Flynn's new letter affirming marriage!

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The right wing claims that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. How is that harsh and unbalanced? :confused:
Moderates like myself have no problem with that. Persecuting gays and using derogatory language while promoting that simple statement is harsh and unbalanced.
Moderates like myself have no problem with that. Persecuting gays and using derogatory language while promoting that simple statement is harsh and unbalanced.
By “gays” I assume you mean those with SSAD?
I mean people who are self-described gays
Then that would be folks who suffer from same sex attraction disorder. Most people who use the term “gay” seem to support the secularist notion that “gays” need to be “out of the closet” and support the popular agenda that SSAD is natural, genetic and deserving of special 'rights".
Then that would be folks who suffer from same sex attraction disorder. Most people who use the term “gay” seem to support the secularist notion that “gays” need to be “out of the closet” and support the popular agenda that SSAD is natural, genetic and deserving of special 'rights".
I don’t make medical diagnosis over the internet.
I don’t make medical diagnosis over the internet.
Accepting that a disorder exists is not making a diagnosis. You are correct in one respect, many who claim to be “gay” may not have SSAD. They may just be deceived into thinking that they are “gay” due to our sick culture.
They may just be deceived into thinking that they are “gay” due to our sick culture.
I think the same about many reactionaries. They have just been deceived into being reactionaries by our sick culture.
I think the same about many reactionaries. They have just been deceived into being reactionaries by our sick culture.
Reactionary was a common term used by the commies. The secular left has appropriated the term. Both groups have a commonality.

Same sex attraction is a deep seated disorder. The happy, clappy, moral law minimizers and compromisers have accepted sodomy as a normal variation because they abandoned logic, reason and the truth decades ago in favor of kumbaya feelings based reasoning. The fruits of that false religion can be seen today in our pop culture and limping Church in the West.
If only the third paragraph read "First as shepherds of the flock of God’s children in the State of Minnesota, we individually and collectively re-affirm and proclaim the unbroken and constant teaching of the Catholic Church, that marriage can only be the life long union of a man and a woman and any attempt to redefine or recast this definition is a distortion of the natural, metaphysical and religious understanding of marriage. In specific, the notion of a so-called “homosexual marriage” is a shame and an outrageous assault on marriage and family."

Conspicuously absent was a definition of what marriage is. Apart from this definition, one’s credibility is upheld in Rome and with the Rainbow Sash.


Daniel Kane:
If only the third paragraph read “First as shepherds of the flock of God’s children in the State of Minnesota, we individually and collectively re-affirm and proclaim the unbroken and constant teaching of the Catholic Church, that marriage can only be the life long union of a man and a woman and any attempt to redefine or recast this definition is a distortion of the natural, metaphysical and religious understanding of marriage. In specific, the notion of a so-called “homosexual marriage” is a shame and an outrageous assault on marriage and family.”

Conspicuously absent was a definition of what marriage is. Apart from this definition, one’s credibility is upheld in Rome and with the Rainbow Sash.


Also conceeds that the civil status quo is a distortion of the natural, metaphysical and religious understanding of marriage.

Sort of like saying we should not cut the horns off a castrated bull because doing so would make him more like a cow!!😃
Sort of like saying we should not cut the horns off a castrated bull because doing so would make him more like a cow!!😃
I love my bull analogy!! I am so clever.:bowdown:

Okay, let me go with it some more.

The Church’s best role in this is not to be giving orders telling people it is a sin to cut off the horn. She shoud put her efforts into reminding people they can do what they want to the bull, its still never going to give milk! :rotfl:
Ray Marshall:
Thanks for posting that, +Veritas+

There is going to be a two evening “entertaining survey of Catholic Evangelization”, from the time of St. Paul to its importance for contemporary Catholic Doctrine. It will be Jan 4 and 6, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Cathedral. It would be nice if some of us will be able to attend. I will be there.
I’ll be there, as Fr. Mike Martin, who is leading the two evenings, is an associate at my parish and I imagine he will have a lot of good things to say. By the way, he is the “tallest Paulist” at 6’ 9 (or there abouts…). He should be easily seen, even at the Cathedral!

I’ll be there, as Fr. Mike Martin, who is leading the two evenings, is an associate at my parish and I imagine he will have a lot of good things to say. By the way, he is the “tallest Paulist” at 6’ 9 (or there abouts…). He should be easily seen, even at the Cathedral!
Can’t wait to hear how this event goes…

I’ve had strong reservations about the Paulists over at the Newman Center, there’s some pretty wacky stuff going on over there… I have to say when I heard from my rector that it was one of the priests from there doing this at the Cathedral that I did a double-take and said, what?

