Florida Legislature and Pornography

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I don’t object to the porn laws but you are right that the time would be better spent looking into ways to make schools safer.
One of the biggest dangers children face in school is porn. Making school safer would be getting rid of widely available porn. If a parent kept a gun around the house most people would be outraged. How many parents keep an unprotected computer, tablet or phone around the house which allows their kids to have access to porn? Even if they protect devices because every internet connection is a unrestricted highway for porn their efforts can be thwarted.
Too often, I read how people justify this. I watched the run-up to this. Prior to the 1970s, print magazines were not showing gynecological porn. Then it became OK to publish this stuff? Sure, pornographic photos were available, if you knew who and where, but opening Adult Bookstores everywhere resulted in planned - that’s right - planned addictions. People - especially women - were harmed by the production of this. And right during the “Women’s Liberation Movement” in the 1970s. Sure, the men involved were also doing wrong. But human sexuality is primarily about the next generation of human beings. Turning people into objects for any person’s pleasure is bad. It’s wrong. It puts your thinking in the wrong place. It takes away your time. Time that I, for one, could have used for better things. More fruitful things.

Don’t feel discouraged. God is there for you, right now.
Almost none of the gun owners are murderers. Every single one of the porn consumers is engaging in mortal sin.

Since your original statement was a tired and knee-jerk (is there any other kind with a feminist?) platitude about gun ownership, I think my point stands.
You can’t kill anyone with porn. You can kill them with an assault rifle.

People who watch porn are only committing a mortal sin if they are aware that it is grave matter. However, since you just said in the “Me Too” thread that you think adultery = divorce, I guess I can’t expect you to have too firm a grasp on Catholic teaching.
Partially right on the first count. Dead wrong on the second. But unlike you, I don’t feel the need to continually drag in off-topic snipes from other threads. Keep it in on topic, princess
Just once = continually? LOL get outta here, son.
Once again, we agree on this. I have trouble supporting a law which is a ban, except when it regards something that causes severe harm (like abortion which is murder). It is the Church’s job to distribute the knowledge of the harm of porn, the overuse of drugs, etc…

The smaller the state, the freer the people.
Once again, we agree on this. I have trouble supporting a law which is a ban, except when it regards something that causes severe harm (like abortion which is murder). It is the Church’s job to distribute the knowledge of the harm of porn, the overuse of drugs, etc…

The smaller the state, the freer the people.
Well said.
It’s not a bad paraphrase. Three things are required for mortal sin: grave matter, knowing that it is grave matter, and full consent. If someone doesn’t realize that viewing porn is grave matter, then they’re not committing a mortal/damming sin.
Just going to say my piece:

If pornography causes worse things which we all agree should be crimes – that is, sex trafficking, murder, serial killing – I think that the government should focus its efforts on dealing with those rather than with the porn itself, not because pornography doesn’t influence these things, but because these things are violations of others’ free will, which I think the government has a right to step into. If that porn is being produced by traffickers, charge them with trafficking (and make it easier for the victims to get help – radio and TV ads in Spanish would be a much better use of Ad Council dollars than whatever bilge they’re pushing out right now). If it leads to murder or rape, charge the murderer or rapist.

I think the principal mistake that the people I disagree with make is that they assume, as I tended to do for the longest time, that the state is the only body capable of making influential decisions. This is false. I would much rather support organizations like Fight the New Drug that don’t necessarily advocate banning it but rather offer information to those uninformed and assistance to those trying to get out, rather than hand the Internet’s reigns over to the Feds and watch them burn down the Web and install tools that will let them shut down any site that publishes information they don’t like.

Is it something I’m happy with? No, not particularly. But there’s a lot I’m not happy with that I have to put up with because the alternative is even worse. I happen to think this is one of those times.

Also, can we please be a little more civil? There’s a lot of “you are a bad person” being thrown around right now on all sides and it isn’t pretty.
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As one can see by reading these posts, most Catholics get much more upset about the “evils of sex” than they do the lethal harm created by guns. So the Florida legislators did the smart, politically-savvy, “bait and switch” thing
I think only you see that. Porn isn’t the evils of sex. It is evil because it takes sex out of its proper use and context. Porn is always evil. Guns are never evil. A gun may be, but is rarely, used for evil.
The smaller the state, the freer the people.
True. And the more moral the people the smaller the state. I prefer limited government but limited government ended in the West over a century ago. If we are going to have all powerful governments they could at least do one rather simple thing and ban pornography.

The only places where libertarian principles rule are in regards to sex. That isn’t by accident. A libertine people will not be a free people because they are trapped in their focus on illicit worldly pleasure.
Jesus said:
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
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Yep. :+1:t3: That quote is from Matthew 10:28, from Jesus’ instructions to his Apostles.
@TheAmazingGrace, it is Amazing that you can conduct Graceful discourse in the face of the kind of insults and abuse that @ChunkMonk has been dishing out. I thank you and I hope that your good example leads to greater civility in these forums.
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