"Fishers of Men" movie - Download Here!

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I was at a discernment retreat, and our neighbor priest showed this video, i found it very very touching, and very enticing. haha

Then my Priest showed it at a “cell group” (basically where the highschool kids hang out at the church for the afternoon after class

And a friend said “Man, that makes me want to be a priest…”

and the youth minister said “Hah, that makes me want to be a priest, and im married!”

God be with you!
I originally saw a clip of this video on EWTN’s “Life on the Rock”. They only previewed about three minutes of the video and I was absolutely captivated. I briefly thought about paying the $20 to buy the 18 minute video. Okay, I was in the middle of paying for it online before I finally conviced myself to not buy it. And BEHOLD! the vocations director from Kansas City sent me the USCCB link! What a miracle.

I am 24 years old and graduating from college this weekend. I had already decided to begin the application process for entering a seminary before seeing the video, but the video really spoke to me. I am teaching a confirmation class at my church and help out with the High School Youth Group. I am going to show both groups this video and give both the guys and girls something to think about. Even if they do not feel they are being called to a religious vocation, the video will give them a new respect for priests.


FYI: The makers of “Fishers of Men” have made a couple other videos. I think the film company is ran by monks but that could be really wrong. The company is called GrassrootsFilms. Here is their website.

Praying for your discernment!

And congrats on your graduation!

I also was blown away by this video - I cried almost to sobbing, it was so moving.

Bringing up an old thread I know, but wow. What an amazing video. JP2’s part made me cry.
AH! What is the name of the chant being sung at the beginning!? Its my favorite, but I can’t recall its name.
I’ve seen this, it’s really awesome. Wish the CCCB had as good a program for vocations.
I watched the video for the first time in Toronto at a Serra Club dinner with this years deacons who are to be ordained priests and about 1300 hundred others on big screens and professional sound. It knocked peoples socks off.
Sorry if this is thread-bumping, but the link provided is dead. Does anyone have an active link to this video? Thanks.
The link in the OP is working fine for me… do you have another computer you can try from?
Hmm… just tried downloading it again. The link works fine, slow download speed though.

(ooo… never thought this would be pinned)
great film indeed. after watching this with a friend i said, “couple this with Fr. Corapi or Fr. Faricy’s testimony, a nice viewing of The Passion, and you’ll have guys banging down the seminary doors!”

i wanna see more films like these. i hear there’s a lot of christian films i don’t know about, mainly from the 80’s and 90’s, many about saints. i’ve only seen a few recent ones, and whatever they show on EWTN.
I want to find some informations about sister of Camelite!! pls help me!!
God bless
I loved the video.

The worst part was when the priest lunged out of the car at the accident. The power-stance and gaze into the distance were a bit towards the “overacting” side, I think. 😛

Seriously, though, the video is very well done (if cheesy at a couple of points) and contains a very powerful message conveyed in a way that many many young Catholics males can understand, I think.

I can say that, if only slightly (compared to other things), it’s definitely influenced my own vocational discernment! 👍
I’m not saying priesthood…Without an equivalent for women the whole call is distorted and disproportionate. 😦
Here’s a question:
IF the Church indeed does ***NOT ***have the authority to ordain women… then how does it have the authority to do anything? The power to “loose and bind” given by our Lord does not have any restrictions noted in the scriptures…

Archeological as well as historical evidence exists which indicates that women were ordained to the priesthood in the early Church. Ancient frescos discovered in the catacombs include icongraphic evidence of women presiding over Eucharistic cele-brations, according to Dr. Giorgio Otranto, Director of the Institute for Classical and Christian Studies at the University of Bari, Italy. Otranto cites a letter from Pope Gelasius I from the fifth century scolding bishops in southern Italy for allowing women “to officiate at the sacred altars, and to take part in all matters imputed to the offices of the male sex…” To substantiate the use of the word “presbytera” to refer to women priests, Oranto points to the letters of a ninth century Italian bishop, Atto of Vercelli. In the 14th century one Bishop Pelagio complained that women were still being ordained and hearing confessions. In the early 1970s Bishop Felix M. Davidek of Czechoslovakia ordained women, including one Ludmilla Javorova, and married men to serve the needs of Roman Catholics imprisoned by the Communists.

