"Fishers of Men" movie - Download Here!

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The full Fishers of Men DVD is available for download from ccc.usccb.org/video/fishers_of_men1.wmv

Its about 17+mins, and extremely touching. Watched it at the last Diocesan Recollection I went to and was tearing almost throughout.

Note: Latin Chant heard at the start is taken from the Pangue Lingua.
I watched it…this is very good.
I’m wondering what it will take the USCCB to put together a 17 minute movie recruiting women to religious life…I’m not saying priesthood…just religious life.
Without an equivalent for women the whole call is distorted and disproportionate. 😦
Hmm…but religious life encompasses the religious orders and those involve the lives of their founder or founders. It’ll be more of 1 video each.
That’s an awesome film! I’ve been sending that to everybody, and even ordered the DVD.
If only the had the God on the Streets of NY and Cross Culture DVDs available online as well!
Thanks for posting that again. I was looking for the link after we lost it in the Great Forum Crash of '06 😃
I just watched the video; it’s very powerful.

I’m going to pass it along to my diocese’s vocation director, in hopes that he links it from the diocesan vocations website.

Thank you for posting it.
I watched it…this is very good.
I’m wondering what it will take the USCCB to put together a 17 minute movie recruiting women to religious life…I’m not saying priesthood…just religious life.
Without an equivalent for women the whole call is distorted and disproportionate. 😦
Uh, no. We need priests to baptise us and celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each week, in addition to hearing confessions and giving last rites, etc, etc, etc.

I bought two copies of the video, one for me, one for my favorite priest to watch and share!

If you want the God in the Streets of NY video, you can get it online piece of cake. Just google “God in the Streets of NY video” and a bunch of links will pop up. I think the first link is actually on the Legionaire’s website, they have video for download on there.
I watched it…this is very good.
I’m wondering what it will take the USCCB to put together a 17 minute movie recruiting women to religious life…I’m not saying priesthood…just religious life.
Without an equivalent for women the whole call is distorted and disproportionate. 😦
There IS a really good movie just done recently by the Knights of Columbus in the USA promoting religious vocations for women. It features many of the thriving orders such as the Nashville Dominicans, the Sisters of Life, Poor Clares, etc. . . it’s really well done and worth checking out. I don’t think it can be viewed online though. Although it shows clips from different orders with various charisms the focus of the movie is really on religious life in general and the religious as Bride of Christ. It’s full of many profound quotes and many beautiful young religious (all in habits!) speaking with joy about the gift of a vocation to religious life. Unfortunately, I don’t know where you can get it since I borrowed it from our local vocations director.

Has someone else seen this?
Go to usccb.org/vocations/ and click on “view fishers of men”. It’s an 18 minute video on the vocations to the priesthood. WOW!!! What does anyone else think?
I’ve seen it. It’s great!! (with two exclamation points)

Should be required viewing for all parents and High School and college men
I haven’t seen it, but I’m the parish council president at our parish, and am in close contact with the vocations committee, and they can’t stop raving about it. Promised to bring the video to the next PC meeting to let me borrow.
My parish (3500 families strong) showed this video at Mass a few weeks ago in place of the homily.

Our youth leader has showed it to the YG twice.

I’ve seen it, and it’s awesome. If I was Catholic and saw it 10 years ago I don’t think I would be in IT right now.

Great vid.
If I was Catholic and saw it 10 years ago I don’t think I would be in IT right now.

Great vid.
I don’t mean to be a smart aleck…but what’s stopping you now?

Unless you are married and/or have dependent children, nobody is keeping you in IT except yourself.

And even if you do have family obligations now, have you considered the permanent diaconate?
OK I admit, JP2 and the Last Rights scenes both had me in tears 😦 Beautiful video 👍
They showed this video one of my first nights at seminary. We were all in tears!

They also showed it at a youth retreat I was at. Its very powerful.

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