Florida Legislature and Pornography

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Murder sends the murderer to Hell, but he still has the chance to repent of his grave crime.
So does the porn user! The murderer damned himself IN ADDITION TO horrifically violating the free will of another.
And if I don’t, I am damned. Million and millions, possibly billions, of people think there is nothing wrong with porn. They watch it, unrepentant, their whole lives. It has been normalized. So much of society sees it as okay.

Since you feel compelled to make this an either / or discussion, the question is, which has a greater impact on society. From both a temporal and eternal perspective, pornography has a significantly greater impact. It hurts more people, and carries with it a guarantee of damnation if a peson does not repent. Give that so many people don’t think it needs repenting, that translates to damnation for far more people than gun violence.

If we were looking at it in terms of this life, I would agree with you. But in terms of eternity, there is no question which is more harmful.
First off, stop making so many individual posts. Seriously, edit, or take your time and compose a single post. This isn’t a race.
They watch it, unrepentant, their whole lives. It has been normalized.
Maybe their guilt can be mitigated by ignorance, then. Nobody’s ignorant of the damage that killing someone does, though.
That’s a really big maybe, and something you cannot assume in the discussion.

Also, the argument that people don’t know it’s wrong doesn’t hold water. You would be hard pressed to find someone of rational age who doesn’t understand it’s wrong the first time they do it. The fact that consciousness become deadened doesn’t change a person’s initial guilt.
How is an unrepentant porn user worse than an unrepentant murderer?
It isn’t. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m talking about the affect it has on society as a whole. There are far more pornography users and makers than there are murderers.

I have to drop out of this discussion, I’m at work and I’m not accomplishing anything. I need to focus on my work, and I have trouble doing that while I’m actively involved in a debate.
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There are far more pornography users and makers than there are murderers.
There are also more thieves and liars than there are murderers. The gravity of a sin isn’t increased by the number of people who commit it.
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Never said it was, stop putting words in my mouth.

I really do have to drop out. Feel free to keep making responses, but I wont’ be able to respond to them.

And, seriously, stop making so many individual posts. Take your time, respond to everything, and do so in one post. This is impossible to keep up with and confusing. This isn’t a race. Collect your thoughts and make a single response, or don’t respond at all.
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And, seriously, stop making so many individual posts. Take your time, respond to everything, and do so in one post. This is impossible to keep up with and confusing. This isn’t a race. Collect your thoughts and make a single response, or don’t respond at all.
Not my problem. I’ll do what I want.
Maybe their guilt can be mitigated by ignorance, then. Nobody’s ignorant of the damage that killing someone does, though.
Why would you assume that? The only reason is porn use is popular. We are sure we all really understand murder is wrong. No one could think murder is right. Yet I would think everyone understood sodomy is wrong, but apparently plenty of people don’t. Some Christians even claim it is good.

The truth is really simple. We all justify our sins, the sins we like, by saying they aren’t so bad or are justified, in our circumstance. And we have some sins we’d never commit and struggle or can’t forgive another person for committing.
The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.
The truth is really simple. We all justify our sins, the sins we like, by saying they aren’t so bad or are justified, in our circumstance.
I don’t struggle with porn. Nor am I trying to justify it.
If you don’t think wishing a person was childless is cruel then I think I understand why you don’t think pornography is immoral a serious problem.
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