From the third to at least the ninth centuries it is an undeniable fact that women were also ordained to the diaconate. Due to their connections with church leaders, we know some of these women by name:
  • Olympias in Constantinope who was a friend of both St. Gregory of Nazianze and St. John Chrysostom. She was ordained by Bishop Nektarios. Olympias died in 418.
  • Anonyma who ministered in Antioch during the persecution of Julian the Apostate (361-363).
  • Procula and Pentadia who corresponded with St. John Chrysostom.
  • Salvina who was known to St. Jerome and became a deaconess in Constantinople.
  • Severus, Bishop of Antioch mentions deaconess Anastasia in his letters.
  • St. Basil the Great’s sister Macrina as well as her friend Lampadia were both deaconesses.
  • In addition to being a deaconess, Theosebia was also the wife of St. Gregory of Nissa.
At least 28 other deaconesses have been identified, their names preserved on tombstones.
  • Sophia of Jerusalem (4th cent. AD?). The Greek inscription reads: “Here lies the servant and virgin of Christ, the deacon !], the second Phoebe [Rom 16,1], who passed away in peace on the 21st day of March . . . May the Lord God . . .” (Revue biblique, New 1 (1904) pp. 260-262).
  • Theodora of Gaul (present-day France) carried this Latin inscription on her tomb: “Here rests in peace and of good remembrance Theodora the deaconess who lived about 48 years and died on 22 July 539.”
  • Another tombstone found in Delphi, Greece, and belonging to the 5th century remembers a certain Athanasia. “The most devout deaconess Athanasia, established deaconess by his holiness bishop Pantamianos after she had lived a blameless life. He erected this tomb on the place where her honoured [body ?] lies. If someone else dares to open this tomb in which the deaconess has been buried, may he receive the fate of Judas, who betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Nothing less the clerics who were found gathered . . ” (H.Leclercq, Dictionnaire de’Archéologie Chrétienne, Paris 1921, vol. IV, col. 570-571).
  • Another tombstone at Jerusalem remembers the deaconess Eneon who ministered to the sick: “Tomb of Eneon, daughter of Neoiketis, deaconess in this hospital” (Maffei, Museum Veronense, Verona 1749, p. 179).
I would also recommend to you, “When Women Were Priests” by Karen Jo Torjesen

So… go ahead… say it: “priesthood” and “women” in the same breath.

I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone here, nor will I falsely represent myself as a “ROMAN” Catholic bishop (as some silly women priests are doing), but, after 30 years of saying “No” to God when He called me to the priesthood, I finally found a way to say, “Yes” by seeking ordination in an independent Catholic jurisdiction.

Several of my clergy friends are Roman Catholic priests. And although they cannot give me their support publicly, they do offer it to me privately because there are just too many souls who need priests - and not enough priests available.

+Nina Paul
From the third to at least the ninth centuries it is an undeniable fact that women were also ordained to the diaconate. Due to their connections with church leaders, we know some of these women by name:
  • Olympias in Constantinope who was a friend of both St. Gregory of Nazianze and St. John Chrysostom. She was ordained by Bishop Nektarios. Olympias died in 418.
  • Anonyma who ministered in Antioch during the persecution of Julian the Apostate (361-363).
  • Procula and Pentadia who corresponded with St. John Chrysostom.
  • Salvina who was known to St. Jerome and became a deaconess in Constantinople.
  • Severus, Bishop of Antioch mentions deaconess Anastasia in his letters.
  • St. Basil the Great’s sister Macrina as well as her friend Lampadia were both deaconesses.
  • In addition to being a deaconess, Theosebia was also the wife of St. Gregory of Nissa.
At least 28 other deaconesses have been identified, their names preserved on tombstones.
  • Sophia of Jerusalem (4th cent. AD?). The Greek inscription reads: “Here lies the servant and virgin of Christ, the deacon !], the second Phoebe [Rom 16,1], who passed away in peace on the 21st day of March . . . May the Lord God . . .” (Revue biblique, New 1 (1904) pp. 260-262).
  • Theodora of Gaul (present-day France) carried this Latin inscription on her tomb: “Here rests in peace and of good remembrance Theodora the deaconess who lived about 48 years and died on 22 July 539.”
  • Another tombstone found in Delphi, Greece, and belonging to the 5th century remembers a certain Athanasia. “The most devout deaconess Athanasia, established deaconess by his holiness bishop Pantamianos after she had lived a blameless life. He erected this tomb on the place where her honoured [body ?] lies. If someone else dares to open this tomb in which the deaconess has been buried, may he receive the fate of Judas, who betrayed our Lord Jesus Christ . . . Nothing less the clerics who were found gathered . . ” (H.Leclercq, Dictionnaire de’Archéologie Chrétienne, Paris 1921, vol. IV, col. 570-571).
  • Another tombstone at Jerusalem remembers the deaconess Eneon who ministered to the sick: “Tomb of Eneon, daughter of Neoiketis, deaconess in this hospital” (Maffei, Museum Veronense, Verona 1749, p. 179).
I would also recommend to you, “When Women Were Priests” by Karen Jo Torjesen

