Follow up question: What voting issue could possibly outweigh the murder of millions of unborn babies?

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The Democrats are actively making most of those problems worse. The Republican solution is to let the ingenuity of the American people solve them: allow veterans to go to any hospital at public expense, fund school choice, remove regulations that make construction of housing more expensive and time-consuming, and meeting our Paris Accord commitment even though we’re no longer part of it. To wit, the United States is one of only six countries on continents (i.e. excluding islands in the middle of the ocean) that is meeting the WHO target for fine particulate levels.
A gamma ray burst hitting Earth could be catastrophic, but Betelgeuse isn’t big enough to cause one.
By the way, during the first two years of the Trump administration, the Republicans controlled the House, the Senate, and the White House. They passed no meaningful legislation having to do with Pro-Choice issues. These folks did manage to give the richest percent of our country a huge tax cut. They can one vote shy of destroying what health care their issue. (God bless the late Senator John McCain for his no vote.)
Republicans have controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency for 8 of the last 20 years. (By contrast, Dems have had all three only 2 of the last 20 years.) The Supreme Court has had a GOP-appointed majority for 30 years. And, BTW, no major GOP candidate advocates banning abortion.
How can you be pro-life and cut health care?
Maybe because you don’t want to be forced to buy health insurance, possibly because you think Western medicine is a total con job. (This doesn’t describe me, but people do think this.)
How can you be pro-life and but food stamps.
Because you think that handing people things instead of requiring them to do something for them denies them dignity. (Also not my thinking, but it isn’t an impossible line of reasoning.)
If you believe life truly starts at conception, why are not infants in the womb considered US citizens?
You’re going to suggest we figure out where and when they were conceived? That’s a little invasive.
  1. Raise taxes to finance hospitals and schools and orphanages for these unwanted babies
  2. Pay parents to raise these children, or force people with the financial means to become parents
  3. Guarantee a mother that brings these babies to term a job at the same salary she had when she left to have the baby.
  4. Give women free birth control
  5. provide sex education with an emphasis on abstinence
  6. Fund social programs and safety nets, including education and housing
Help parents raise their children, yes. I don’t think that single adults ought to be left to rot in the street, either, as it turns out. I think our immigration policies are dishonest and draconian, too. On the other hand, I’m not stuck pretending that Donald Trump deserved my vote, because I thought he was a deceitful piece of work and I still do. I wrote someone in that I thought was acceptable.
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That’s not what I am saying. I am saying pregnant women and mother should get free health care.
You won’t find a quarrel with me. The President promised he had a plan to cover everyone. I didn’t believe it, but had he come up with one, that would have been great as far as I’m concerned. We say we’re not willing to let people rot in the streets with curable illnesses. Well, require a co-pay (because Americans do not value things they get for free) but get everybody health care.
I want these babies that would’ve been aborted to have the best health care possible, so raise taxes to do it.
I don’t see that we have an excuse to deny anybody health care, if we’re claiming to be a Christian country. What would the excuse be?
If you are going to force mothers to carry babies to term, you must feed the families.
"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me… whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me…what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me."
That’s the stuff of eternal punishment, right there. Yes, of course we need to make sure people are held to do their own duties, but we don’t have an excuse for failing to feed the destitute.
I’m just pointing out the inconsistencies in the pro-life worldview.
That’s what happens when to anyone tries to listen to the DNC or the RNC instead of the USCCB.
I’m saying the democrats have policies (in general) that are far better in this regard.
The problem is that abortion is by far the number one cause of preventable fatality in this country.
Even if I would never recommend having an abortion or in any way condone it, I do not think we can have a free society if we FORCE women to bring pregnancies to term.
“Pregnancy” is a word that means a woman is carrying a child, a living person.
The solution is not to make abortion illegal, it is to stop unwanted pregnancies.
I think the solution, like the solution to human trafficking, is to get people to see those who are the victims of these situations as human beings. I do not just mean the babies. I mean women and couples who feel pressured to do this or who lack the awareness to understand the gravity of what they’re doing when they procure an abortion.
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Republicans have controlled both houses of Congress and the Presidency for 8 of the last 20 years. (By contrast, Dems have had all three only 2 of the last 20 years.) The Supreme Court has had a GOP-appointed majority for 30 years. And, BTW, no major GOP candidate advocates banning abortion.
Perhaps you don’t understand how our government actually works. No law banning abortion, or putting significant restrictions on it is possible without either a constitutional amendment or the reversal of Roe v Wade. “Control” of Congress is irrelevant.