But he was recommended by the evangelization director for the Archdiocese I guess, and I have never heard this particular priest speak before. I hope he’s good. Too bad I’ll be working that night.

I hope people who go to it post here how it went! 🙂

I love my bull analogy!! I am so clever.:bowdown:

Okay, let me go with it some more.

The Church’s best role in this is not to be giving orders telling people it is a sin to cut off the horn. She shoud put her efforts into reminding people they can do what they want to the bull, its still never going to give milk! :rotfl:
First rule in comedy: Don’t be the first to laugh at your own joke.

Still, pretty good analogy.
Can’t wait to hear how this event goes…

I’ve had strong reservations about the Paulists over at the Newman Center, there’s some pretty wacky stuff going on over there… I have to say when I heard from my rector that it was one of the priests from there doing this at the Cathedral that I did a double-take and said, what?

But he was recommended by the evangelization director for the Archdiocese I guess, and I have never heard this particular priest speak before. I hope he’s good. Too bad I’ll be working that night.

I hope people who go to it post here how it went! 🙂

There’s STILL wacky stuff going on over there. At this point, I refuse to listen to one of the priest’s homilies any more as all I seem to hear is heresy from him and he’s not a shining example of living a godly life. And, I DID have a little run-in with the pastor last year over what I consider are illicit penance services. All we can do is pray for our priests. They are human like the rest of us. Mostly I pray that they don’t teach the rest of us false doctrine instead of the Church’s true doctrine and, that for their souls’ sake, they will see the light of Truth before they die. :rolleyes:
I’ll be there, as Fr. Mike Martin, who is leading the two evenings, is an associate at my parish and I imagine he will have a lot of good things to say. By the way, he is the “tallest Paulist” at 6’ 9 (or there abouts…). He should be easily seen, even at the Cathedral!
The Cathedral Bulletin flyer had this bulletted item: **“Meet the biggest Catholic Evangelist in the Twin Cities.” ** I wondered what that meant! 😃

Again, it’s next Tuesday and Thursday, Jan 4 & 6, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Cathedral.
"Also conceeds that the civil status quo is a distortion of the natural, metaphysical and religious understanding of marriage."

Only if you have no understanding of natural law, metaphysics or religion can this “consession” be considered to be remotely accurate.

Civil marriages at least *begin *with the intention of being a life long relationship between a man and a woman (natural law) and the fact that they fail is related in a large part to some distortion on the part of the couple in the natural, metaphysical or religious plane of martial relationships.

To the extent that contraception is involved in heterosexual marriages, you are correct as artifical contraception makes a woman just like a man (metaphysics); a being that can have sex without becomming pregnant. Sort of like the inverse of the bull with no horns…

That is why a minimal number of NFP couples (religious) have failed marriages (some say as low as 3%) and contracepting couple’s marriages fail at a rate well over 50%.

Just one of many examples. One can not distort the natural, metaphysical and religious laws for the convience of one’s self or to satisfy one’s disorderd nature and expect success for the person or society.
Daniel Kane said:
"Also conceeds that the civil status quo is a distortion of the natural, metaphysical and religious understanding of marriage."

Only if you have no understanding of natural law, metaphysics or religion can this “consession” be considered to be remotely accurate.

Civil marriages at least *begin *with the intention of being a life long relationship between a man and a woman (natural law) and the fact that they fail is related in a large part to some distortion on the part of the couple in the natural, metaphysical or religious plane of martial relationships.

To the extent that contraception is involved in heterosexual marriages, you are correct as artifical contraception makes a woman just like a man (metaphysics); a being that can have sex without becomming pregnant. Sort of like the inverse of the bull with no horns…

That is why a minimal number of NFP couples (religious) have failed marriages (some say as low as 3%) and contracepting couple’s marriages fail at a rate well over 50%.

Just one of many examples. One can not distort the natural, metaphysical and religious laws for the convience of one’s self or to satisfy one’s disorderd nature and expect success for the person or society.

Great post and great logic. Facts tend to confuse people.
The recent contremps with the Legionaries won’t play too well in Rome, thus you have to say sumpin about sumpin …remember the Legionaries will be telling their side of things - so while I am glad to see it…I won’t get all dewy eyed.
Any carrot is better than none I suppose. 😦
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