This being a discussion forum, that also includes non-Catholics, of course answers are going to be “all over the place”.
Generally if it is a matter where the Church has clearly spoken, there is a good consensus or a number of responsible posters who step in and present a unified view. Also, I have noticed that those who repeatedly push a view at odds with Catholic teaching do tend to get suspended.
There are, however, many matters where the Church has not definitively spoken or allows for individual perspectives, such as the evolutionism vs. creationism debate. Also a lot of topics, such as women covering their heads at church, where people have many individual opinions and this is also permitted by the Church. I personally think it’s good for people to see that there are a lot of opinions on these types of matters and that the Church allows different opinions. Too many Catholic forums are more like a monolith. If you don’t agree with a prevailing view of whoever is running the forum, you’re wrong, even though the Church isn’t teaching the prevailing view, it’s just the opinion of the forum operator and a majority of the posters. I choose not to participate in those sorts of forums.