"Fishers of Men" movie - Download Here!

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I agree with you 100% the first time I watched this movie I was discerning my call to the priesthood. This movie impacted my decision on becoming a priest. I’m only 18 as of right now, but I plan on entering a major seminary once I complete college.
God speed. 👍
You’re right. If Grassroots Films put together a video on religious life; that would be quite an exceptional video.

Pray that more attention is given to religious life, in addition to the priesthood.

here’s a list of vocation videos phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=83513

Fishers of Men along with Fr. Corapi’s talk to seminarians (gloria.tv/?video=zm67qelgrke990zfxbxt) just about sent me knocking down the seminary doors!

next up would be Fr. Corapi’s and Fr. Calloway’s testimonies. their rollercoaster lives really got my tear ducts leaking…

here’s a few more

“EWTN Gallery - An engaging look at the priesthood and its vital importance in Catholic life, this documentary includes interviews with and brief biographies of outstanding priests.”

Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=KrclWB2NDo4
Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=k2pR3h1VZWE
Part 3: youtube.com/watch?v=UgN-fN-MiDk

“EWTN Global Showcase - Completely Christ’s: An exciting and inspirational look at discerning the religious life; featuring Mother Teresa, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, and many others.”
Part 1/6 youtube.com/watch?v=CIyxhHEQN2k
2/6 youtube.com/watch?v=W1Bv4KTnChk
3/6 youtube.com/watch?v=VzP3k-u_wxc
4/6 youtube.com/watch?v=GgeB9awvwPE
5/6 youtube.com/watch?v=Cg-EPbL8dCw
6/6 youtube.com/watch?v=ftZ8_2664kM

and tons more in that phatmass thread. prayers for vocations!
here’s a list of vocation videos phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=83513

Fishers of Men along with Fr. Corapi’s talk to seminarians (gloria.tv/?video=zm67qelgrke990zfxbxt) just about sent me knocking down the seminary doors!

next up would be Fr. Corapi’s and Fr. Calloway’s testimonies. their rollercoaster lives really got my tear ducts leaking…

here’s a few more

“EWTN Gallery - An engaging look at the priesthood and its vital importance in Catholic life, this documentary includes interviews with and brief biographies of outstanding priests.”

Part 1: youtube.com/watch?v=KrclWB2NDo4
Part 2: youtube.com/watch?v=k2pR3h1VZWE
Part 3: youtube.com/watch?v=UgN-fN-MiDk

“EWTN Global Showcase - Completely Christ’s: An exciting and inspirational look at discerning the religious life; featuring Mother Teresa, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, and many others.”
Part 1/6 youtube.com/watch?v=CIyxhHEQN2k
2/6 youtube.com/watch?v=W1Bv4KTnChk
3/6 youtube.com/watch?v=VzP3k-u_wxc
4/6 youtube.com/watch?v=GgeB9awvwPE
5/6 youtube.com/watch?v=Cg-EPbL8dCw
6/6 youtube.com/watch?v=ftZ8_2664kM

and tons more in that phatmass thread. prayers for vocations!
thank you for all these videos 👍 i’m looking forward to watching them all
This was the most inspiring video I have ever watched.

Two thumbs up 👍 👍
I love this Video. I watched it a few years ago and it really helped me in my decision to go to the sem (seminary). I would recommend this to all youth group leaders to show to their group. This a really inspiring and well made video.

God Bless and Mary keep,

That’s the second time I’ve seen that video, second time I’ve cried shamelessly. I want to do that! Let me do that!
I watched it…this is very good.
I’m wondering what it will take the USCCB to put together a 17 minute movie recruiting women to religious life…I’m not saying priesthood…just religious life.
Without an equivalent for women the whole call is distorted and disproportionate. 😦
Why say distorted and disproportionate instead of having understanding and compassion and even obedience. This is the Church’s stand for years why change it? Deal with it sister.
That was a good movie, but where is an equivalent video but for the vocation to marriage? A good priesthood cannot exist without good, Catholic families and marriages to raise future priests.
this is a very good movie… i watched it at the convent that i was at… hehe it made me really think watching this movie on how young men deal with their lives
I watched this movie. I am very religious person and this movie has touched ma heart. I really liked it and suggested them to watch at least ones…
Thanks for sharing the link…
Movie Download
Hey Kevin…
I have downloaded this movie last week. Its really a good story.
Really i liked it a lot… I just you to all atleast watch it once. You will surely gonna like it…
Thanks for sharing the link man…
I saw this posted from 2006. I was unable to get Real Player to play the clip. Does anyone else know where I might find this clip that might play on Real Player. My computer has issues and Real Player thru Mozilla is all that it will play. Thanks!!! John
I love this video. I remember I first saw it when visiting a seminary. The vocation director sat down in front of the tv, and played it. At the end I had to turn my face away so that he wouldn’t see that tears were forming in my eyes. It’s a superb video.
Just watched it and cried. Such a beautiful video! I pray that one day I will have a son that hears the call to become a priest.
Wow… Very Touching and “God in the Streets of NY” as well! We need good men to lead the Church like it has been the past 2000+ years!
Wao0o0o! Really in was great movies. I see many time this movies and downland firstly. …
Although I cannot be a Priest, I pray every day for more of them. This movie was amazing. I love Priests so much. And I’m so glad Imagine Sisters is working on a move for Religious Life. I can’t wait for it to come out!
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