And the way to fix this injustice is to further define deviancy down by punishing sex with animals with a fine (a mere slap on the wrist). That’s much more sensible than strengthening the penalties for rape.
And don’t you think its time adultery and fornication be decriminalized?
People who engage in beastiality need mental help…not two generations in a prison cell.
They can get that help in prison.

– Mark L. Chance.
You’re honestly telling me that you think a person who engages in beastiality is SUCH A THREAT to society that they should be placed in prison for twenty years? Do you think 20 years in a prison cell is really going to be beneficial to their mental health?
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