So… go ahead… say it: “priesthood” and “women” in the same breath.
Just as Deacon refers to a male, Deaconess would refer to a female. So in the same way Priest refers to a male, while Priestess refers to a female.

There is no doubt that there were Deaconesses in the Early Church. St Paul even specifically refers to one. However, unlike Deacons, Deaconesses were not ordained. The role of the Deaconess was also distinct from the Deacon. The role of the Deaconess was to assist in the baptism of females. Period.

Furthermore the term Church leaders is distinct from the vocation to the Priesthood. The primary vocation of the Priest is to be in persona christi when celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Christ is male, and being fully God and fully man, in persona Christi requires a male.

There were also many great women in the Church, and one should not forget those listed in the litany of the Saints. In terms of leadership St Catherine of Siena even scolded the Pope. Yet none of these were Priests. There was not need for them to be.

And if one is arguing for Priestesses in the Church, it does not follow that the existence of Deaconesses is indicative of the existence of Priestesses.
I mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone here, nor will I falsely represent myself as a “ROMAN” Catholic bishop (as some silly women priests are doing), but, after 30 years of saying “No” to God when He called me to the priesthood, I finally found a way to say, “Yes” by seeking ordination in an independent Catholic jurisdiction.
Several of my clergy friends are Roman Catholic priests. And although they cannot give me their support publicly, they do offer it to me privately because there are just too many souls who need priests - and not enough priests available.
+Nina Paul
A few principles here.
  1. Anyone can claim to have a ‘call’ to anything. A call that comes from God however does not in any way contradict the Sacred deposit of Faith handed down to us from the apostles.
  2. The support of Roman Catholic Priests is indicative of nothing. That other people think the same way or many people are repeating the same thing does not make it correct.
  3. The need for more Priest still is not any proof that in should be opened to females.
Any way this whole issue would require its own separate thread and in probably the Apologetics forum. It does not belong here, nor on a pinned thread.
Just as Deacon refers to a male, Deaconess would refer to a female. So in the same way Priest refers to a male, while Priestess refers to a female.

—Nice try! ‘diakonos’ when used for a male is always translated “minister” yet, when used for a female, it’s always translated “deaconess.” Now, why is that?
There is no doubt that there were Deaconesses in the Early Church. St Paul even specifically refers to one. However, unlike Deacons, Deaconesses were not ordained. The role of the Deaconess was also distinct from the Deacon. The role of the Deaconess was to assist in the baptism of females. Period.

—Wrong again - back to history class. Use different sources this time. The ordination rites used were EXACTLY the same for males and females. I will not argue that it’s quite probable that the majority of female diakonos ministered to other women - but not exclusively.
Furthermore the term Church leaders is distinct from the vocation to the Priesthood. The primary vocation of the Priest is to be in persona christi when celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Christ is male, and being fully God and fully man, in persona Christi requires a male.

And if one is arguing for Priestesses in the Church, it does not follow that the existence of Deaconesses is indicative of the existence of Priestesses.

—Sorry, but I’m not buying this. “In Christ there is no male or female.” there’s plenty of tombs for “episcopas” and “presbyterias” as well. Too many for the well-worn argument that they were, “Wives of bishops and priests.”
A few principles here.
  1. Anyone can claim to have a ‘call’ to anything. A call that comes from God however does not in any way contradict the Sacred deposit of Faith handed down to us from the apostles.
I used to think that, too, which is why I didn’t leave Catholicism for Protestant ministry. I assure you, that God has and does call women to sacerdotal ministry.
  1. The support of Roman Catholic Priests is indicative of nothing. That other people think the same way or many people are repeating the same thing does not make it correct.
It’s indicative of their recognition that there are people not being served and a need to reach out where traditional ministry cannot. I have absolutely no interest ministry to active Catholics. My ministry is to the unchurched and to inactive Catholics. The marginalized, the disenfranchised, the wounded.
  1. The need for more Priest still is not any proof that in should be opened to females.
Funny, my cousin the fundamentalist basically said the same thing to me, and my answer remains: “Was I supposed to tell God, ‘No?’” He called me for over 30 years and I couldn’t answer. Frankly, I don’t recommend telling God “No”…