No Republican has proposed banning abortion for the same reason no Democrat has proposed banning the ownership of guns. Both are protected by the Constitution.

It is true that a majority of justices on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republicans, but that only suggests they would be more likely to reverse Roe than a Democrat appointee, not that they are guaranteed to do so. Still, if Trump gets to nominate one more justice, there is a very good possibility that Roe could actually be reversed. I realize the possibility of overturning that ruling is still an inadequate incentive for many Catholics to support Trump, but it’s something to look forward to nonetheless.
I once made this proposal - which still stands - how about we make a law to ban abortion, but EVERY able-bodies person or couple with an income over $100K MUST adopt at least one child. Let’s have Catholics put their money where their mouth is. If that doesn’t work, let’s raise taxes to fund free education, housing, care and food for these “unwanted” babies.
If that’s what it takes then okay, but America’s politician’s are too incompotent to make any changes towards it.
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So you’re holding the abortion issue hostage. Instead of demanding the democrats end their crusade for abortion, you demand that the republicans change their policies in regards to social benefits.
Isn’t that worth it if it stops abortion?
I say instead, if you don’t want to have babies, don’t have sex.
That’s not a practical solution and there is literally no way to enforce it so the obvious will happen instead.
If this item is fixed by the government, how does this affect whether or not you go to Heaven?
Follow up question: If it gets done by the government at the point of a gun, who gets the merit for it?
Everyone contributes a part so if everything worked perfectly all it would take to have merit is doing it willingly and with the intention of helping others and the part you give will count.
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Only compromise can solve the problem - and Republicans couldn’t care less about actually saving and protecting lives. They just know what Catholics and evangelical hot buttons are - and they press them.
Democrats can easily get the vote if they press those buttons too.
Where and when has there been a true pro-life candidate? I can’t think of one since I can remember and understand the election politic of the US. ((not so much 1980, but more like 1984)

I think the most important issue in the American election is the well-being of the nation’s children. Second most important would be the disabled, elderly, and veterans and their families. Third would be commerce and military.

“The risk of maltreatment is higher for younger children, particularly infants. In 2017, children under age 1 had a maltreatment rate of 25.3 per 1,000, more than twice the rate for any other age group.”

The ChildStats introduction link:

Here are abortion stats from Abort73.

Not pertinent to US election, but informative.

Tommy’s (UK based charity for positive pregnancy outcomes). Known for excellent research of pregnancy loss.

UK/ Wales abortion stats:

I was shocked at how many responses defended “you have to weigh all the issues”, etc.
All of the issues have to be weighed because there is intersectionality within the abortion issue. Abortion is a wicked problem issue. Granted, there are some women who elect abortion for the simple reason that they do not want to be pregnant, ie. the woman does not want to gestate, period. However, most abortions occur for a given reason other than the woman’s desire not to be pregnant.

Certainly we can discern where multiple election year issues such as economy, health care, education, ecology/ sustainability/climate change, nation’s debt, inflation, dollar’s value, military spending, vets benefits, costs of child care, housing, etc can play into an abortion decision depending upon a woman’s circumstances and location.
As evil as abortion is, it will not result in the demise of the human race.
Oh, yes, it will.
“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds…”
Education is a more important issue, in my opinion.
The single issue is that which we received from God: Life.
are probably most accurate.

"Power and the money, money and the power
Minute after minute, hour after hour
Everybody’s runnin’, but half of them ain’t lookin’

It’s goin’ on in the kitchen, but I don’t know what’s cookin’
They say I gotta learn, but nobody’s here to teach me
If they can’t understand it, how can they reach me?

I guess they can’t, I guess they won’t
I guess they frontin’; that’s why I know my life is out of luck, fool!"

Coolio Gangster’s Paradise
The reason I vote against Republicans is because I do not feel that the absolute ban of abortion rights solves the problem.
I think the Democratic approach of increasing health care, providing contraception, sex education, social safety nets, adoption and foster care assistance in conjunction with the support of women’s rights in a far more effective approach.

The inflexible approach of banning abortion without the corresponding social safety net infrastructure, to me, is just as irresponsible as promoting it. If you read the history of the issue, you will see that Republicans never cared about abortion - Roe vs Wade was decided by a conservative majority SCOTUS. Republicans just want your votes and they know what hot button to press - they like nothing more than hearing ‘single-issue voter’. It is music to their ears.

Do you really want to solve the abortion problem? Provide free birth control. It is economically neutral. It is no surprise that abortions go down as health care becomes affordable. The greatest drop in abortions was under Obama. You can argue why, but you cannot deny the statistics.