—Nice try! ‘diakonos’ when used for a male is always translated “minister” yet, when used for a female, it’s always translated “deaconess.” Now, why is that?
Diakonos is used in Rom 16:1 when St Paul refers to Phebe. Nothing conclusive however can be drawn from this use of the term for it means “in the ministry * of the Church”, without implying any official status. With specific reference to to Rom 16:1, the use of minister here is a Latinization of English, since the Latin word used in St Jerome’s Latin Vulgate is ‘ministerio’.

However where Deacon is used in Phil 1:1, 1 Tim 3;8 and 1 Tim 3:12, the DRB, RSV, NRSV, NAB, JB, NJB, CCB all retain the use Deacon and not minister. This goes the same for the NIV, ESV, KJV, NKJV, AB, ASV. This follows the use of Diaconis/Diaconos/Diacones found in the Latin Vulgate.

In any case there can be no question that before the middle of the fourth century women were permitted to exercise certain definite functions in the Church and were known by the special name of diakonoi or diakonissai. Whether or not they were ordained clergy is another matter.
—Wrong again - back to history class. Use different sources this time. The ordination rites used were EXACTLY the same for males and females. I will not argue that it’s quite probable that the majority of female diakonos ministered to other women - but not exclusively.
Cite your source then.

In the Apostolic Constitutions, there exists an ‘ordination’ of deaconesses. This was similiar to the ordination of Deacons but not exactly the same. There is a more strongly worded outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for the ordination of Deacons “fill him with the spirit and with power as thou didst fill Stephen the martyr and follower of the sufferings of thy Christ”. Furthermore prayer is made that he “may be counted worthy of a higher standing” a clause which not improbably has reference to the possibility of advance to a higher ecclesiastical dignity as priest or bishop, no such praise being used in the case of the deaconess.

Tthere were no doubt influences at work at one time or another which tended to exaggerate the position of women-helpers. This tendency has found expression in certain documents which have come down to us and of which it is difficult to gauge the value. Still there is no more reason to attach importance to these pretensions than there is to regard seriously the spasmodic attempts ofcertain deacons to exceed their powers and to claim, for example, authority to consecrate. The voice of the Church made itself heard in conciliar decrees and the abuse in the end was repressed without difficulty. The 19th Canon of the Council of Nicaea and the 11th of the Council of Laodicea lays down that deaconesses are to be accounted as lay persons and that they receive no ordination.

First Council of Nicaea, Canon 19: “…We refer to deaconesses who have been granted this status, for they do not receive any imposition of hands, so that they are in all respects to be numbered among the laity.” (AD 325)

Synod/Council of Laodicea, Canon 11: "“PRESBYTIDES, as they are called, or female presidents, are not to be appointed in the Church.” (AD 364)
—Sorry, but I’m not buying this. “In Christ there is no male or female.” there’s plenty of tombs for “episcopas” and “presbyterias” as well. Too many for the well-worn argument that they were, “Wives of bishops and priests.”
So we are talking about the Episcopate, Presbyeterate or Diaconate now?

And yet Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. He is fully human and divine and is male. The Blessed Viring Mary who in bodily form was assumed into heaven and crowned as Queen of Heaven and hailed as Queen in the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by many other titles, also still remains as female. And since the faith does not contradict itself, your use of this concept is simply flawed. The reference to “In Christ there is no male or female” more accurately refers to the fact that Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is his bride, and the fact that God is masculine and relative to that everything else is femine.

It is also a fact that when the married clergy was still prevalent, the wives of Priest and Bishops were granted the use of the title of Presbyteria and Episcopa. Yet as with 3 of the Symbolum Apostolorum, Symbolum Nicaenum, Professio fidei Tridentina, all of which are official Creeds of the Church, Apostolic succession is referenced to. So to claim the existance of female Bishops in the Early one in the very fist place has to find, a line of Apostolic Succession where there was in fact a female Bishop as principle consecrator or co-consecrator.*
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