I once made this proposal - which still stands - how about we make a law to ban abortion, but EVERY able-bodies person or couple with an income over $100K MUST adopt at least one child. Let’s have Catholics put their money where their mouth is. If that doesn’t work, let’s raise taxes to fund free education, housing, care and food for these “unwanted” babies.
But in my experience, as soon a money is part of the discussion, Republicans turn around and run.
You have a warped view of the Republican Party.

Republicans believe in many of the charitable outreaches that you describe, but they believe it should be done by individuals and organizations at the LOCAL level, not the federal level, and they believe in private charities, not government charities funded by taxpayers.

A good example of this is the Rescue Mission in our city, which does NOT receive any government help, but is funded entirely by private citizens and organizations. These citizens and organizations are Catholics, Protestant, Jews, and non-Judeo/Christian religions. Also there are many non-religious individuals and secular organizations that support the Rescue Mission.

It’s considered one of the best in the U.S. with measurable results. The Mission provides not only on-going help for individuals fighting various addictions, including but not limited to alcohol, but also help for women who are in unsafe relationships or settings, homeless people (both those who are seeking to get back into society, and those who refuse to live within walls, homeless children (we have around 1000 children and teens who are living on their own in the streets, gangs, and the unemployed who are seeking job training and skills.

The Mission has a restaurant run by their clients, and also a “restoration shop” filled with antiques and restored vintage pieces
No one is forced to donate to the Rescue Mission through their taxes–if someone disagrees with the approach (Christian) then they are not coerced into supporting it.

(continued next post)
(continued from previous post)

You want more education? Well, the taxpayer-supported public schools in our district are a mess. Only 15% of our public-educated students achieve the MINIMUM test scores on the standardized achievement tests given all over the U.S. And yet, around 3/4 of our local tax dollars support this travesty. Meanwhile our private schools, many of which give our full scholarships to needy kids (thanks to those “rich Republicans” who donate money for these scholarships), are flying high with great test scores.

I could cite dozens of examples just in my city alone of how non-government organizations are more efficient and have a better outcome than their government-funded versions.

The Republican Party makes it necessary for private citizens to stop handing the “job” of helping the helpless over to the government. WE are responsible for helping them! WE are responsible for providing the funding for worthy organizations, and WE are responsible for holding those organizations accountable for a good outcome for their clients.

No more anonymous “programs” that spend more money on paying their administrative staff than actually helping those in need of help. No more easy tax checks–fill out the amount, send it off to D.C., and pat ourselves on the back that we aren’t like those Big Rich Fat Cat Republicans.

Stop listening to the Democrats describe the GOP, and spend some time with your local Republicans.
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I heard an argument some years ago that effected my thoughts on the whole disarmament concern. It went like this:
“God will not give man the honor of global suicide by world-wide nuclear war. That goal of satan will not be allowed. God Himself, directly, will end this world as He, Himself, directly and Personally, created it: on His initiative, at His time, in HIs justice and mercy.”

Men give themselves too much credit when they presume that they are the masters of their own fate. Men have lives to live or to waste, but God alone is the Judge and the One who brings final Justice.
It seems the Democrats have been (pre -“Bernie”) Socialist Lite, and Socialist is just atheistic Communist - Lite. The trajectory for the Democrats (thanks in large measure to Saul Alinsky) toward big-government solutions for all needs of “the people” is:
liberal Democrat - > progressive Democrat → Progressive - > Socialist - > finally Communist, and world-wide rule. God has only a passing, transitory place in this trajectory.

Every Catholic parish in the world, especially in the confused West, needs to “get schooled” on Alensky’s work and effects in the Church !!! See the EWTN video:
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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I want solutions to problems.
I am tired of both parties using issues to divide us.
It is not so much party affiliation as it is political effectiveness.
Also, I believe in rendering unto Caesar and rendering unto God.
I don’t see how any issue could be more important. However, in some parts of the world it just isn’t on the political radar. Here in England, it is very rare to hear candidates mention abortion at all. So you have to vote on other issues. Having said that, if a pro-life candidate did stand I would certainly vote for them.
No, that’s true abortion is rarely mentioned here in the UK.
I see a fundamental difference between abortion, and economic or immigration policies. Abortion is an individual’s decision and a matter for their conscience - the Government isn’t forcing any citizen to have an abortion. Whereas, economic or immigration policies come from on high i.e. the Government, and citizens are affected by them whether they voted for them or not.
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